Thursday, May 8, 2008

LOST Episode 4.11 - Instant Thoughts

Cabin Fever - Instant Thoughts
Ok due to me only being able to finally watch last week's episode last night I will be first posting my Instant thoughts for this week and then a brief analysis of last week in my next post.

1.) Doc Ray is now dead both inside and outside the Island Time Bubble. It would appear that he was killed and upon floating through the bubble toward the Island that time slowed down to such an extent that he actually went backwards exactly one day. To where he washed up on the beach.

2.) That is the second time a fully loaded gun was aimed at Michael and failed to go off. I guess that the Island really does want him to live.

3.) Alpert has just proven that he is immortal or something he was there when Locke was born and that has been many years and he's still a young man. He could be traveling through time to see Locke or just have a fountain of youth.

4.) I'm not 100% sure but the item on Keamy's arm would appear to be what is called a dead man switch. It is a device used to blow up a bomb. Basically it reads Keamy's heartbeat and if his heart stops before he sets the bomb off on his own, then it will go off on all by itself.

5.) I have a lot of things to add here and my mind is spinning but I'll leave you with these questions. How would they move the Island? What did Alpert's "Pick an Item" game mean? and Why would Claire just happily give up her son and follow her dad who never meant anything to her?

Ok folks let me hear what you thought of this episode, full analysis will be up on Saturday and then we'll be back o n normal schedule.


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