Wednesday, January 21, 2009

LOST Episode 5.1 - Instant Thoughts

Because You Left

I think everyone can agree with me that this Episode more than made up for the long, long hiatus in the show. It was a very action packed hour and even gave us quite a few answers to long standing questions.

However since I need to sort out my thoughts on a few of those I'm just gonna run through a couple points I found interesting and as always feel free to add your own in the comments section.

1.) We now officially know that they are out of Sync with time, which is something that has been suspected for a few seasons. It didn't happen like any of us expected but it does make me worried that unless they can stop the skipping through time everyone of the survivors will get the same sickness Desmond had where he almost died but was saved by Faraday being his constant.

2.) Things are happening to each of our survivors to make it difficult for them to stay in the real world the way they would like to stay. Instead now Hurley, Kate and Aaron only have one choice they have to go to the island and stay there to be free of jail time.

3.) Marvin Candle from the Dharma training videos certainly seemed to be in charge of the entire Inititative but when the guy interupted the video taping her called him Dr Chey and not Dr. Candle.

4.) Sun has become a hard-hearted individual. Her hate for Ben and her father over Jin's death seems to have poisoned her. She would never before have suggested killing people as her first idea like she did with Kate.

5.) Lastly according to Ben once they get everyone back to the Island they are not ever going to be allowed to leave again.

Anyway there is obviously a lot that got left out here but I'll address as much as I can in the full analysis on Saturday. For now please share your thoughts, theories and just what you liked about it so we can sort this out together. Until Saturday.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Time Has Come

Ok folks we are coming down to the wire on the new season. Season 5 starts next week and already things are shaping up to be quite interesting.

Last night we were treated to the now standard LOST Season review with enhanced footage giving us all sorts of info at the bottom of the screen about everything you can think of that has happened over the years.

But to me the best treat was when they showed a preview into next weeks NEW episode. It showed us Sayid and Hurley going to the "Safe House" Sayid mentioned when he busted Hurley out of the looney bin. Well it didn't turn out to be so safe. Sayid had some seriously nasty tricks up his sleeve though in the form of weapons stashed all around the apartment.

I was on the edge of my seat and it was only a 30 second preview. So now I am going to open up the comments section to anyone who has stuck around all of these many many long months to let your theories run wild. I would like to hear any specualtions that you think this next season will bring us.

I am work right now but when I get home I will add some links to a few videos regarding the next season that will whet your apetite just a little bit more. Anyway I'm glad to be back and hopefully I'll hear from you guys soon!
