Thursday, January 31, 2008

LOST Episode 4.1 - Instant Thoughts

"The Beginning of the End"

Well after all the hype leading up to the new season of LOST, I'm not really sure where to weigh in on this one.

I found it thoroughly enjoyable to watch but not nearly as exciting as I expected. I guess I'd give it 3.5 out of 5 stars. Just a few thoughts...

- The Oceanic 6 - According to Hurley he is one of the Oceanic 6. We can only assume that 6 people do indeed leave the island. We have Jack, Kate, and Hurley for sure plus I'm sure Sun will be in the group because she's pregnant and Jin but who would be #6? None of the couples would leave their other half behind on the island so that takes out Rose, Bernard, Claire and Aaron. Now this is assuming that more than 6 survive the possible annihilation of the island.

- Naomi - Ok Naomi is really dead now which I found to be really bad story telling. Seriously a woman with a giant knife in her back, pulls out the knife, makes a fake trail, climbs a tree, attacks Kate and then runs out of energy? Yeah ok. But we did learn somethings, beyond being really full of life, she has a sister who sounded like she'd be along shortly.

- The Great Divide - Our survivers have been splintered into groups on many issues before, but I have a feeling that this will be the last time. Hurley seems to switch sides from Locke to Jack at some point in the future but I wondered while watching if, one group was almost wiped out or if they remain baricaded behind the sonic fence of the others.

Either way I expect the next 47 episodes before this show ends to tell two different stories, like opposite sides of a coin.

Ok I know there is more to discuss but it's late so please add your own thoughts and on Saturday I will post my full analysis.

Happy LOSTing



Anonymous said...

Glad to see you up and running again Jason! I'm SO glad Lost is back. I missed it a lot.Now I have to start getting more sleep so I can understand everything =-)

So Hurley keeps seeing Charlie, what's up with that? Is he crazy or is thsi another island disappearing act, like Walt?

I'll check back for your comments on Saturday, happy Losting!

Anonymous said...

Here's something to ponder. Why did Naomi have a picture of Penny and Desmond and know who he was when she saw him? I still want to believe that she's not so evil and that her shipmates aren't out to blow up the whole island. I dunno, maybe I'm too soft. Hahaha.

But Jack and Hurley have a secret. "Are you going to tell anyone" sort of secret. And teh Oceanic Six are like heroes or celebrities or something. It makes me wonder what went down because everyone seems so unhappy with how things ended. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

YEah, how does Ben know it's such a bad thing to leave? How does he know anything about Naomi?
He does seem truly scared though because he told Danielle to get Alex out of there. Did anyone see if they did go??

Anonymous said...

I cried when Hurley wrecked that car. That hurt my soul. LOL

Anonymous said...

Who are the oceanic ssix? I think they are: Jack, Hurley and Kate, obviously, but then also Claire, Aaron and Sun.

Jason said...

There could be many reasons for Naomi knowing about Desmond.

1.) She could be from Penny and just part of the group Penny has looking for him but may not know her by name.

2.) She could be from Penny's dad to stop Desmond and Penny from ever getting back together.

3.) She could be from Dharma and since Desmond worked in the hatch with Kelvin maybe they know of him.

I'm sure there are other options. Thanks for the comments guys and keep them coming! :)

Anonymous said...

my husband's thought on the oceanic six was that only the americans would count as the others would have gone back to their countries of origin - which means not counting sun and jin, or claire . . . what do you think?