Thursday, February 7, 2008

LOST Episode 4.2 - Instant Thoughts

"Confirmed Dead"

So to start us off this week first I'd just like to thank everyone who commented this last week. You gave me some interesting things to contemplate. keep them coming.

For those who followed the link you discovered as we did tonight that The Christiane I is the boat who found the supposed wreckage of flight 815. Now we know that this wreckage had to have been faked and setup since the majority of the plane is still on the island but the rest of the world did not know this.

The world gives up on our survivors but who planted the fake wreckage? My guess? The Maxwell Group who as we learned online is a subdivision of the Widmore Company who was also linked with the Dharma Initiative and thus it comes full circle.

Our team of "rescuers" are not there to rescue at all in fact Matthew Abbadon the supposed lawyer for Oceanic from last week put the team together and told Naomi to ignore 815 if she found them. They were there for Ben and I bet it's because they know he killed the rest of Dharma.

Other Interesting Facts -

Charlotte was reasearching Polar bears in the desert just where they shouldn't be just like on a tropical Island.

Miles is some sort of Paranormal channeler and super paranoid.

Daniel is very skittish but seems to be a scientist of some sort.

Naomi does not have a sister it was a code to say she had been killed.

AND Most important somehow Ben has a spy inside this "rescue team" on the Boat.

I really liked this episode but it kind of made my head spin just a little. Ok that's the stuff off the top of my head for now as always see you on Saturday with my full analysis. Enjoy.



Anonymous said...

thanks for the info on maxwell - widmore - dharma. i totally missed that. my question is - ben said he has a "man on the boat". but the team said there are only four of them - and all four of them are on the island at the moment. so does this mean his inside man is one of the four, or are there more on the boat? or is he just lying?

Anonymous said...

oh yeah - and what the HECK was that weird machine miles had going in the dead kid's bedroom???

Anonymous said...

It looked like a weird dust buster. He didn't seem to need it to contact the dead since he didn't have it on the island with Naomi. Why was he a member of the team anyway?? Jason? Impart your wisdom!

Anonymous said...

Homeslice...the four people came off the helicopter. There are more people on the Freighter, the boat.