Wednesday, January 21, 2009

LOST Episode 5.1 - Instant Thoughts

Because You Left

I think everyone can agree with me that this Episode more than made up for the long, long hiatus in the show. It was a very action packed hour and even gave us quite a few answers to long standing questions.

However since I need to sort out my thoughts on a few of those I'm just gonna run through a couple points I found interesting and as always feel free to add your own in the comments section.

1.) We now officially know that they are out of Sync with time, which is something that has been suspected for a few seasons. It didn't happen like any of us expected but it does make me worried that unless they can stop the skipping through time everyone of the survivors will get the same sickness Desmond had where he almost died but was saved by Faraday being his constant.

2.) Things are happening to each of our survivors to make it difficult for them to stay in the real world the way they would like to stay. Instead now Hurley, Kate and Aaron only have one choice they have to go to the island and stay there to be free of jail time.

3.) Marvin Candle from the Dharma training videos certainly seemed to be in charge of the entire Inititative but when the guy interupted the video taping her called him Dr Chey and not Dr. Candle.

4.) Sun has become a hard-hearted individual. Her hate for Ben and her father over Jin's death seems to have poisoned her. She would never before have suggested killing people as her first idea like she did with Kate.

5.) Lastly according to Ben once they get everyone back to the Island they are not ever going to be allowed to leave again.

Anyway there is obviously a lot that got left out here but I'll address as much as I can in the full analysis on Saturday. For now please share your thoughts, theories and just what you liked about it so we can sort this out together. Until Saturday.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Time Has Come

Ok folks we are coming down to the wire on the new season. Season 5 starts next week and already things are shaping up to be quite interesting.

Last night we were treated to the now standard LOST Season review with enhanced footage giving us all sorts of info at the bottom of the screen about everything you can think of that has happened over the years.

But to me the best treat was when they showed a preview into next weeks NEW episode. It showed us Sayid and Hurley going to the "Safe House" Sayid mentioned when he busted Hurley out of the looney bin. Well it didn't turn out to be so safe. Sayid had some seriously nasty tricks up his sleeve though in the form of weapons stashed all around the apartment.

I was on the edge of my seat and it was only a 30 second preview. So now I am going to open up the comments section to anyone who has stuck around all of these many many long months to let your theories run wild. I would like to hear any specualtions that you think this next season will bring us.

I am work right now but when I get home I will add some links to a few videos regarding the next season that will whet your apetite just a little bit more. Anyway I'm glad to be back and hopefully I'll hear from you guys soon!


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Season 4 - Finale - Instant Thoughts

There's No Place Like Home Part 2 & 3 -

Ok so I have to say that this episode was spectacularly done. From start to finish it was jam packed full of action and info that filled in a lot of holes and yet, as always, just gave us so many more questions.

The big reveals are as follows.

1.) The man in the coffin at the end of season 3 is no other than Jeremy Bentham. The name we all vainly tried to pull from the newspaper clipping that we saw so briefly in Jack's hand. Jeremy Bentham was also claimed as the man who was neither friend or family by Jack and who no one not even Kate would go to see. The big question answered though is who is Jeremy Bentham? He is John Locke. Now if we left Locke on the Island then how did he get to the real world?

2.) All of our survivors seem to be seeing "Dead" people, Hurley has admitted to seeing Charlie and Eko, I assume he has seen his girl Libby. Kate saw Claire and Jack saw his dad. I wonder who Sun, and Sayid have been seeing. Either way all of the visions have told them they have to go back but Claire told Kate not to bring Aaron back. However she did not tell Kate to not come back. So I'm guessing that Claire and Christian shephard disagree on what is required for whatever is coming. Does this mean Claire is dead?

3.) The Orchid Video stated that it was built adjacent to "Negatively Charged Space" which allows them to do tests on Time and Space. When Ben went into that "Space" the wheel he turned was not made by Dharma. I am quite sure of this since Dahrma would have made it more durable than wood. The most interesting thing is that there is no great big powerful machine that Ben used to warp off the Island he simply walked into the Negative Space and got spit out in the Desert where it must be "Positively Charged Space" or whatever the opposite is of Negative Space. I guess it's a worm hole of sorts. Did Locke follow Ben off Island the same way?

4.) Sawyer has finished his transformation into a decent guy he not only went after Claire at great risk to himself a couple weeks ago, He willing jumped from the chopper in an attempt to save everyone else. I predict that he will become the Leader of the remaining 815er's and that he will become more like Jack than he ever thought possible. Also if you recall the old Sawyer, he would have pushed Hurley from the chopper in season 1.

5.) I seriously hope that Jin jumped off the boat or survived in the water after the explosion on the boat. Since Daniel Faraday and his boat full of extras got left behind when the Island moved he could easily have picked up Jin afterwards. I hope I hope. Plus Daniel loves Charlotte so he'll be back for sure.

6.) In the epic Chess Game between Ben and Widmore they seem to be gathering our Oceanic 6 to them whether intentionally or not. It seems Sun will side with Widmore to get revenge on Ben for killing Keamy. I believe this since Locke visited people after he left the Island I wonder if he told Sun what happened in the Orchid. Ben seems to have gathered Sayid, Hurley, Jack and possibly Kate to his team so far. I wonder if Desmond and Walt will be required to go back to the Island too.

7.) Lastly an interesting twist, Charlotte was on the Island before and somehow Miles knew about it. Could she possibly be Annie? Ben's childhood friend/love? Or could she even possibly be Ben's true daughter with Annie and he is unaware of her existence?

I'm tired from all of this thinking but I leave the comment section to you guys. Enjoy.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Episode 4.12 - Instant Thoughts

There's No Place Like Home - Part 1

Wow this episode really built us up and left us hanging. Luckily since we know who gets off the Island we can also figure some things out. Overall though this episode really was a great episode.

I'll leave that for my Full analysis but here are a few thoughts.

1.) There was no Desmond on the plane to Honolulu, which means either he is dead or he left them when they reached the Island they caught a flight from. I'm sure he's still alive since there is so much left to his and Penny's story.

2.) Daniel took Jin, Sun, Aaron and three random survivors off the Island on the first trip. Since only two of that load get home, I am going to assume that somehow they all died, probably when that C4 blows up.

3.) Jack's dads funeral took place 10 months after Jack first boarded the plane. Which places that portion of the flash back before Kate's trial. Her and Jack looked pretty chummy, which means he gets all weird now that he knows aaron is his nephew.

4.) The numbers reappeared for the first time in a long time on Hurley's odometer. Even though he freaked out he ended up driving the car at least during his police chase before being institutionalized.

My full analysis later this week will be a little speculatory as to how the finale is going to end since we have a huge show coming up and this was only part 1 of 3 but I'm quite excited. I hope you are too.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

LOST Episode 4.11 - Instant Thoughts

Cabin Fever - Instant Thoughts
Ok due to me only being able to finally watch last week's episode last night I will be first posting my Instant thoughts for this week and then a brief analysis of last week in my next post.

1.) Doc Ray is now dead both inside and outside the Island Time Bubble. It would appear that he was killed and upon floating through the bubble toward the Island that time slowed down to such an extent that he actually went backwards exactly one day. To where he washed up on the beach.

2.) That is the second time a fully loaded gun was aimed at Michael and failed to go off. I guess that the Island really does want him to live.

3.) Alpert has just proven that he is immortal or something he was there when Locke was born and that has been many years and he's still a young man. He could be traveling through time to see Locke or just have a fountain of youth.

4.) I'm not 100% sure but the item on Keamy's arm would appear to be what is called a dead man switch. It is a device used to blow up a bomb. Basically it reads Keamy's heartbeat and if his heart stops before he sets the bomb off on his own, then it will go off on all by itself.

5.) I have a lot of things to add here and my mind is spinning but I'll leave you with these questions. How would they move the Island? What did Alpert's "Pick an Item" game mean? and Why would Claire just happily give up her son and follow her dad who never meant anything to her?

Ok folks let me hear what you thought of this episode, full analysis will be up on Saturday and then we'll be back o n normal schedule.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

LOST Episode 4.09 - Full Analysis

"The Shape of Things To Come"


Ok friends I apologize for the recent delays. I am back from all of my trips and healthy again so there shouldn't be any more delays. I haven't seen the next episode yet but I'll post a full analysis of it tomorrow. Now on to last weeks analysis.

Well I am still floored at all of the info and action that was thrown at us, but I can honestly say that (after watching it a few times) I think it might just be one of the best episodes yet.
The writers skillfully brought everything to a head and wound up quite a few threads but left the door wide open for more.

Time Traveling Man:

I think the biggest question on everyones mind is how does Ben do what he does? From the very beginning Ben showed us what we have only imagined to be real. The Others, or the Island or Dharma or something can defintley send people to other places in the world via a wormhole or machine of some type. We even can see a new logo on his jacket that is remarkablly similar to what looks to be a vortex of some type. It actually reminded me of the old Superman movie for those who will remember when he was trapped in another dimension and his friend fell into a vortex there.


Anyway when Ben first hit the Sahara Desert there was a mist of some type that blew away from him. Now at first I thought it was his breath and that he had come from somewhere cold but when I rewatched him it seemed to actually be dust. I think that when he "Warped" to the sahara he might actually have been a few inches of the ground because when he appeared he hit the ground and the dust got kicked up into the air. This would go along with the fact that he was injured on his arm maybe meaning that he was cut and fell backward into the machine or wormhole and finished his fall on the other side.

Also it seems that he had to drink some sort of concotion to make the trip, because he threw up what looked like orange juice and if you all remember way back in Juliet's flashback they made her drink orange to knock her out before the trip. I speculated back then that maybe the sub was never real and that somehow they warped to the island but used the sub to make people believe otherwise. That theory seems to be more plausible than ever now.

The fact that Ben was wearing a parka leads me to believe that he maybe wasn't sure where he would end up or maybe the station he came from was located somewhere cold. If he wasn't sure where then maybe they don't have as much control over where they go as we think, but then again the Polar bear ended up in Tunisia near where Ben was. Hmm..

Sayid's Deal with the Devil? :

This is the first flashforward that I can remember where we have a specific date that we can gauge it against the rest of the story. Ben asked the girl for the date and it was Oct 24 2005 over a full year since the crash. Rescue has to be coming in the next couple episodes simply due to the fact that they have to have time for everyone of the Oceanic 6 to settle down in the real world again. Sayid gets married to Nadia like many have speculated happened only to have her killed a short time later.

Now Ben is certainly a ruthless man and is not about emotional blackmail but one thing I am sure of is that the man Ben said killed Nadia is probably the guy who did it. This man Ishamel was following Sayid for some reason we'll not know right now but the fact is that he was around Sayid's house in LA when Nadia was killed.


We can say that Ben doctor the photo all we want but he didn't do it in between his run from the roof where sayid spotted him to the alley below where he showed Sayid the story. The odds of anyone else having been in those two spots besides the murderer are slim at best.


What surprised me is that Ben wasn't aware of something for the first time in a while. He didn't seem to know Sayid was following him until Sayid killed Ishmael. Ben true to form changed his plans instantly. There is no doubt that he knew that by telling Sayid it was bigger than just this guy that Sayid wouldn't stop with just killing a peon he would want the leader of the enemy. Sayid made his deal and became Ben's personal hitman all on his own but that doesn't mean he wasn't manipulated.


The Barracks Assault:

When Alex was taken to the fence she entered the same code that Juliet did when she pulled her and Kate inside the fence to be safe from Smokey this time we found out that somehow it also triggered an early warning system. This automated system called a phone in Ben's house that could serve no other purpose since it didn't have buttons.


What followed was a very enjoyable little war. On a humorous note watching the extras get picked off one after another while Sawyer dodged machine gun bullets was great. It reminded me of a comment someone on the Blog once made about Star Trek red shirts being cannon fodder. Especially since one of the guys wore a red shirts.

What struck me as odd was Sawyer going out of his way to save claire. Now I know he has been growing into a real person lately and that it is most likely leading up to him being the del facto leader when Jack leaves the island but it still felt a little off at first. Upon watching it a second time though I saw that he went to get Claire and warned a few others before the bullets started firing. Also after he got to Claire's house the war stopped while he went back to the main house with Claire. The purpose as we know was to make Sawyer mad enough to give up Ben and it almost worked.

That is until Ben got mad. This Island has always seemed to require people to make sacrifices for what they would probably consider the greater good. Ben wasn't prepared to make the sacrifice of his daughter and was so confident that it wouldn't happen he tried to bluff his way out of trouble. He failed and Alex died.


Martin Keamy is going to be the one who ends up killing a few people on this Island. I have a feeling we can expect a blood bath in the next little while. He certainly doesn't like to lose and he just lost all of his men to Smokey's awesome destructive powers.


The Body on the Beach:

What a let down this was. The episode synopsis made it seem that it would be difficult to figure out who it was and that it would be important to the story. They made it so easy. I mean heck Doctor Ray's body washed up right next to Daniel and Charlotte who simply told everyone who he was.


The only question that is still out there is how did he die? My guess is he was on the "Mission" with Frank and the Mercenaries and he got out of hand. Keamy probably killed him and dumped him out of the helicopter as they flew. The only purpose he will serveis warning the Beach that trouble is on the Island again. Especially when Claire, Sawyer, Miles and Aaron come out of the woods. Assuming they all make it.

Overall Story :

We now see the shape that this show is going to take. Ben takes his private war to the enemy and enlists Sayid along the way all in the name of revenge. He has now threatened Widmore with the death of Penny. The fact that Widmore is racing to get to the Island, Desmond is racing to get to Penny, and Ben is racing to kill her is going to make this show only speed up the story line. To see who will win.

What intrgiued me the most was "The Rules" that both Ben and Widmore mentioned. What are the Rules? Who else is involved? and How long has this been going on?

Widmore stated "The Island is Mine, It always was, it will be again". Could he somehow be an Island Original in an epic battle through time trying to retake his home from Ben?

He also said "I know who you are boy, What you are.." This could elude to the fact that Ben also moves through time like Widmore used to do.

The last widmore fact I want to mention is that apparently one of the Rules is that Ben can't kill Widmore and the other way around. Also it seems rule #2 is that family be left alone. Or it was before Widmore broke it.

Tidbits :

- The Secret Room in Ben's house seems to be of an ancient culture. It has Heiroglyphics all over it.

- Pill Popping Jack seems to be getting ill. Not to tell any spoilers but on the preview ABC aired right after the show they say it's his apendix. Could this be not only the reason he has to go on the first chopper out but also what helps him get hooked on the meds?

- Claire was not in the house when it blew up. In this picture you can clearly see she is out back of the house on the grass covered in clothes and next to the clothes line. She wasn't magically healed or protected she was outside.

- And Lastly the game of RISK. In the game of risk you can't win unless you kill all of your opponents pieces, much like Ben and Sayid are doing to Widmore. Also Hurley made a comment that "Australia is the key to the whole game".
This show started in Australia when the plane took off from Sydney. Hurley heard the numbers from a guy from Australia. Bernard and Rose went to Australia to be "healed", Claire's mysterious Psychic who affected her and Mr. Eko is in Australia. The whole story and how everyone got to be here centers around Australia. What if it all ends there too?

Ok folks It's time to analize my thoughts. So get to it.

Friday, April 25, 2008

LOST Episode 4.9 - Instant Thoughts

"The Shape of Things To Come" - First Reactions

Jason's One Word Review - Mind-blowing

It's hard for me to think of anything that could have made this episode any better than it was. We had a shoot out, Smokey vengenace, and finally some truth. Let's go over a few topics here...

1.) Who else got the feeling that Ben just physically warped to the Sahara? That would go a long way to explaining the Polar Bear and why Ben didn't care if he blew up the Submarine.

2.) Sayid was not Co-erced into joining Ben. Well at least not outright. We know Ben is a master manipulator.

3.) The Game of Risk? Was it a hint? "Australia is the key to the whole game"

4.) How many times have Ben and Charles done this little dance? Enough for each to know the rules

5.) And lastly how great was it to see Smokey come rushing out of nowhere to kill Ben's enemies on command.

Those are the points that really jumped out at me but there is so much left. The full analysis might be a long one. Haha.

The comment section is yours.
