Wednesday, May 23, 2007

LOST Season 3 Finale - Instant Thoughts

Through the Looking Glass - Instant thoughts.
OH MY GOODNESS! Ok so we just got thrown for the biggest loop of our LOST lives. We find out that yes indeed Charlie turning off the machine did "save" everyone. Except Jack seems to disagree with that "saved" part now that he's had to return to normal life.

The entire show as we know it just changed directions, the title through the looking glass could never have been better named. In the story "Through The Looking Glass And What Alice Found There", Alice from Alice and Wonderland begins to wonder what lays beyond her bedroom mirror. She focuses on it so much she somehow either falls through her mirror or climbs through it into another world. This world is bizarre to say the least, there are books written completely backwords like you would have to hold them up to a mirror to read them. Everything is completely off the normal path.

The writers of this show just shoved us through the mirror into a world which to us seems backwards because now the flashbacks will be to the island and not life before.


Every flashback that we have ever seen is now in question what has taken place before the crash and what has taken place after. They lead us to believe all through this episode that Jack was flashing back and I just couldn't figure out where they fit in his storyline. It HAD to be a flashback because he spoke about his dad, who we know is dead, but then it gets turned upside down and Jack has clearly gone crazy or has lost track of time. He referenced his father twice once when trying to get more pills he knew his dad wouldn't be able to verify his forged prescription because he's dead so he left the pharmacy and second he told the doctor to call down his dad and see who was more drunk. When he did that the doctor looked at him very concerned because as he told Jack when they first met he is the Chief of Surgery now not Jack's dad once again because he's dead.

Small Tidbits:

-Who died? It had to be someone either from the plane but who? Jack said at the funeral home he wasn't friend or family but it was someone both he and Kate know so it had to be someone from the island. Who do Jack and Kate both dislike enough to not consider him friend? Ben? Locke? Michael?

-When Jack was sprawled out on his floor at home he had maps of the pacific and of known Islands scattered around him on the floor he really wants to go back.

-Kate lives with someone who wouldn't be happy if he knew she was with Jack, my guess is it's Sawyer. I think Kate settled for him when they got back because she doesn't believe she deserves Jack and even though on the island Sawyer respected Jack enough to not kill him off the Island they have no need to work together and a girl to the mix and the hate will flow freely between them again.

-Jack did not like being called a hero for saving that mom and child because the last time he was a hero he got everyone off the island and instantly destroy the life path he feels he should have followed.

-Charlie shut the door to keep Desmond out so that he wouldn't die. He more than paid Desmond back for all the times he saved Charlie.

I'll post a full break down by Saturday like normal but this is going to take awhile to puzzle out all the meanings and where the show can go from here. Until then post your comments if you can think clearly haha.



Anonymous said...

That was a crazy episode. I couldn't believe that it was a flash forward. Jack kept referring to his dad, so maybe the crazy island magic brought him back to life or something. And I totally thought Locke would be paralyzed again when he couldn't move his legs.

Hey do you think there's a chance that Charlie isn't really dead?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking maybe it could be Juliette's funeral. It would make sense why Jack is so upset and why Kate was mad like, "why would I go"? We don't know what happens in between the rescue and the flash-forwards, so maybe she really does end up betraying them somehow, that would make her not be a friend. But it also seems like someone would likely attend her funeral. It seems like Jack is making it his mission to get back to the island, but when this person died, he wanted to give up and kill himself. Who dying would make him want to give up that hope? I can see both Ben and Locke having nobody attend their funeral, and also having answers as to how to maybe get back to the island.

Anonymous said...

What if the woman and young boy who Jack saved were Claire and Aaron? I wonder how far in the future we got to.