Thursday, April 19, 2007

LOST Episode 3.15 Thoughts


This Episode struck an interesting note in my thoughts. It wasn't at all what I expected. Like last review I'll just work my way through the episode from start to finish and hopefully not get to sidetracked along the way.

"Locke's Tearful Goodbye": Locke showing up right off the bat and looking like he got beat with a bat caught my attention right away. He was leaving and wanted to say goodbye to Kate. Now as far as I could tell Locke and Kate were not best friends forever so why would he care enough to go explain himself even in the slightest to her?

Did his visit have something to do with the fact that he has always just liked Kate as a person? and he felt he had to tell her he tried to help her? Or did his intervention with the others have something to do with her and Juliet being tossed out into the jungle together?

My first thought was what if Kate is being tested to see what she will do when she clearly has the upper hand on one of the others. Juliet agrees to the test gets knocked out or fakes it leaves the knife in plain site and The Others just sit back and wait. What if Kate passes this test and The Others agree with Locke that Kate is a good person just pushed to far in the past by her step-father? Will they come for her next? Maybe in his own twisted way Locke sees that the way to save the losties is to show The Others they are wrong. He may not want to leave the island but that doesn't mean he can't try to save everyone the only way we know for sure would work, Move the Sub, swim back, blow up the dock, convince the others he's on their side, and then slowly but surely "rescue" the losties and send them all home at once.

That was my first idea and while it might be cool idea wasn't what seems to have happened because we find out very quickly that Juliet is lying and Kate catches her in her lie more on that later.

"SMOKEY": He's back in this episode and with a vengeance we have never seen before. The look in Juliet's eyes when the smokey roar was first heard was priceless. She may have been lying about never having seen it before but she wasn't lying about being scared of it.

I'm not sure why but it doesn't seem like smokey can get between trees or over fences for that matter but we see him do something we've never seen before he starts flashing the girls like a photographer with a deadline. Maybe he didn't just kill them on the spot because the flashes allowed him to gather info on the dynamic duo's identity that had to be processed. Either way the girls get away after a cat fight in the mud and rain. Only to have Smokey coming back again but this time they are pinned against the sonic fence of death.

Kate refuses to cross the fence line until Juliet removes the cuffs and crosses it herself. Somehow she knew the fence was off or assumed it was. She quickly convinces Kate to join her on the inside of the fence and she turns it on (which by the way the code was 1623, two of the numbers) I laughed a little at that because Smokey can fly but surprisingly the Sonic Fence of Death brought Smokey up short. He couldn't get them and he didn't seem to happy about it. After a few moans, roars, and odd animal sounds all garbled together smokey flies away accepting the fact he's been thwarted twice today.

"The Fence": Ok so Juliet knew the fence was off does that mean she turned it off herself? Or that she was working with "The Others" not necessarily.

I think she may have taken a gamble on the fence because Kate told her that she saw all of the Others pack up and leave. So she figured that if they we're dragged out into the jungle they would have had to cross the fence at some point which means it was turned off.

If Juliet is playing Kate and she is actually the one responsible for dragging them into the jungle then she is a very gutsy lady. She let Kate keep the knife which since we know Kate can be a cold blooded killer Juliet took a chance Kate might stab her to get revenge for the rock breaking work and the beat down in the pool hall.

On the other hand it might show just how much The Others do know about our Losties because she may have known Kate wouldn't harm her which indicates intense Psychological analysis.

Either way we know Juliet lied about smokey so the chances are good she knew about the fence too. Last thought on the fence Juliet said "We don't know what it is but we know it doesn't like our fences" Does that mean that "The Others" are in the dark about something on the island? or is she lying again?

"The Mighty Heroes Return": As Kate and Juliet arrive back at the barracks to rescue Jack, Sayid, and Locke; Juliet kindly tells Kate "You get Jack, I'll get Sayid" WHAT?!? Who is getting Locke? No one. Juliet knew the others were leaving and she knew Locke went with them. So why did she get left behind? Was it by choice? or Is she on a top secret mission from Ben?

Anyway Kate rushes off to find Jack and finds him still out cold on the floor. He wakes up on cue and Kate tearfully apologizes for ruining his chance of escape in her selfish desire to save him. We know from the backstory that this is a huge step for Kate, she never even apologized to her mom for what she did (also done to "save" her mom btw) yet here she is actually learning her lesson. I think it made it all that more powerful yet when she's done Jack shrugs it off and asks about Juliet, what a slap to the face. I doubt it was intentional but still way to knock kate out.

Kate skillfully doesn't show her pain and leads Jack outside to meet up with Sayid and Juliet. Sayid sides with Kate about juliet not coming with them but Jack steps up like some sort of prince charming and gives his spiel about how she got left behind too. Sayid reluctantly agrees and they start the trek home to the beach.

OTHER POINTS: The flash back with Kate and Cassidy meeting up and the whole girl power thing was a little to much for me. Yet the writers pulled it off well making it flow nicely into Kate getting the cold shoulder from her mom.

We learned that Sawyer is indeed a daddy and that Cassidy wasn't conning him. We also learn it was Kate who suggested to Cassidy that she turn Sawyer in to the police which we know she did.

Where did Juliet earn a black belt degree? She was this timid little researcher when we first see her in flashbacks now she's dodging pool sticks, flipping people over, and fighting in the jungle. Aslo how did her arm get dislocated the other three times?

Sayid said he searched all of the houses and everyone was gone. I bet he didn't find the underground area where Locke and Cooper were kept, which more than likely is how The Others "simply vanished". I'm surprised Sayid wouldn't have thought about this since on the electrical wires map it seemed to clearly show tunnels in and out of the barracks.

Anyway that's all I have for this episode. Enjoy.

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