Friday, February 15, 2008

LOST Episode 4.3 - Full Review and Analysis

"The Economist"

Ok Folks due to Valentine's Day being on the same day as LOST, I elected to write only one review this week a full review on Friday and to spend the night with my wife Jules. So instead of two posts one day after the other here is everything from this week.

This was a very well placed Episode because just when you think they can't throw you for any really big loops they show us how wrong we are.

I figured Sayid would be one of the Oceanic 6 (Sun and Jin are my two for spots 5 and 6) because I just couldn't honestly see him as being a guy whose is willing to send everyone else into the waiting arms of a crew of people have been shown to be liars. People like Naomi who send secret messages almost getting them all killed for what Locke.

The entire world is aware of the Oceanic 6 and who they are because not all of the "6" are americans they come from around the world yet another reason for Sun and Jin to be involved. This makes it very interesting that Sayid has gone back to be an assassain since he would be very easily recognized if anyone ever finds out that one of the "6" are after them.

Before I breakdown the future sayid and his actions I want to get to some on Island stuff. Sayid's actions on the Island all seem to make sense he thinks of a way around the deal to rescue Charlotte yet not allow all of the "Rescue Team" to get together and that is smart because it keeps them and whatever plans they have in check.

The Cabin / Prison?

Last week we saw that Locke and Ben were both very surprised with Hurley mentioning that the mystery cabin was in a different spot than they both expected and we also saw that it can apparently appear and disappear at will. Jacob is very powerful indeed.

When they get to where the cabin should be, as we probably guessed it was gone. Locke bent down and picked up something that looked similar to ashes maybe volcanic ash or gun powder. Last season when Ben took Locke to the cabin we saw that this ash formed a ring around the cabin. I wonder if the ash was put there as some sort of a barrier to keep Jacob imprisoned and under Ben's power.

My guess is that with Ben losing grace or with Locke's rise to power somehow whatever keeps Jacob contained faltered and now he's out. It also would seem that his powers extend beyond the Island because we see Charlie appear to Hurley and some else saw Charlie too.

Time after Time

All throughout the LOST universe there have been many many theories and discussions about how the island is out of sync with the rest of the world, surprisingly we now now exactly how out of sync it is. 31 Minutes to be exact. This explains a lot about the difficulty we have seen in leaving the Island and the problems in getting here too.

1.) When Desmond tried to take his boat and leave the Island after three weeks he landed near our survivors beach and claimed we were in a snowglobe and never could leave.

2.) When the choppers come through this "time barrier" the end up speeding up through time and because of this all the electrical systems short out and half to recalibrate and the chopper itself speeds up and loses control causing them to crash.

3.) Lastly it also explains why the Sub was necessary since it might be able to go under alot of the difficulties the field presents and it shows why new people to the Island are knocked out so they don't freak out when things get difficult.

Now here is the problem I see if time speeds up the incoming choppers, the outgoing ones are going to have a very hard time going against the force that I assume will be pulling them back in. I assume that whoever created this Island and it's Time bubble new that they had to have a way out so they probably left one weak point which is the coordinates that Ben gave Michael to take to get home.

Sayid, Elsa, and The Economist

Sayid does indeed get off the Island and in the future he is a hitman for no other than Ben who just moments before on Island he said he'd never trust and that the day he did was the day he sold his soul. Now what would drive him to work for Ben? It was alluded to by Ben that something happened the last time Sayid trusted his heart and not his Gun and that he is only working for Ben to protect his friends.

Are these friends the people who didn't make it off the Island or the people who did?

Either way there is apparently a list of people that have to be killed before whatever is a threat to his friends can be gotten rid of permanently. First we have Mr Avaline an italian man who seems to be pretty well of and connected enough to get onto a very private golf course.

When he first met Sayid he was very friendly and outgoing but as soon as he found out who Sayid was he definitely got very very nervous and even tried to get away from Sayid very quickly. He clearly didn't make it.

Later he was sent to make contact with Elsa a German woman who supposedly works for an Economist who remains un-named but along the way we learn that she knows who Sayid is and has been using him to reach whoever his boss is. The irony of them using each other is fantastic and the ending is sad I honestly think Sayid cared for her when he shot her which makes me wonder whatever happened to his love Nadia.

He mentioned once that she was dead but we saw in one of Locke flashbacks that she had just bought a house in California and since Sayid never reached LA how does he know she's dead? Either way it doesn't seem he has a very good track record with women he cares for.

Odds and Ends

- Sayid takes Naomi's bracelet off of her wrist and it has an inscription which obviously means something what surprised me is that it seem that Elsa had a bracelet of the same make. Could her employer the mysterious economist be the same person who gave Naomi her bracelet?

- Hurley showed a new side to himself in being the bait and betraying his friends to Locke and his group. He didn't seem to be very excited about it though which probably helps him switch back to Jack's side.

- Sayid found a secret room at Ben's house which contained luggage and clothes from the outside world, but even more interesting was the thousands of dollars from all over the world and Passports from all over also. Ben has stated that he has never left the Island since he came here at age seven with his dad, obviouly he lied. This also lends some weight to the picture Miles had of him going through what looked like a customs check point.

- This list of people he has for Sayid to kill is the second list that Ben has made of people who he deems important. The first list is the one he sent Ethan and the others to make of our survivors.

Ok folks there yeah have it. Post your comments and your likes and dislikes of the episode. I love hearing what you think just as much as I hope you enjoy my thoughts!

Happy LOSTing



Anonymous said...

Great summary. I forgot all about Nadia until you mentioned her. Also dying to know what or who the initials on the bracelet stand for.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the summary! it helped break down all my questions . . . i'm still digesting the last episode. i also think it's interesting that although sayid is/has been a killer or a torturer, his true nature always comes through -like his decision at the very end to save his love interest and get her away from the economist. too bad she didn't seem to feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

If the last of the Oceanic 6 are Jin & Sun, that leaves Claire on the island even after Desmond's vision of her getting on a chopper?

Anonymous said...

i don't have many hypothesis about this episode, but wanted to comment to what tanya said. i don't think Kate is one of the Oceanic 6. like Sawyer said in this episode, if she had been "rescued," she'd be back in jail. i think she gets off the island some other way.

Jason said...

I choose Sun and Jin as the last of the six because if they made a big deal about Sun being pregnant than let her die that whole storyline wouldn't have an answer, Can women who get pregnant on Island survive the birth off island? If she was to leave and not Jin than that would leave us with a character who has no way of communicating with the remaining people which is also a bad plot line.

As for Kate not being one of the six I firmly believe that she is one of the six and that she does get arrested but I'm sure her mom will be so happy to see her alive that she'll not testify and kate will beat the wrap somehow.

Either way we'll find out this week since it's a kate-centric episode.

I'm honestly not sure what will happen to Claire maybe she gets on the chopper like Desmond sees and it crashes which could be why no more than 6 get off island maybe they ran out of choppers. *shrug*