Friday, March 30, 2007

LOST Episode 3.14 Thoughts

Ok so there has been a lot of backlash regrding the two ill fated LOSTaways Nikki and Paolo and how many people were upset when they brought them from the background to the front. I've been thinking about it and while I was not a huge fan of them it only makes sense that sooner or later we have to meet some of these people. Let assume for a minute that the faceless survivors are not deaf, mute, blind people and can actually interact with the life that they are developing on the island, they have to have seen things and expierenced things that the A-Team (Jack, Kate, Locke, Sayid ect...) has not especially since the A-Team seems to really enjoy traipsing around the other side of the island.

The Background people like Nikki and Paolo may become one of our only sources for information on the beach side of the island. As a bonus we get to relive some interesting events from the main storyline but from different view points which can help to explain what people were thinking.

An example of this while a very small part of the show was Boone running up and down the beach asking for a pen. Now we know jack had the whole thing under control and sent him on that errand to get him out of the way but imagine crawling from a wrecked plane and some random guy runs up to you asking for a pen like he's gonna write down directions for the rescue party or something. Most people would be a little confused. Nikki certainly was. These multiple view points allow us to fill in the gaps in this imaginary world, flushing it out to make it even more real. While the episodes may strike some as just a filler episode that is exactly what they are intended to be. They fill in the holes.

Now as for this episode...where to start?

1.) What was Paolo looking at? He was standing on the beach staring at something out at sea so intently it took Nikki a few seconds to even get him to look at her. The sweet girl that she is didn't ask if he was hurt, she just wanted the diamonds first thing. No wonder when finally found them he hid them from her.

2.) Dr. Arzt - It was fun to see him again not because I liked how he acted and thought wow he really brings something to the show but because I kept thinking about the A-Team and how when he tried to join them he got blown up and the famous line "You have some Arxt on you." I also enjoyed the comment made about trusting a science teacher by Paolo when the last time they brought that up he was claiming infinite knowledge about Dynamite and we know how that made him end up.

3.) Paolo and Nikki must have been seated near Kate and the Marshall since their bag ended up right next to the gun case in the lake. Paolo didn't get shocked by Mr and Mrs Jones in the lake either which means Kate probably warned them which also explains why Nikki was so pushy about Paolo going for a swim and not her.

4.) The Pearl Station was a very interesting part of the show, at first I kept asking myself why doesn't Paolo just open the bathroom door and greet Ben and Juliet and say "Hey I'm a Plane crash survivor help me" Then it hit me by that time both Charlie and Claire had been kidnapped and rescued, Charlie had shot and killed Ethan so they we're already afraid of "The Others" no wonder he hid till they left. However I can't understand how he got out of the station since when they left Ben commented they should hide the hatch with the Yemmie's plane that fell when Boone died. He'd have to be pretty strong to lift the lid with a plane on top I'm just going to chalk that one up to him either sneaking out before they moved the plane or writer timeline error. One more thing with the Pearl Station though why take the Diamonds out of the toilet at all? None of the fellow survivors were going to open the toilet to see if they could find hidden treasure.

5.) Ben's Master Plan has been revealed he only took Kate and Sawyer to get to Jack so he'd work on him the funny thing is Jack is the sort of guy where if they just took him promised a trip home, he would have done it anyway. He seems to take his oath as doctor kind of seriously. It just shows that Ben has a weakness after all. He MUST always feel like he's in charge and pulling the strings even when it's not 100% necesarry. That is going to get him in big trouble someday.

6.) Ok second to last point and then I'm done. I respected Charlie for coming clean with Sun and confessing he kidnapped her even though the reason was pretty weak, it had a ring of truth to it. He really was acting pretty crazy back then. More than likely it was him coming down off his drugs that did it. Good for Charlie taking the responsibility let's hope Claire doesn't find out or we're going to have to watch her banning Charlie from seeing Aaron again and that's been done to death.

7.) I really liked how fitting the end was for Nikki and Paolo, her more than him but regardless it was well done. She was awake when they buried her so she died knowing her greed and anger killed her and Paolo. However I have that line from Locke this episode about how things don't stay buried on this Island so we'll see if that was foreshadowing or not but I would be disappointed is they survived.

So all in all even though this was a decently done fill in the blanks episode I enjoyed myself. Let me know what you thought, liked, disliked, ect... Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Niki and Paoulo are probably dead by now because it's been a whole day or soemthing since they were buried right? I agreew with you that Jack might have done the surgery if they promised he could go home, and that proves that Bens mind games wouldnt always work for his benefit. I dunno I guess maybe Ben wanted to keep him around just to be the boss of things