Saturday, March 22, 2008

LOST Episode 4.8 - Full Analysis

Meet Kevin Johnson

Sayid: "Why are you here Michael?"

Michael: "I'm here to die."

Ok I have heard from a lot of people that they were disappointed in this episode and that they felt it was to slow and nothing but a space filler to move the season along but I really liked it.

Let's get a couple small points out of the way first and then we'll move on to Michale's story.

Walt -

Walt is safe at home with his Grandmother he's not running around the Island on his own and Michael isn't coming back to the Island to find him again either. It turns out that Walt now wants nothing to do with his Dad because Michael told him that he killed Ana-Lucia and Libby to get him back.

This actually helps solve a problem the producers might have had in explaining Walt's growth spurts, from this point on I bet that Walt will only be pictured in flashforwards where he will be the correct height for a boy his real age.

Knowing that he has been in New York this whole time proves that the Island is making Walt appear on the Island and that he's not doing it himself. He could never have known that Locke had been shot and was in a hole at just the right time to help him. The Island has a mission for Locke and he seems to be failing at it since he isn't getting any help and Ben is clearly running things through Locke now. This doesn't mean Walt isn't special somehow. I expect that Walt will somehow be the one to lead Jack back to the Island in the final season.

The Temple - Ben is evil. I don't know how though but I honestly believe that he cares about Alex. Somehow he has convinced himself that he should have her as his daughter no matter what and that is why he sent her, Karl, and Rousseau to the Temple. Where they can be safe with the rest of The Others. I couldn't really understand at first though Why would Rousseau and Karl and even Alex trust Ben to not double cross them?

It makes sense that Alex would have some residual trust towards him since he did raise her even though he kidnapped her at 6 weeks old. I will point out that she knows he's bad and even asked him if the people on the boat were worse than him, He said yes they were.

Obviously the plan didn't go so well since Karl is clearly dead, shot through the heart. Rousseau we can't be sure yet. The big question is now who shot them?

At first I thought that it had to be The Others. They would have had to known that Ben wanted Karl dead from previous episodes where he told them to shot on sight and Rousseau obviously not being one of them wouldn't have been trusted at the "Sanctuary". However now I have a different idea.

It obviously had to be the frieghters who shot them and here is why. Frank recently took the chopper on a "Mission" since he left we haven't seen a couple of our friends Keany and Omar. They were convienently missing from the show tonight. I think they took a little ride to the Island. Keamy clearly has no intentions of this being a rescue mission as we saw when he laughed at Michael. Afterall what rescuer would really need Automatic weapons? The bad thing is after Karl and Rousseau got shot by a sniper rifle Alex stood up and gave herself away by yelling about being Ben's daughter. My guess is that Ben gives himself up to save her and him and the Oceanic 6 are forcibly removed from the Island without going back for the rest of the 815ers.

The Faked Wreckage -

Ok so the timeline for Michael to leave the Island and get back to New York is pretty tight. We know this...

Sept 22 2004 flight 815 vanishes between Sydney and LA.

November 16th-ish 2004 Michael and Walt leave the Island. They arrive back in New York 2 months after Plane goes missing.

Early-mid December fake plane wreckage is found

By 24 december the Freighter is at the Island

As you can see it's a pretty tight timeline and somehow Michael was in the hospital for a bit. I'm having a hard time reconciling all the events to make them really work.

Now courtesy of Tom we have this info he says Widmore bought a used plane and dug up 324 dead bodies from a cemetary in Thailand.

All in all I think Michael got lied to. The bodies they showed on the TV of the pilot and others were clearly caucasian and not Asian. So the bodies came from somewhere but I'm not sure where yet.

Michael's Story - The story we got from Michael is a two part story. The off Island story where he keeps trying to kill himself and the on boat story where he works for Ben.

Death wish - According to our friend Tom the Island is not going to allow Michael to die until he finishes the work he has set before him. It does appear he is right, somehow Michael drove his car going 70+ miles per hour headlong into a steel shipping crate and survived. We have seen people live when they should have died before specifically Mikhail he got killed like three times before I'm pretty sure he died.

Then to top it off and really make Michael believe in what Tom was saying we see that the gun that Michael bought and shot at Tom in the alley not go off when he pulls the trigger on himself.

Despite the gun being full of bullets it doesn't go off. Now I am not going to say that the Island could have actually stopped his bullet from blowing his brains out. I think thought that Tom gave him a gun that had the firing pin removed but looked like the one he had. I'm surprised that Michael didn't think about it though. He shot the gun a few times in the alley but when he checked it in his house after it failed to kill him it was full of bullets. He never even thought about it.

The Boat - Tom gave Michael the job of killing everyone on board the boat and Ben told him to destroy the radio and the engines so they would be stuck and unable to call for help. As I mentioned before I still have yet to see Michael actually hurt anybody on the boat but somehow each and every one of them seems to slowly be going crazy. I'm not sure how michael could cause that.

Captain Gault certainly has his hands full in keeping everyone alive. Why would anyone want to go out on the little raft after knowing what happened to Minkowski and how him and his friend both went nuts out there?

I'm still trying decide if we should trust the Captain yet. When Sayid threw Michael into his quarters and gave Michael's secret identity away I kept expecting him to kill Michael I'm not sure why.

All I know is he certainly didn't seem surprised to find out Michael ahd been on 815 and that he was the saboteur.Could he have known about Michael? Frank said he had the flight manifest memorized backwards and forward could they also have pictures of the passengers incase they meet them?

Random Thoughts -

Tom Gay or Not? - Now I know it doesn't really matter whether Tom is gay or not in the overall storyline but Just to clarify we can't be sure Tom is Gay. All we saw was him get kissed on the cheek by a guy. The CHEEK not the lips they weren't holding hands or anything. There are many culutres were close friends saw goodbye with a kiss just like that guy did when he left the room.Here is my main reason for thinking he's not gay.

Tom doesn't get to the mainland much so it's highly doubtful that this other guy is just hanging around waiting for his next visit. Plus I doubt that he's just some random guy that Tom picked up because he told him all about Michael and their confrontation in the Alley. Which to me means that he has business dealings with Tom since we all know the Others don't give out any info unless they have too. We have all speculated how far reaching Ben's power is off the Island so it only stands to reason that they would have to have Business contacts who stay off Island permanently to facilitate whatever needs might arise like getting/making Michael fake passport. Tom didn't print that at home. The other guy was named Arturo and he had an Italian accent which is a culture where they kiss and it is accepted. Just a thought. We might see Arturo again.

Looney Tunes - The note that popped up when Michael tried to blow himself up reminded me of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. What does the note mean though? Is it not time to use the bomb or is it "Not Yet" time for Michael to die?

The Shining - When Minkowski came to tell Michael "Walt" was on the radio he asked if Michael had been going crazy like in The Shining. We have seen people going crazy and there is a fire axe on deck I hope no one goes THAT crazy and starts hacking people up.

Ok friends that's all. Have fun posting your thoughts and comments. I'll check here over the next month until LOST starts up again. If there is any pictures you want maybe I can find them just ask. :)

Comment away!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes LOST has informative episodes & exciting/dramatic episodes. This episode was informative of course. I think Ben did it on purpose to send the 3 to the Temple so they can get killed. He told Alex not to say she's his daughter but she did anyway. It was like he said that on purpose. I think Kate will lie & say that she was pregnant with Aaron. Did ya'll see in that preview that Hurley had Aaron & said something about checking Claire's house? That must be how the 2 of them get off the island 'cause only them 2 from Locke's camp get off the island, right?

Tolbot said...

About the 324 dead dugged up from thailand my friends and I kinda thought they were som "left" over dead from the tsunami, like they stole some corpses or whatever... but then we realized that the tsunami hit thailand dec 26 so the timeline isnt right :/

Unknown said...

Like you, Jason, the tight timeline troubles me and I have a sinking feeling the writers/producers ain't gonna 'splain it any better than they've explained why CFL never saw Others but only heard whispers or why Alex seemed to have an earphone in one scene or who Smokey is or Jacob or what Jacka really sees in the Pilot as he's running out of the jungle TOWARDS the crash site or why Smokey picks on certain people, etc., etc., etc. Don't mind cliffhangers but can't stand loose ends. Hope we can trust Carleton, et al, to treat us fairly and resolve issues like why Chaalie didn't find an air pocket then open the port or what really happens to Jin. Perhaps their literary justification for the two latter characters is that both had grown and changed for the better, so they were "finished" but Michael hasn't "redeemed" himself yet, nor has Jack. So what about Eco? Shannon? Boone? Ana Lucia? Libby?
Guess I'm asking for "literary" consistency and will have to hope the powers that be will explain all those things plus all the open-ended stuff in Meet Kevin Johnson, which I personally thought was boring. Just MHO.
Welcome to Lost & Gone Forever, Jason!

Unknown said...

Is anybody out there?

Jason said...

Hey friends sorry for the delay in my response. I've been a litle under the weather recently.

Mandy I think you're right that so far only Hurley and Aaron get off the Island from Locke's camp. On the preveiws for the next episode the Barracks come under attack and Hurley is holding Aaron. I expect that Sawyer will protect them as they escape somehow.

Ludvig- I had the same thought but you're right the Sunami hit later I don't expect them to make a big deal about it in a TV show though since it might upset people to have it trivialized.

Kamama94 - Like you I wish for complete consistancy but doubt it is going to happen however I do have faith that the majority will be explained to my satisfaction. Redemption has been the underlying theme of the whole show so I'm sure it will be explained. Just not sure how.

Unknown said...

Feel better soon, Jason!

Jason said...

Due to technical difficulties the instant thoughts post will be posted in the morning. Sorry for the delay. :)