Saturday, February 9, 2008

LOST Episode 4.2 - In Depth Analysis

"Confirmed Dead"

Ok so I rather enjoyed this episode and the background it gave us. I know a lot of people were a tad bothered by them introducing even more questions before they answered some of the big ones but then again this is LOST haha.

I actually found the background to be very helpful in answering quite a few questions, here are my top questions.

1.) Was there really a wreckage found? Or were Naomi and Anthony Cooper lying about it?

2.) How come Dharma never came looking for their people when they simply just vanished and never responded again?

3.) How did Locke survive getting shot?

4.) What is the Smoke Monster?

Ok now we didn't get a clear answer on what the monster is but Ben certainly didn't seem to be lying because he was about to die but the others were answered and I'll review them in turn.

"Flight 815...?"

Flight 815 was definitely found or something that the world believes is flight 815 but clearly some people didn't believe it and it probably doesn't sit well with many people that no recovery effort was made because the plane was to far underwater supposedly.

Now as mentioned in my initial thoughts I believe a powerful group is behind the staged plane wreck and I think that it is The Maxwell group but the question is why? Why would someone go to all that trouble and leave all those people stranded?

My best guess is somebody at The Maxwell Group found out that Dharma had been wiped out on the Island and decided to take whatever scientific benefits they had discovered about the Island for themselves but to do that they certainly couldn't have the world looking for the survivors of 815. Imagine if the world as a whole had uncovered that Island, The Maxwell Group would have lost all the advantages the Island could present them whatever they might be. So they had to stop the world and to do that they staged the wreckage where nobody could go to really verify if it was the really plane.

This also allowed them to take all the time they needed to put together a "Special Team for their first trip to the Island. So Naomi spoke the truth partly there were no survivors on that plane and that is just how it was meant to appear but it wasn't 815.

"The Special Team"

Now we already know alot about Naomi but we learned here that she had a secret meeting with Matthew Abbadon and that he put her in charge of a special team. This was a very intersting team to be going into what I would consider hostile territory but after really thinking it over it seems that each person has alot to offer this team.

Daniel Faraday -

Naomi referred to him as a headcase in her meeting with Abbadon, and he certianly seems loopy enough to be a fellow patient in Hurley's Quack Shack. We also learned that he is a physicist, and he even commented during this episode about how the light on the island is weird and doesn't scatter properly. Now, there have been many theories that this island is invisible, and the weird light could certainly lend credence to that thought, but the thing that really sticks out to me is how twitchy and cautious Daniel is. He seems to be afraid of Miles at least. I wonder if Dan's coming to the island was his choice.

Miles Straum - The Ghost Buster

Miles is certainly the most careful of our group. He refuses to help unless persuaded and was tight lipped about everything right up until the end of the show but he definitley has value in this group. Miles seems to be able to converse with displaced spirits or the dead or something. He clearly was sent on this mission so he could talk to the island or Jacob or whatever power is hiding behind the scenes.

Charlotte Staples Lewis - C.S. Lewis?

We have seen many famous names used in this series some examples are Philosophers, John Locke, (Desmond) David Hume, Henry Gale from The Wizard of Oz and many many others are being used now. I'm not sure if that will play a part in the end story, but it certainly is fun.

Anyway, Charlotte is an anthropologist, and she clearly doubts the 815 coverup. What is more interesting is that she seems to know about Dharma. She did not just stumble across that polar bear in the deserts of Tunisia, she was looking for something all along and it shows when she decided to dig right at the neck of the Polar Bear and found its collar. I'm not sure how she fits into the team fully, but she might be there to try and form a peace treaty with the others, especially if she's a cultural anthropologist. Charlotte also seemed to know about the baby problems on the island since she was so surprised Claire had Aaron there.

Frank Lapidas - The Drunk

Frank it seems was supposed to be the pilot on that fateful flight from Sydney to LA. It would seem he got removed from the plane due to him being an alcoholic, but it also made it so he knew the pilot on that plane very well, well enough to know that wasn't him underwater in the fake wreckage, and that is why he got recruited to the team. Not only can The Maxwell group use him because he's an experienced pilot, but they now know he's not going to be ruining their coverup because they control his only way home, the freighter.

"The Spy"

Ok last thoughts I have are on how Ben got somebody onto that freighter and is using them as a spy. My guess is that it is Michael and Walt on the boat. When they left the Island, Ben told them exactly what heading to use to "escape" the Island, I think he knew from outside sources that the freighter was coming and sent Michael to them. There is no way Michael and Walt could have survived all this time in that rusty old boat in the ocean, and he certainly would have taken the opportunity to get on board the freighter where they have beds and food and all that, so I expect to see him in the near future.

Plus Ben specified he had a "man" on the freighter not a person. But the question I have is this: if Ben knows that they are coming for him, why would he give up his secret source right in front of Charlotte? She's certain to tell when she gets the first chance.

Last Thoughts -

This picture of Ben seems to have been taken off the island, maybe at a custom check point or something, which is probably how they found out he was still alive even though most Dharma folks had all been killed.
Oh, and I mentioned that I think Naomi's meeting with Abbadon was a secret because if you look at the picture they are meeting in a completely empty office building. No furniture, no people, and once they leave no proof anyone was ever there.

Ok friends that's it. The comment section is open so have fun!



Anonymous said...

I need a LOST cliff notes or something. Or LOST for dummies. So tahnks for breaking this down.
That is AWESOME about the names, I didn't notice Charlott's name was like C.S. Lewis.
I think there's a whole other Dharma org away from the island, and they found out what Ben did to the whole Dharma population, and now they want him so they can take revenge. OR they know how much power he has over his people and want to get some insight for leadership. That would be crazy!

Anonymous said...

Dude, why is your spacing all weird? ;)

Anonymous said...

I think Charlotte was surprised about Claire's delivery on the island just because it was a deserted island. Nothing there. Just like having a baby in an elevator. & Jules...I don't see anything wrong with the spacing.

Jason said...

I was complaining to Jules about how I didn't like the spacing so she was teasing me haha.