Thursday, February 21, 2008

LOST Episode 4.4 - Instant Thoughts


Ok this episode seemed a little bit slow moving and a at the same time somehow more light hearted than it really should have been.

I only have a couple points to put out there for now.

- The Story - Jack goes to bat for Kate in court and tells the jury about how only eight people survived the crash and how Kate saved them all by caring for them. This info seems to destroy my prediction that they never told anyone about the Island and it also means that 8 people did come back to society but two of them came back as bodies. Clearly one of them has to be Claire but who can the other one be? I still vote Sun and Jin are in the "Oceanic 6" so my guess is it either Locke or Sawyer.

- Family Matters - Two quick points here, Kate has changed alot on this Island she has even possibly gained that redemption that so far has seemed to elude some of her fellow survivors. She has grown from thinking of only herself to very selflessly taking Aaron as her own son. Not a small task.

My second thought is that Jack clearly has problems with seeing Aaron but why? Does he find out Claire was his half-sister or was he somehow responsible for her possible death? Could he know Aaron is his nephew and guilt keeps him away? hmm.. either way this could be one of the items that pushes him over the edge and also be why he was so involved in the boy and woman who he saves on the bridge later.

- The Deal - It doesn't seem that Sayid traded Kate to Locke or that he lied to Jack, she stayed with Sawyer on purpose. I wonder why? What could she have been looking for besides info from Miles? She had plenty of time during the hike across the Island to ask him what he knew.

Either way I really enjoyed this episode. How about you? Comment away!


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this episode. I'm thinking for now that maybe Jack doesn't know it's Claire's boy Aaron. Could he still be thinking it's Sawyer's son?

I think Kate stayed with Sawyer because she thought she was pregnant and wanted to see what his reaction was.

You have great thoughts to this whole Lost thing. I enjoy reading this every week. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, that's a good point linnea clear. If the circumstances of them leaving the island were such that they didn't leave together, Jack might not know it's Claire's son.

I'm dying to know what happens to make them lie about their story on the island. Maybe Locke threatens them to keep it a secret.

And why does Ben have $3.2 million to throw around?? WHO IS HE?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason,

some thoughts from fellow Lostie and husband Mike, and dying to know what you think:

"We may have come up with one at lunch:

When the "popup" episode was on last night, and they were showing the scene with Sayid, Desmond, etc. leaving the island in the helicopter, there were some popups that said something about Ben telling Walt and Michael when they left the island to stay on course bearing 325. It seems as though Walt and Michael got off the island, and presumably followed course bearing 325 to do so.

We were talking about how pretty lame the "encounter" between Ben and Miles was on the new episode last night and how it seemed so basic for Miles to extort Ben with the demand of 3.2 million dollars, and, like Ben said to him, why didn't he ask for 3 million, even, or 3.1 or whatever. Well, remember that Miles also said that he wanted it in 5 days. "325".

We think that Miles and Ben were talking in code because Kate was there and she had denied Miles' request for some privacy. We think that Miles was telling Ben that he was not the only one who knew how to get on and off the island, Miles did, too - follow course bearing 325. That is why he said to Ben something like "Don't treat me like them, I'm not stupid." He was telling Ben, I know how to get on and off the island, and so do the people I work for, and it's only a matter of time before we get you."

Any ideas as to whether this could be or not?

Jason said...

Hey guys these are some good questions you've really had me thinking. I think Jack knows it is his nephew. Afterall if Claire is dead like I think she will be soon they have to have wrapped up that storyline somehow.

And homeslice the whole 325 is absolutely genius I can't say I even caught that hint but after reading your ideas and looking through the backgrounds of the text and the story it makes perfect sense. Hope you don't mind if I reference that in my full analysis.

Anonymous said...

dude....the 325 thing is absolute genius.

my biggest complaint about this episode is the way Kate is acting around Sawyer. i watched an extended trailer for this episode before actually watching it and i got all girly and excited about Kate and Sawyer hooking up again. and then she gets all retarded the next morning and pissed me off. i know Sawyer's reaction to her not being pregnant could be construed as callous except that, hey, if you get knocked up on the island, you die. maybe that's why Sawyer was glad Kate wasn't pregnant?

i don't know. all in all, i didn't really like this episode other than the ending. i'm glad they explained how Kate gets off the island and doesn't get immediately put in jail. but still, kind of a not so exciting episode.

Anonymous said...

I loved that episode! I'm with you on thinking Jack knows it's his nephew & that's why he doesn't want to see him.

So let me ask the last episode in Season 3 when Kate tells Jack, "I gotta go he's gonna be wondering where I am". Is it Aaron she's talking about??

Jason said...

I think she meant Aaron and since you bring it up I have an additional thought.

The Others wanted Aaron because he was supposed to be special but instead took Walt. IF Claire was left behind or if Aaron has a destiny interlinked with the Island then Jack could have meant he had to take Aaron back. when he said "We have to go back" and kate responded "No we don't"

What if it was meant to be "No WE don't" like don't you even think about coming near my son sort of warning? I know it's a stretch haha.

Anonymous said...

I really do not understand how Kate managed to avoid prosecution for her other crimes, because her mother had refused to testify against her for Wayne's murder. This left a bad feeling within me. Also, I could not feel any sympathy toward Kate, because Sawyer was relieved that she wasn't pregnant. This makes no sense, since hours earlier, Kate had refused to pick up Aaron, let alone touch him. And we're supposed to buy that she was disappointed in Sawyer's reaction? WTF?