Thursday, February 28, 2008
LOST Episode 4.5 - Instant Thoughts
This was an absolutely fantastic episode in my opinion because we learned that Desmond is not alone with his flashes. Others have and can be affected too. To bad Minkowski died before he could tell us what year he was visiting.
Just a few quick thoughts tonight to think over.
1.) If Desmond's mind from 1996 goes forward in time and takes over the body in 2004 what happens to his mind from 2004? Did it just switch places or was one of them supressed for a while until he was able to get his bearings again?
2.) Did the guys on the boat look more like mercenaries to you than they did crewmen? Every single one was in great shape and I thought I saw tattoos on most of their arms. Maybe they just work hard on the boat though.
3.) Now we know why Penny was sending out that signal constantly and why she was the one on the screen when Charlie turned it on. She was waiting very anxiously for Desmond. Somehow she found out what to look for (The elctromagnetic readings), maybe she speaks to Daniel Faraday which could be why Dan look very uncomfortable when Desmond asked about Penny. He knew that Desmond had to get on that chopper to start the loop over.
If he hadn't he wouldn't have skipped wouldn't have met Dan, taught him to "time travel", called Penny to have her looking and waiting, and everything would have changed.
4.) Charles Widmore bought a Journal from one of the Hanso's who served on The Black Rock. How did they get the journal if the boat vanished with all of the crew and and Mr Hanso aboard? Was it recovered by Dharma?
I'm going to do my best to sort all of this out in my full analysis but it makes my head spin as I'm sure you understand.
The Comments are open so have at it.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
LOST Episode 4.4 - In Depth Analysis

My best guess is that whatever happens to the rest of the 48 people it appears that 8 of our survivors actually do get off the Island but somewhere between them reaching the freightor and getting back to civilization 2 of them get killed or die by accident. My updated list of the "Oceanic 8" is as follows

One question has finally been cleared up assuming Kate didn't lie to Sawyer she's not pregnant. I think that while Sawyer came off as a big jerk when he was happy she wasn't, I think it might also be that he was honestly happy that if they didn't leave the Island she wouldn't die during pregnancy. Unfortunatley he doesn't express himself well.
"The New Deal"
Miles is an interesting guy it is clear from his flashback that he is money driven and while he seemed to be talking to Ben outright about wanting money to keep quiet a comment from our friend Homeslice in the comments section has made me take a deeper look at it. "When the "popup" episode was on last night, and they were showing the scene with Sayid, Desmond, etc. leaving the island in the helicopter, there were some popups that said something about Ben telling Walt and Michael when they left the island to stay on course bearing 325. It seems as though Walt and Michael got off the island, and presumably followed course bearing 325 to do so.We were talking about how pretty lame the "encounter" between Ben and Miles was on the new episode last night and how it seemed so basic for Miles to extort Ben with the demand of 3.2 million dollars, and, like Ben said to him, why didn't he ask for 3 million, even, or 3.1 or whatever. Well, remember that Miles also said that he wanted it in 5 days. "325".We think that Miles and Ben were talking in code because Kate was there and she had denied Miles' request for some privacy. We think that Miles was telling Ben that he was not the only one who knew how to get on and off the island, Miles did, too - follow course bearing 325. That is why he said to Ben something like "Don't treat me like them, I'm not stupid." He was telling Ben, I know how to get on and off the island, and so do the people I work for, and it's only a matter of time before we get you."
I think that she hit on something here but it did need one small adjustment. Miles actually gave Ben 2 days to get the money and Ben asked for more time, a week to be exact. I think that Ben may have asked for the additional 5 days as a way of telling Miles he got the secret message. Miles isn't stupid he knows that with him and Ben both tied up there is no way they could make a money transfer so it has to be a secret code. I wonder how Locke will handle it.
"Dictator Locke"
He doesn't seem to be doing very well lately does he? He lost his temper with Ben despite his best efforts and looked like a fool in front of Sawyer because of Kate's plan. Plus when he couldn't find the Cabin people definitely noticed it.
I can see his actions leading up to another split in our survivors, people who don't want to follow Locke but don't trust the rescue team either. It will be very interesting to see what happens.
Locke is not taking control of the situation he is solely reacting to what happens a perfect example is Miles. Locke in trying to look like he is in control went a little to far, if anyone else sees he stuck a gernade in Miles mouth then it's going to get really bad for him really fast.
Even though Locke has no problem killing for the safety of the Island I don't believe that the gernade is live. Locke is a quick study and he is learning rom Ben that the more people you can control through tricks and mind games the more you can make go your way. Unfortunatley where Ben makes people think it is their own ideas, Locke enforces his own.
Odds and Ends -
Hurley watched the movie Xanadu. From what I understand Xanadu is a metaphor for wealth -- and it was in Ben's house that it was played and Miles is demanding wealth from Ben.society
Xanadu can also refer to a utopian society. The others and whoever agrees with Locke all seem to want to build one.
Mind Games - Daniel and Charlotte were playing an interesting game of cards on the beach.
I'm not sure what it means but I have two ideas.
1.) Daniel was referred to as a headcase by Naomi and in Confirmed Dead he was shown with a caretaker. Maybe Daniel has short term memory loss and him and Charlotte were checking to see if the Islands powers were helping him yet.
2.) He could have been doing a sort of Psychic test. Where he was telling Charlotte what cards they were without looking at them.
Either way it bothered him that he only got two out of three.
Team Rescue - It seems that we have a division in the people on the freightor. Our rescuers have a secret phone line that Regina answers but not Minkowski. I think this is the same line Daniel called when doing his payload time test with Regina and Frank told him to hang up if Minkowski got on the phone.
I'm not going to get into the chopper not being at the boat since next week is all about that group but I will say I think they are fighting against the flow of time to get back to the boat which probably removed them from time or they would have run out of fuel already.
Anyway more next week but until then post your comments and your craziest thoughts too! Happy LOSTing.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
LOST Episode 4.4 - Instant Thoughts
Ok this episode seemed a little bit slow moving and a at the same time somehow more light hearted than it really should have been.
I only have a couple points to put out there for now.
- The Story - Jack goes to bat for Kate in court and tells the jury about how only eight people survived the crash and how Kate saved them all by caring for them. This info seems to destroy my prediction that they never told anyone about the Island and it also means that 8 people did come back to society but two of them came back as bodies. Clearly one of them has to be Claire but who can the other one be? I still vote Sun and Jin are in the "Oceanic 6" so my guess is it either Locke or Sawyer.
- Family Matters - Two quick points here, Kate has changed alot on this Island she has even possibly gained that redemption that so far has seemed to elude some of her fellow survivors. She has grown from thinking of only herself to very selflessly taking Aaron as her own son. Not a small task.
My second thought is that Jack clearly has problems with seeing Aaron but why? Does he find out Claire was his half-sister or was he somehow responsible for her possible death? Could he know Aaron is his nephew and guilt keeps him away? hmm.. either way this could be one of the items that pushes him over the edge and also be why he was so involved in the boy and woman who he saves on the bridge later.
- The Deal - It doesn't seem that Sayid traded Kate to Locke or that he lied to Jack, she stayed with Sawyer on purpose. I wonder why? What could she have been looking for besides info from Miles? She had plenty of time during the hike across the Island to ask him what he knew.
Either way I really enjoyed this episode. How about you? Comment away!
Friday, February 15, 2008
LOST Episode 4.3 - Full Review and Analysis

Ok Folks due to Valentine's Day being on the same day as LOST, I elected to write only one review this week a full review on Friday and to spend the night with my wife Jules. So instead of two posts one day after the other here is everything from this week.
This was a very well placed Episode because just when you think they can't throw you for any really big loops they show us how wrong we are.
I figured Sayid would be one of the Oceanic 6 (Sun and Jin are my two for spots 5 and 6) because I just couldn't honestly see him as being a guy whose is willing to send everyone else into the waiting arms of a crew of people have been shown to be liars. People like Naomi who send secret messages almost getting them all killed for what Locke.
The entire world is aware of the Oceanic 6 and who they are because not all of the "6" are americans they come from around the world yet another reason for Sun and Jin to be involved. This makes it very interesting that Sayid has gone back to be an assassain since he would be very easily recognized if anyone ever finds out that one of the "6" are after them.
Before I breakdown the future sayid and his actions I want to get to some on Island stuff. Sayid's actions on the Island all seem to make sense he thinks of a way around the deal to rescue Charlotte yet not allow all of the "Rescue Team" to get together and that is smart because it keeps them and whatever plans they have in check.
The Cabin / Prison?
Last week we saw that Locke and Ben were both very surprised with Hurley mentioning that the mystery cabin was in a different spot than they both expected and we also saw that it can apparently appear and disappear at will. Jacob is very powerful indeed.
When they get to where the cabin should be, as we probably guessed it was gone. Locke bent down and picked up something that looked similar to ashes maybe volcanic ash or gun powder. Last season when Ben took Locke to the cabin we saw that this ash formed a ring around the cabin. I wonder if the ash was put there as some sort of a barrier to keep Jacob imprisoned and under Ben's power.

My guess is that with Ben losing grace or with Locke's rise to power somehow whatever keeps Jacob contained faltered and now he's out. It also would seem that his powers extend beyond the Island because we see Charlie appear to Hurley and some else saw Charlie too.
Time after Time

All throughout the LOST universe there have been many many theories and discussions about how the island is out of sync with the rest of the world, surprisingly we now now exactly how out of sync it is. 31 Minutes to be exact. This explains a lot about the difficulty we have seen in leaving the Island and the problems in getting here too.

1.) When Desmond tried to take his boat and leave the Island after three weeks he landed near our survivors beach and claimed we were in a snowglobe and never could leave.
2.) When the choppers come through this "time barrier" the end up speeding up through time and because of this all the electrical systems short out and half to recalibrate and the chopper itself speeds up and loses control causing them to crash.
3.) Lastly it also explains why the Sub was necessary since it might be able to go under alot of the difficulties the field presents and it shows why new people to the Island are knocked out so they don't freak out when things get difficult.
Now here is the problem I see if time speeds up the incoming choppers, the outgoing ones are going to have a very hard time going against the force that I assume will be pulling them back in. I assume that whoever created this Island and it's Time bubble new that they had to have a way out so they probably left one weak point which is the coordinates that Ben gave Michael to take to get home.
Sayid, Elsa, and The Economist
Sayid does indeed get off the Island and in the future he is a hitman for no other than Ben who just moments before on Island he said he'd never trust and that the day he did was the day he sold his soul. Now what would drive him to work for Ben? It was alluded to by Ben that something happened the last time Sayid trusted his heart and not his Gun and that he is only working for Ben to protect his friends.

Are these friends the people who didn't make it off the Island or the people who did?
Either way there is apparently a list of people that have to be killed before whatever is a threat to his friends can be gotten rid of permanently. First we have Mr Avaline an italian man who seems to be pretty well of and connected enough to get onto a very private golf course.

When he first met Sayid he was very friendly and outgoing but as soon as he found out who Sayid was he definitely got very very nervous and even tried to get away from Sayid very quickly. He clearly didn't make it.
Later he was sent to make contact with Elsa a German woman who supposedly works for an Economist who remains un-named but along the way we learn that she knows who Sayid is and has been using him to reach whoever his boss is. The irony of them using each other is fantastic and the ending is sad I honestly think Sayid cared for her when he shot her which makes me wonder whatever happened to his love Nadia.

He mentioned once that she was dead but we saw in one of Locke flashbacks that she had just bought a house in California and since Sayid never reached LA how does he know she's dead? Either way it doesn't seem he has a very good track record with women he cares for.
Odds and Ends
- Sayid takes Naomi's bracelet off of her wrist and it has an inscription which obviously means something what surprised me is that it seem that Elsa had a bracelet of the same make. Could her employer the mysterious economist be the same person who gave Naomi her bracelet?

- Hurley showed a new side to himself in being the bait and betraying his friends to Locke and his group. He didn't seem to be very excited about it though which probably helps him switch back to Jack's side.
- Sayid found a secret room at Ben's house which contained luggage and clothes from the outside world, but even more interesting was the thousands of dollars from all over the world and Passports from all over also. Ben has stated that he has never left the Island since he came here at age seven with his dad, obviouly he lied. This also lends some weight to the picture Miles had of him going through what looked like a customs check point.
- This list of people he has for Sayid to kill is the second list that Ben has made of people who he deems important. The first list is the one he sent Ethan and the others to make of our survivors.
Ok folks there yeah have it. Post your comments and your likes and dislikes of the episode. I love hearing what you think just as much as I hope you enjoy my thoughts!
Happy LOSTing
Saturday, February 9, 2008
LOST Episode 4.2 - In Depth Analysis
Ok so I rather enjoyed this episode and the background it gave us. I know a lot of people were a tad bothered by them introducing even more questions before they answered some of the big ones but then again this is LOST haha.
I actually found the background to be very helpful in answering quite a few questions, here are my top questions.
1.) Was there really a wreckage found? Or were Naomi and Anthony Cooper lying about it?
2.) How come Dharma never came looking for their people when they simply just vanished and never responded again?
3.) How did Locke survive getting shot?
4.) What is the Smoke Monster?
Ok now we didn't get a clear answer on what the monster is but Ben certainly didn't seem to be lying because he was about to die but the others were answered and I'll review them in turn.
"Flight 815...?"
Flight 815 was definitely found or something that the world believes is flight 815 but clearly some people didn't believe it and it probably doesn't sit well with many people that no recovery effort was made because the plane was to far underwater supposedly.
Now as mentioned in my initial thoughts I believe a powerful group is behind the staged plane wreck and I think that it is The Maxwell group but the question is why? Why would someone go to all that trouble and leave all those people stranded?
My best guess is somebody at The Maxwell Group found out that Dharma had been wiped out on the Island and decided to take whatever scientific benefits they had discovered about the Island for themselves but to do that they certainly couldn't have the world looking for the survivors of 815. Imagine if the world as a whole had uncovered that Island, The Maxwell Group would have lost all the advantages the Island could present them whatever they might be. So they had to stop the world and to do that they staged the wreckage where nobody could go to really verify if it was the really plane.
This also allowed them to take all the time they needed to put together a "Special Team for their first trip to the Island. So Naomi spoke the truth partly there were no survivors on that plane and that is just how it was meant to appear but it wasn't 815.
"The Special Team"
Now we already know alot about Naomi but we learned here that she had a secret meeting with Matthew Abbadon and that he put her in charge of a special team. This was a very intersting team to be going into what I would consider hostile territory but after really thinking it over it seems that each person has alot to offer this team.
Daniel Faraday -
Naomi referred to him as a headcase in her meeting with Abbadon, and he certianly seems loopy enough to be a fellow patient in Hurley's Quack Shack. We also learned that he is a physicist, and he even commented during this episode about how the light on the island is weird and doesn't scatter properly. Now, there have been many theories that this island is invisible, and the weird light could certainly lend credence to that thought, but the thing that really sticks out to me is how twitchy and cautious Daniel is. He seems to be afraid of Miles at least. I wonder if Dan's coming to the island was his choice.
Miles Straum - The Ghost Buster
Miles is certainly the most careful of our group. He refuses to help unless persuaded and was tight lipped about everything right up until the end of the show but he definitley has value in this group. Miles seems to be able to converse with displaced spirits or the dead or something. He clearly was sent on this mission so he could talk to the island or Jacob or whatever power is hiding behind the scenes.
Charlotte Staples Lewis - C.S. Lewis?
We have seen many famous names used in this series some examples are Philosophers, John Locke, (Desmond) David Hume, Henry Gale from The Wizard of Oz and many many others are being used now. I'm not sure if that will play a part in the end story, but it certainly is fun.
Anyway, Charlotte is an anthropologist, and she clearly doubts the 815 coverup. What is more interesting is that she seems to know about Dharma. She did not just stumble across that polar bear in the deserts of Tunisia, she was looking for something all along and it shows when she decided to dig right at the neck of the Polar Bear and found its collar. I'm not sure how she fits into the team fully, but she might be there to try and form a peace treaty with the others, especially if she's a cultural anthropologist. Charlotte also seemed to know about the baby problems on the island since she was so surprised Claire had Aaron there.
Frank Lapidas - The Drunk
Frank it seems was supposed to be the pilot on that fateful flight from Sydney to LA. It would seem he got removed from the plane due to him being an alcoholic, but it also made it so he knew the pilot on that plane very well, well enough to know that wasn't him underwater in the fake wreckage, and that is why he got recruited to the team. Not only can The Maxwell group use him because he's an experienced pilot, but they now know he's not going to be ruining their coverup because they control his only way home, the freighter.
"The Spy"
Ok last thoughts I have are on how Ben got somebody onto that freighter and is using them as a spy. My guess is that it is Michael and Walt on the boat. When they left the Island, Ben told them exactly what heading to use to "escape" the Island, I think he knew from outside sources that the freighter was coming and sent Michael to them. There is no way Michael and Walt could have survived all this time in that rusty old boat in the ocean, and he certainly would have taken the opportunity to get on board the freighter where they have beds and food and all that, so I expect to see him in the near future.
Plus Ben specified he had a "man" on the freighter not a person. But the question I have is this: if Ben knows that they are coming for him, why would he give up his secret source right in front of Charlotte? She's certain to tell when she gets the first chance.
Last Thoughts -
This picture of Ben seems to have been taken off the island, maybe at a custom check point or something, which is probably how they found out he was still alive even though most Dharma folks had all been killed. Oh, and I mentioned that I think Naomi's meeting with Abbadon was a secret because if you look at the picture they are meeting in a completely empty office building. No furniture, no people, and once they leave no proof anyone was ever there.
Ok friends that's it. The comment section is open so have fun!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
LOST Episode 4.2 - Instant Thoughts
So to start us off this week first I'd just like to thank everyone who commented this last week. You gave me some interesting things to contemplate. keep them coming.
For those who followed the link you discovered as we did tonight that The Christiane I is the boat who found the supposed wreckage of flight 815. Now we know that this wreckage had to have been faked and setup since the majority of the plane is still on the island but the rest of the world did not know this.
The world gives up on our survivors but who planted the fake wreckage? My guess? The Maxwell Group who as we learned online is a subdivision of the Widmore Company who was also linked with the Dharma Initiative and thus it comes full circle.
Our team of "rescuers" are not there to rescue at all in fact Matthew Abbadon the supposed lawyer for Oceanic from last week put the team together and told Naomi to ignore 815 if she found them. They were there for Ben and I bet it's because they know he killed the rest of Dharma.
Other Interesting Facts -
Charlotte was reasearching Polar bears in the desert just where they shouldn't be just like on a tropical Island.
Miles is some sort of Paranormal channeler and super paranoid.
Daniel is very skittish but seems to be a scientist of some sort.
Naomi does not have a sister it was a code to say she had been killed.
AND Most important somehow Ben has a spy inside this "rescue team" on the Boat.
I really liked this episode but it kind of made my head spin just a little. Ok that's the stuff off the top of my head for now as always see you on Saturday with my full analysis. Enjoy.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
LOST Episode 4.1 - In Depth Analysis
CHARLIE: "They need you, Hugo."
This episode was very clearly a Hurley-centric episode and as such it makes us wonder what exactly is real throughout the whole thing.
I expect Hurley to play one of the biggest parts in the upcoming season, and here is why. He has always been one of my favorite characters but it seems with each recent episode where he is overcoming his fears and his paranoia about being cursed he is taking charge more.
The Hurley who crashed on this island and ate all day is very different from the Hurley we saw in the season 3 finale running people over with a van. He has been forced to take a look at himself and to realize that hiding in imaginary worlds with imaginary friends will not allow him to survive on this island. He even banished his life long imaginary friend "Dave" from him. However now we see that the Island seems to have chosen Hurley for something greater than he realizes but due to his past he thinks he's going crazy again.

When Hurley stumbled upon Jacob's cabin and it looked like someone was home, I about freaked. I never expected him to look through the window and see Jack's dead father sitting in Jacob's chair, and for a few seconds I thought Jacob was being revealed but then the real Jacob stepped in front of Christian Shephard at the window.

Hurley was the one who took charge and made everyone leave the beach to go warn Jack and the others. He was also the lynch pin to get everyone who chose locke to not side with Jack because Hurley spoke up and followed Charlie's warning. And lastly Hurley seems to be the first of the "Oceanic 6" to be bothered by whatever they are hiding enough to make him want to go back.
The Mental Institution
Hurley had himself locked up to hide from his "delusions" because he thought the meds would keep them in check but Charlie kept coming back warning Hurley that he had to go back that "they need him". I firmly believe that the island or whatever powers it contains are calling for Hurley to come back and help "them". The only reason I think this is that another patient saw Charlie and pointed him out to Hurley, now this could be because that patient is also in Hurley's head but that would make for a weak storyline.
The unnamed people that Hurley needs to help bother me because I can't figure it out. If it is meant to be Claire and Aaron as Hurley promised to take care of them than Desmonds vision of Claire leaving the island to saftey did not come true and Charlie died for nothing.
But if it refers to other survivors who chose to stay behind or were left behind than what exactly happened to make Hurley switch back to Jack's side and leave Locke and why couldn't the rest get out. Whatever it is that happened our "Oceanic 6" have some sort of a pact to not tell anyone about it.
Somebody doesn't seem to buy whatever story we are going to see them tell the authorities when they get home though because this guy comes asking whether they are still alive...

Take a look at the blackboard behind him remind you of anyplace? Either way Hurley sticks to whatever pact they have going on. Yet when Jack comes knocking then Hurley shows serious strain and he starts to crack just a little, just like Jack eventually does. They are both showing that they are guilty of something and I suspect they made a deal to get off the island when things go really bad in the next few episodes.
Ok last thing as for my guess on the Oceanic 6 and who they are. I realized that not all of our survivors were from the plane so it might be that more than 6 get off the island but clearly not everyone. I think that beyond Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sun, Sayid, and Jin are the people who get off the island but only time will tell.
Ok guys that's all for now. The comment section is yours so have at it! :)