Saturday, March 15, 2008

LOST Episode 4.7 - Full Analysis


Well I know that in my initial reaction I was very much against how the writers messed with us, but I've been thinking and I they really couldn't have done it any better than they did. Despite this I have had a very hard time writing this review and breaking down the episode. So here goes...

Sun's Story -

Sun's irrational behavior on the Island was kind of a surprise to me. They chose to stay with Jack and the group who want to be rescued because of Sun being pregnant and also because of Locke being a murderer. Then out of nowhere she up and tries to runaway to Locke's Camp.

Juliet did the only thing she could possibly have done to stop her from leaving and that was to take away her support by stopping Jin. It was a definite foreshadowing for the episode as we know that Sun lost her support from Jin when he supposedly dies. The on Island story beyond Juliet telling Jin that sun cheated was kind of weak except for one point that deals with Jin that I'll discuss later.

Now a few points about her off Island storyline.

1.) When sun called the hospital she said she thought there might be something wrong with her baby. Why would a woman who is 9 months pregnant think that her going into labor was a problem? The only possibility is that she wasn't 9 months pregnant and she thought that whatever happened to the pregnant women on the island had finally caught up to her. The odd thing is that she never mentioned anything to her doctor about there being a possibility that something had gone wrong.

2.) Sun refused to remove her wedding ring. We haven't seen it yet but I think that after her and Jin have the whole affair thing dicussed she promised to never remove it again and to be faithful to him. She stuck to that like she expected him to be there at the hospital and we even saw a guy standing outside her room who she thought was him even though we know it wasn't.

3.) I loved the fact that Hurley showed up to go to the grave with her. The Oceanic 6 must keep in contact, no matter where they are, after they get rescued.

Jin's Story -

Even though this episode was mainly about Sun and her baby Ji-Yeon, I actually got more of Jin's side of the story.

Throughout the whole LOST story we have seen each and every one of our main survivors have to come to terms with who they were before the crash. Sun already faced this when she told Jin she was going to leave him and had learned english to escape him. Jin kind of faced this his past when he and Michael had it out over the watches and then became friends. However, Jin never had to face what his actions before the Island had almost caused him to lose. Sun cheated on Jin and while it wasn't right no matter how you look at it, Jin realized that his actions had destroyed the love they had and made it so she felt she could leave him.

Despite Sun's deception Jin stepped up here and promised Sun that he loved her and would never leave her and that he would protect her and the baby no matter what.

The question that I think we all have is how far did Jin have to go to get Sun off the Island?

The off Island story doesn't really have any impact on the overall storyline, it's only purpose was to trick us into thinking Jin was rushing to Sun's side. The truth came out when he got to the hospital trying to win favor with some high ranking official for Sun's dad. Then we finally have a time frame for it when he leaves the hospital.

They were married for a couple years before the crash and it certainly looks like Jin's priorities have changed he now wants a kid which is nice to see.

Jin's Fate -

Ok now the big question I think everyone has is what happened to Jin? Did he die? Is he on the Island? Here is what we have...
This picture is a double gravemarker made for amarried couples on the one side we have Sun's birth date of March 20th, 1980 with no death date yet, obviously. On the other we have Jin's birth date of Nov 27th 1974 and then his death date of Sept 22nd 2004.

The date of Jin's death is the day of the crash! Now at first I thought that Jin was one of the 2 bodies Jack brought back from the Island with the "Oceanic 6" but now I have a different theory, tell me what you think.

Theory - If the plane crashed on Sept 22 2004 as his death on the tombstone stated then how could he be one of the 2 people who survived the crash but died a few days later on this deserted Island Jack mentioned in the courtroom. His death date would have been a couple days later. That is not a grave stone but a memorial stone, I imagine all of the people on the plane had similar ones all over the world and all the dates read the same Sept 22, 2004

Ok I don't honestly believe Jin is dead at all. The way I see it there are two options

1.) Either Jin is still on the Island, which would explain the memorial stone or...

2.) I think the writers are messing with us and he did make it off the Island. What if he is simply in hiding from Sun's father because if he comes back home then he'd get forced into working for Mr Piak or maybe even killed.

Sun and Hurley never mentioned that he was dead. Sun said she missed him and Hurley said that Ji-Yeon looks like Jin but how he said it made me think Jin was alive not dead.

The Freightor -

Our boys Sayid and Desmond finally got some contact from the mystery person who has been helping them out. I'm not convinced it's Michael though.

First they got a note warning them about the Captain.

However when they finally meet Captain Gault he seems to be very forthright with them. He explains that he has a flight data recorder or a black box from the fake Flight 815
He also explains that since obviously flight 815 hit an Island then the other crash had to be staged. The question he posed is where did the 324 bodies on the fake plane come from and who has the power to do it? He dances around saying it was Ben who staged the fake plane and while he certainly had the money and secret connections to do it I don't think he did.

I think this is where the trust issue comes in I think Charles Widmore faked the crash because he wanted to be the one to find the Island and not have someone else accidentally do it. My question is why does Captain Gault have the Black box if it was faked? It can't help them find the Island and it would only have faulty info on it, but what if it's not from 815 but another flight that maybe recognized the Island from overhead but kept right on flying past?

The crew of the boat are quickly running out of people, to my count they have lost Naomi, Minkowski, Naomi's Pilot when her chopper crashed, Brandon who rowed the boat out with Minkowski, and now Regina.
Regina when we first saw her was reading a book upside down. Was she dealing with time-shift issues like George?

I don't understand why no one tried to save her though but when she jumped they showed us all of the crew onboard and gave us a sneak peek of somebody. Look who is in the hoodie.

It's Michael. He has taken on the role of Janitor on the boat under the name of Kevin Johnson.

How could he even be on this boat? Unless they picked him up in the middle of the ocean which if they did where is Walt? Also now that they know there is a saboteur on the boat why wouldn't they suspect Michael of being that person?

The only way they could trust him is if he was part of the crew from the time it left the dock however many months ago, which is immpossible since he was on the Island. The only option I can see is that when he and Walt left the Island they got kicked around in Time and maybe even got seperated. Michael is coming back to not only redeem himself by saving his friends but to find Walt again.

Ok now for a few fun things.

- Sun went to turn the TV off before she left for the hospital. Look what was playing on the screen.
It's our friend from the Island Nikki starring in the Episode of Expose' that Hurley so badly wanted to see. Where they revealed the big bad guy of that show. I wonder if he paid for it to air when he got home.

- The guy at the toy store offered Jin a dragon instead of a panda because it was the year of the Dragon. That flashback could only have taken place in the year 2000.

- In one of the scenes where Regina jumped overboard somebody had used a fireaxe and jammed it in one of the walls of the ship. It looks like someone went crazy with an aze before being stopped. I wonder if that was the person making the thumping we heard.

Ok guys and Gals that's all for tonight enjoy. The comment section is open.

- Jason


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say to Jason that even though I don't leave comments all the time, I read every blog & have been for a long time now.

Jason said...

Mandy thanks for the nice note. I really enjoy the thought that others might be having a better LOST experience by reading my blog plus all of you who have left comments in the past have helped me to sort out questions that I'm left with. I really appreciate your visits.