Hi everybody I've been thinking and I'm going to start posting every Saturday from now on so that there is a scheduled time.
Ok now to the task at hand, D.O.C. when I first started checking into the title I came across alot of ideas about what D.O.C. stands for. Here are just a few
Death of Charlie
Drug of Choice
Date of Conception
Date of Crash
and since we know the producers like to mess with us assuming it could have been backwards
Cause of Death
We can safely assume that it stands for Date of Conception since the whole show revolved around Sun and her unborn baby and Juliet, who is a fertility doctor.
I have never seen a group of people so small have so many secrets as the various groups on this island have. Our survivors constantly seem to battle with their inner secrets and doubts. The way I see it Sun has a decision to make and that is whether she should tell Jin or not that she possibly has only a couple months to live.
What are the benefits of telling him she's going to die? I'm not really sure there are any but if anyone has some ideas on this please post them I'm very curious.
I also wonder if Juliet is telling the truth about the D.O.C. or not. We know that she will do anything to get off the island and home to her sister, so what if she lied about the date of conception? If Sun got pregnant off the island and Juliet lied to her so she'd be convincing if anyone is watching then Juliet could conceivably tricked Ben into thinking she cured the disease when Sun gives birth and doesn't die. She may have just bought her ticket home.
Does that mean that they have another way off the island? What could it be if the sub blew up?
Hurley certainly seemed to have been acting oddly lately too. Why did he set off the flare? Hurley's not that dumb to know what it would do and if he didn't know then why did he have his arm raised and the gun pointed up? Does anyone else think he may have done it on purpose?
Then Hurley blabs about the satellite phone to Patchy and almost gets it stolen from them good thinking Jin getting it back. However the really big secret is whether or not Hurley is going to tell anyone what Naomi said about the plane having been found with everyone dead. Now we know that the island tested Hurley once into thinking he was crazy again when he believed it was all a dream that he had to wake up from by jumping off a cliff. What if Hurley is being tested again by being told everyone died by the island? For all we know Naomi never said anything or heck maybe Hurley is just crazy and imagining it.
"To Be Or Not To Be"
Let's chat for a bit about the chance that they did actually find plane wreckage and they believe it was the flight 815, what happens next?
No one is coming for our friends except for Penny for Desmond so where does that leave them?
Are they going to have to make nice with "The Others"? I have a hard time believing they'll ever be able to get over all the crap they've done to each other to learn to help each other.
After thinking about it I just keep hitting a wall on this thought. Assuming our survivors are the real flight 815 who would have had the resources ready to go to fake a crash site? How could they even have faked one if they claim to find the crash in the ocean then people are going to want to identify their family members to make sure it's them and if everyone is on the island how can they do that? Cloning? Twins? Maybe our people aren't even the real people. Maybe they were put into a testing area and brainwashed to believe they had outside lives. Maybe that is why so many people have connecting flashbacks.
I personally lean towards the idea that has been mentioned all over the Internet that there is something funky with time flow on the island. Not sure how that would happen though. Ideas?
"Patchy Lives"
Well one thing I do understand about this last episode is this. Patchy is alive and seriously kickin' he almost beat the crap out of Jin but I guess Jin's time as Muscle for the mob came in handy. Patchy came running at top speed after Hurley set the flare off was he expecting the chopper? Naomi spoke a few languages as they worked on getting the branch out of her.
English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese? Wow, really multilingual Hurley was right, when he translated her whispering:"Me estoy muriendo" is Spanish for "I am dying"
"Aiutame sto morendo" is Italian for "Help me I'm dying"
The Chinese part was Mandarin and is something like "Chu Le Shen Mo Shi" which means "Where am I?"
..To Mikhail she said "Eu não estou só". This is Portuguese for "I am not alone"
Why was she testing all those languages? was she looking for one that only Patchy knew?
I doubt she's an "Other" because Penny is the only person who could have given her that picture of her and Desmond but it's still sketchy.
The most interesting thing out of the whole show is we now know why so many people survived the plane crash and why Patchy survived the fence. He explained that things are different on this island and people heal much faster. Juliet mentioned the same thing about healing and Jin no longer being infertile. More than likely Patchy was not dead as many of us have agreed since he appeared to be breathing slowly when they left. What probably happened is he was dying but after he got through the other side of the field the effects from the fence stopped hurting him so he was dying slowly and was probably unconscious. The island's healing probably kept him alive until it healed him completely. Which means he probably wasn't hurt as bad as some of our other people we've seen die, like Boone and Eko.
The possibilities for something like that are endless. Imagine being able to heal almost any injury as long as the person can stay alive long enough. It's truly amazing.
"Love and Honor"
We finally found out how it was that Jin got recruited into the mafia side of the business. It turns out it was Sun who caused her dad to make him into a hitman. Sun had such Love for Jin that she couldn't bring herself to hurt him by shaming him with that info about his mother. Yet in the end his new job almost destroyed their relationship.
I found myself thoroughly touched by Jin's dads absolute refusal to shame his son and steal his happiness but even more so by the love that he had for Sun on first site. I wonder how he would have felt about what Jin did to pay off the debt.
The funny thing about Sun admitting to knowing what her father does for a living is she seemed to be very against the whole idea but later when she pays off Jin's mom she threatens her like her father would have. it was chilling even to see that side of her.
"Odds and Ends"
- Juliet is leaving a tape recording of her findings does that mean Ben has someone pick it up regularly? I enjoyed her personal comment about hating Ben, I do believe she hates him and that she just wants to go home. I'm still not sure which side she's on though
- People are starting to wonder what happened to Jack and if they can trust him. Kate thinks we still can.
- There is at least on secret tunnel in the medical hatch I bet there are more in other hatches too. Maybe even in all of them.
- Desmond is a man of his word and let Patchy go I hope that isn't a mistake.
- Lastly Naomi said she isn't alone, what does that mean? Were there other who parachuted out of the chopper? or does she mean more are coming?
Thanks for your time guys please leave your ideas and comments below. Enjoy!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
LOST Episode 3.17 Thoughts
OK well like any other episode when I found out what the title was I kind of looked up what it meant. The two most common references are this.
1.) A person must complete 2 goals but each is dependant upon the other goal being met first, thus making the person involved in the catch-22 stuck forever unless a third party intervenes.
2.) A person has a choice to make between two objectives, people, ideas, or outcomes. No matter what he chooses the other side involved fails so the person in the middle loses either way. This is the ever popular saying "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't"
Now this episode had a very intricate catch-22 that I didn't catch to begin with. More on that later.
This is the first time we have ever experienced one of Desmonds flashes at the same time as he did. What is very interesting to me is Desmond does not see them in order of what happens to lead to each step up to whatever the end result he sees. Desmond sees things in reverse that is an odd choice of how to show things but after much contemplation I figured out why.
Desmond does not see what leads up to an event since any minor thing could splinter the timeline onto a different track he sees which track the timeline chose and follows it back to make sure he can prevent it or in this case ensure it happened. Very cool way of looking at things.
OK well like any other episode when I found out what the title was I kind of looked up what it meant. The two most common references are this.
1.) A person must complete 2 goals but each is dependant upon the other goal being met first, thus making the person involved in the catch-22 stuck forever unless a third party intervenes.
2.) A person has a choice to make between two objectives, people, ideas, or outcomes. No matter what he chooses the other side involved fails so the person in the middle loses either way. This is the ever popular saying "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't"
Now this episode had a very intricate catch-22 that I didn't catch to begin with. More on that later.
This is the first time we have ever experienced one of Desmonds flashes at the same time as he did. What is very interesting to me is Desmond does not see them in order of what happens to lead to each step up to whatever the end result he sees. Desmond sees things in reverse that is an odd choice of how to show things but after much contemplation I figured out why.
Desmond does not see what leads up to an event since any minor thing could splinter the timeline onto a different track he sees which track the timeline chose and follows it back to make sure he can prevent it or in this case ensure it happened. Very cool way of looking at things.
This time Desmond was faced with a choice of what he thought was either saving charlie and destroying the timeline of the "flash" or letting charlie die and following the timeline the way he saw it to the mysterious parachutist. Not entirely a Catch-22 since saving charlie could never have changed the identity of the parachutist since it had already happened. Desmond with all of his heart wanted things to happen just like he saw them because he believed it was Penny in the suit however Desmond made the right choice and saved Charlie and still saved the Parachutist Naomi.
"Flashback Monk Style"
Desmond is becoming one of my favorite characters on the show very quickly he clearly has one of the most diverse and well developed backgrounds on the show. This time we learn that Desmond was not only engaged before but that he ran away from that one too. Except the first time he didn't sail away around the world he only went as far as the local monastery. We find out that one night Desmond was went and got so drunk that he doesn't remember how he ended up in lying in the middle of a street.
Now usually streets are not the best place to be but this time a passing Monk saw him in the street and offered help. Desmond felt like he should go with him and decided that being a monk was his life's calling. He took a vow of silence, and kept it much to the surprise of the other monks. Along the way as it always does in good television the past caught up to Desmond, this time in the form of his ex-soon-to be-brother-in-law who promptly punched Des in the nose. Guilt overwhelms Desmond and rushes off to explain himself to his ex-fiance who tells him not to be a wuss in the future and to just tell the girl he's leaving.
Here is where the flashback coincidences get crazy. Desmond later gets caught drinking the wine named after the mountain in the bible where Abraham is commanded to sacrifice his son Isaac. (By the way the monks only made 108 cases this year, the dreaded numbers). This is where I could not understand how this related to the main story. They have a whole debate over Abraham and Isaac and whether it was necessary for god to test Abraham and the monk says "You just don't understand the meaning of sacrifice"
Ok now back to the story line real quick.
"Abraham and Isaac and Charlie?"
The Parallels between the back story and the jungle trek seemed at first to not really match up to me. So I was going through the dialogue from the flashbacks and came across that discussion about Abraham and Issac on the mountain where Abraham was asked to sacrifice Issac.
At first I thought Desmond was being asked to sacrifice Charlie to get to Penny in time but then I realize that for him to let charlie die isn't really a sacrifice because Charlie doesn't mean all that much to Desmond and it's not a sacrifice unless it does mean something. Then it hit me Desmond was being asked to sacrifice Penny to save Charlie not the other way around as I first thought.
Desmond knew that if he followed his visions exactly he would reach the Parachutist in time to save her. by saving Charlie he changed the picture on the puzzle box thus making her rescue uncertain. Desmond had to put his faith in God that by saving Charlie, which was the right thing to do, he would be rewarded.
Much to our "surprise" (sarcasm) it wasn't Penny in the suit but Desmond was rewarded in having saved both lives. Just like Abraham was given Issac back unscathed. LOST has always had an underlying tone of spirituality, sacrifice, and redemption to it and this is just one more example. I think Desmond realizes that he had to save charlie because it was the right thing to do and his frustration wasn't really aimed at Charlie just at the situation because he thought he couldn't win. He now knows he made the right choice because both people still live.
"Odds and Ends"
1.) The book in Naomi's backpack was called Catch-22 in Portuguese. The scientists who called Penny at the end of season 2 when the hatch imploded spoke Portuguese. Naomi also knows who Desmond is and has a picture of him and Penny. Odds are good they just got found by the first rescue attempt.
2.) The Monk had a picture on his desk of him and the Jewelry Store Lady, Ms. Hawking. Is that a coincidence or part of a more sinister plot? Did The Monk pick Desmond up off the street because Ms. Hawkings knew his future? Did they intentionally steer him towards Penny and thus he was led to the island?
3.) If the things Desmond saw in his head were not actually time travel how did he and the Jewelry store lady cross paths twice now?
4.) Was Naomi alone in the chopper? Does her tracking Beacon work? Is the island surrounded by something that hurts electronics (aircraft) and is that why the chopper crashed?
5.) I thought the Hurley and Charlie debate about Superman and The Flash was funny. Also Jin's story made me laugh pretty good. Was his story about a couple in a car and the murderer on the car radio news loose with a hook hand? That would rock.
6.) The Ping Pong game with Jack and Sawyer was also funny I liked the quip about having to play every 108 minutes or the world would end.
7.) Lastly I never thought Kate was the type of girl to go running into Sawyer's arms just because she saw Jake and Juliet eating oatmeal together. Kudos to Sawyer for figuring out her reasoning. Till next week's episode. Enjoy.
"Flashback Monk Style"
Desmond is becoming one of my favorite characters on the show very quickly he clearly has one of the most diverse and well developed backgrounds on the show. This time we learn that Desmond was not only engaged before but that he ran away from that one too. Except the first time he didn't sail away around the world he only went as far as the local monastery. We find out that one night Desmond was went and got so drunk that he doesn't remember how he ended up in lying in the middle of a street.
Now usually streets are not the best place to be but this time a passing Monk saw him in the street and offered help. Desmond felt like he should go with him and decided that being a monk was his life's calling. He took a vow of silence, and kept it much to the surprise of the other monks. Along the way as it always does in good television the past caught up to Desmond, this time in the form of his ex-soon-to be-brother-in-law who promptly punched Des in the nose. Guilt overwhelms Desmond and rushes off to explain himself to his ex-fiance who tells him not to be a wuss in the future and to just tell the girl he's leaving.
Here is where the flashback coincidences get crazy. Desmond later gets caught drinking the wine named after the mountain in the bible where Abraham is commanded to sacrifice his son Isaac. (By the way the monks only made 108 cases this year, the dreaded numbers). This is where I could not understand how this related to the main story. They have a whole debate over Abraham and Isaac and whether it was necessary for god to test Abraham and the monk says "You just don't understand the meaning of sacrifice"
Ok now back to the story line real quick.
"Abraham and Isaac and Charlie?"
The Parallels between the back story and the jungle trek seemed at first to not really match up to me. So I was going through the dialogue from the flashbacks and came across that discussion about Abraham and Issac on the mountain where Abraham was asked to sacrifice Issac.
At first I thought Desmond was being asked to sacrifice Charlie to get to Penny in time but then I realize that for him to let charlie die isn't really a sacrifice because Charlie doesn't mean all that much to Desmond and it's not a sacrifice unless it does mean something. Then it hit me Desmond was being asked to sacrifice Penny to save Charlie not the other way around as I first thought.
Desmond knew that if he followed his visions exactly he would reach the Parachutist in time to save her. by saving Charlie he changed the picture on the puzzle box thus making her rescue uncertain. Desmond had to put his faith in God that by saving Charlie, which was the right thing to do, he would be rewarded.
Much to our "surprise" (sarcasm) it wasn't Penny in the suit but Desmond was rewarded in having saved both lives. Just like Abraham was given Issac back unscathed. LOST has always had an underlying tone of spirituality, sacrifice, and redemption to it and this is just one more example. I think Desmond realizes that he had to save charlie because it was the right thing to do and his frustration wasn't really aimed at Charlie just at the situation because he thought he couldn't win. He now knows he made the right choice because both people still live.
"Odds and Ends"
1.) The book in Naomi's backpack was called Catch-22 in Portuguese. The scientists who called Penny at the end of season 2 when the hatch imploded spoke Portuguese. Naomi also knows who Desmond is and has a picture of him and Penny. Odds are good they just got found by the first rescue attempt.
2.) The Monk had a picture on his desk of him and the Jewelry Store Lady, Ms. Hawking. Is that a coincidence or part of a more sinister plot? Did The Monk pick Desmond up off the street because Ms. Hawkings knew his future? Did they intentionally steer him towards Penny and thus he was led to the island?
3.) If the things Desmond saw in his head were not actually time travel how did he and the Jewelry store lady cross paths twice now?
4.) Was Naomi alone in the chopper? Does her tracking Beacon work? Is the island surrounded by something that hurts electronics (aircraft) and is that why the chopper crashed?
5.) I thought the Hurley and Charlie debate about Superman and The Flash was funny. Also Jin's story made me laugh pretty good. Was his story about a couple in a car and the murderer on the car radio news loose with a hook hand? That would rock.
6.) The Ping Pong game with Jack and Sawyer was also funny I liked the quip about having to play every 108 minutes or the world would end.
7.) Lastly I never thought Kate was the type of girl to go running into Sawyer's arms just because she saw Jake and Juliet eating oatmeal together. Kudos to Sawyer for figuring out her reasoning. Till next week's episode. Enjoy.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
LOST Episode 3.16 Thoughts
"One of Us"
Ok so "One of Us" was clearly one of the best episodes of the season if not the whole show. It really did keep us in suspense. Everytime I thought I could calm down a little something else went down. I have started to formulate an idea about all of those things. Hopefully I'll be able to explain all of my theories so that the thought flows and they make sense. Well not all but some.
"Herarat Aviation & Mittlose Bioscience"
We open up the show after a quick boxing match with Sayid and Jack on a juliet flashback circling around how she got to the island. Juliet and her sister Rachel driving up to a building in a car. The song 'Downtown' by Petula Clark is playing on the car radio. The car pulls up to a secured gate. A security officer walks over to Juliet's window]
Juliet: Hi! I'm Juliet Burke. I'm with Mittlose Bioscience.
Guard: I'll let Mr. Alpert know you're here.
Juliet: Thank you.
[Juliet rolls up her window]
Rachel: I think they're taking this whole 'Corporate Secrecy' thing a little too seriously.
Juliet: I'm never going to fit in with these people.
Richard Alpert: Ah, you managed to find us!
Juliet: I didn't even know they had an airport out here!
Richard Alpert: Oh, I know. It surprises everyone.
First off how could anyone not know they had an airport in their nieghborhood? Unless of course the airport isn't real. The Airport in question is called Herarat Aviation and just so you all know it's fake despite the producers of LOST making up websites and using existing items this one is fake and is only in the show.
Specualtion on what Herarat Aviation has run rampant on various forums with three main thoughts leading the way.
1.) "Her a Rat" - Many people have used this to show that Juliet is a mole and is out to do some irreversible harm to the survivors on the beach. I'm not so sure.
2.) Ararat - As in the Mountain where noah's ark landed which many believe is proven by the Black Rock pirate ship in the middle of the island.
3.) My personal favorite that when you mix up the letters you get Earhart as in Amelia Earhart the famous female pilot who vanished on a flight many years ago. Since season one people have suggested that the two skeletal remains found in the caves were Earhart and her navigator there is very little to prove this but it would be a nice little easter egg if it were true.
The Whole Earhart thing is kind of cool. I went online browsing around and it seems they think they found Amelia Earharts body a while back. I found it on a few sites but Wikipedia seems to have it laid out pretty well under their Possible Fates section. It's not Gauranteed of course but they found a plexiglass window and an aluminum plate the same size used on her airplane near some remains of a woman who according to analysis was a caucasion female. Really interesting stuff.
"Cloak and Dagger"
In full view of Juliet, Richard pulls out a packet of a powdery substance and pours it into the glass of juice. Ethan wraps a manual inflation blood pressure monitor around Juliet's left arm as Richard brings the drink over to Juliet]
Juliet: What is that?
Richard Alpert: That is orange juice...with a considerable amount of tranquilizer mixed in.
Juliet: You want me to drink it?
Richard Alpert: Oh, yes! You're going to want to be asleep for the trip, Dr. Burke.
Ethan: [Smiling and agreeing with Richard] It can be kind of intense.
Alpert and Juliet then have a nice discussion about how she's not ok wih letting two people she hardly knows drug her before she boards a plane and Alpert explains that since she has been ok with everything else up to that point then why should this one little thing stop her?
He explains that she is going somewhere special where she will see things she has never before seen and that she already knows that in her heart and that's why she's going to be ok with this too. He's very convincing because Juliet chugs the orange juice and promptly passes out.
So Juliet wakes up on a Submarine just outside of otherville at the dock. She is strapped down and Ethan says it was for her own protection so she didn't fall out of the bunk. She crawls out of the sub and is greeted by Ben. Ok so how did she get to the island?
1.) They took a plane somewhere loaded her into the sub and set sail for the island. This could cause some problems since they would have had to keep her sedated for a few days at least. Plus she would have noticed the loss of time when she woke up.
2.) She never took a plane they just put her in a car and drove her to the sub which somehow either made great time or is really close to Portland Oregon which we know isn't true.
3.) They took her to the island by some other means and put her in the Sub to make her think that is how she arrived at the island. Maybe the sub doesn't even work it might be just a prop.
As much Ben hates it he owes Jack his life and once he makes a promise he does seem like he'd carry it through, because like he said if he didn't he would appear weak in the eyes of his people. He may have taken them into the sub and made them drink some more orange juice to knock them out and then "sent" them home however it was going to happen. Now the question is unless he can "send" them home from inside the sub why would he send them into a sub that doesn't work? It would have instantly been discovered by his people that he was lying about the sub being real.
I think that the sub does work but that it only goes to some sort of underwater lab or something where they warp people in and out. This way everyone sees the sub leave and believes they took the sub home when in reality the sub goes down they go into the underwater station where they leave from. Also they said they had an underwater beacon maybe the beacon allows them to line up correctly with the station without it they can't or they may hit the station and then nobody goes home ever again. Ok it far fetched but it's a thought.
"Medical Emergencies"
We had a nice flowing continuity of medical issues during this show. I'm going to break them down individually since each one in itself raises many questions.
Claire: Claire wakes up sick and despite Charlie's endeavors to help her she just gets sicker. No one knows what is wrong but assumes it's the flu. I'm sure if Rousseau had been there she would have freaked about the mystical island sickness that she swears infected her people before she killed them.
Jack rushes to Claire's aid and tries to figure out what's wrong surprisingly Juliet is the one who saves the day but first she has to reveal a secret to some of the survivors. Claire is sick because of something Juliet did to her. She claims that because the pregnant women on the island all die, Ethan was sent to watch her pregnancy progress but he got freaked because Hurley found out he wasn't on the plane and kidnapped Claire to help "save" her baby. Juliet was the doctor who created the serum they were injecting into Claire in the medical hatch and now without the serum her body is going through withdrawls that may kill her. Juliet happens to know where a stash of medicine is and runs off to get it which they then use to heal claire.
The Others Women: The women who get pregnant on the island all die and Juliet was brought in to solve the problem. She has no success and one woman after another dies of this disease. We never see any babies so it's safe to assume they die too. Juliet frustrated and spent gives up and wants to go home claiming that the problem happens at conception so there is nothing she can do.
Ben then pulls out a whopper of a surprise and declares her sister Rachel has Cancer again and will be dead before she'll give birth. Juliet can stay and finish her work on the island or go spend the next 2 months with her sister as she dies. The ctach is this if she stays Ben promises that "Jacob" will cure her sister's cancer and if she leaves he won't. Defeated by her love for her sister and the hope that she'll live Juliet stays.
Ben: We see also that Juliet is the one to discover Ben's tumor. This happens after he promises that Rachel will be cured of cancer it is interesting to see that ben jumps to conclussions
Juliet: Your problem is a large tumor surrounding your L-4 vertebrae.
[Ben studies the x-ray and appears shocked]
Juliet: You're surprised.
Ben: Well, you just told me that I have cancer, Juliet, of course I'm surprised.
Juliet: No, I told you that you have a tumor.
[Ben walks to his kitchen and Juliet follows him]
Juliet: Why are you scared?
Ben: I'm not scared.
Juliet: Why are you scared, Ben? You said no one on this island ever had cancer. You told me that.
Ben: I know what I told you, Juliet.
Juliet: You told me you could fix it! You said that! You said that you cured my sister! You lied to me!
Ben: [Defensive] No I did not lie to you.
Juliet: If you can cure cancer, Ben, then why do you have it?
Ben: I don't know.
Did Ben get cancer because he had it taken away from Rachel and it had to go somewhere? Or did Jacob give it to Ben for making promises in Jacob's name without permission? Or was it just coincidence?
Rachel: We see later that rachel supposedly had cancer again and that she did indeed live and had a boy she named Julian. It makes me wonder if she ever had cancer again to begin with. Mittlose has been confirmed by the producers to be an anagram for "Lost Time.
What if the "Lost Time" that we've all talked about is actually possible outcomes of life but not 100%. I'll give an example to help me explain. Juliet's sister had Cancer what if one of the possible outcomes "The Others" can "see" is her getting cancer and dying. Maybe they didn't cure her cancer maybe they stopped her from ever getting it.Sawyer is another example what if in a different version timeline Sawyer got caught killing the guy in Australia? That might be another option for the "Lost Time" thought. Any one of those timelines could have happened but since it didn't the time was lost.
Final Tidbits:
- Patchy is responsible for all the research done on our survivors.
- Juliet knew about Sawyer and the man he shot the night before he left Australia. He shot the man alone in a pouring rain on a dark night. No one could have seen him.
- Juliet knew about Sayid's torture but the couple in the restaraunt in France something very few people could have known about also.
- If the baby problem happens at conception what does that mean for Sun? If Jin is the father she got pregnant on the island if the other guy is she got pregnant off the island. If Jin is the father she'll be happy it's his but sad because she and the baby could die. If it's the other guy's then she and the baby will live but Jin will know it's not his and that could cause trouble. It will be interesting to see.
- If they had an implant in Claire to make her sick does that mean Sawyer has an implant also? We saw them doing something to his chest when he was captured.
- I was surprised to see Juliet with Goodwin but I never believed she and Ben had a thing. They have to much animosity between them. However, I do believe Ben would have liked to have something between them. Especially in this episode he seemed to be trying to show her that he was a good guy. "
- Lastly I think that Jack desperatley wants Juliet to really be on his side. He is generally a peacemaker always trying to save everyone. The idea that it is Us versus Them really seems to bother him. So he wants to make sure Juliet knows she doesn't have to be "One of Them" she has the power to make a choice to be "One of Us". I think he is smart enough to know there is an option for a double cross but I think he's dumb enough to trust her enough so she can double cross him if that makes sense. It will be interesting to see what happens when she is supposed to meet up with Ben again. Ok that's it for now. Enjoy.
Ok so "One of Us" was clearly one of the best episodes of the season if not the whole show. It really did keep us in suspense. Everytime I thought I could calm down a little something else went down. I have started to formulate an idea about all of those things. Hopefully I'll be able to explain all of my theories so that the thought flows and they make sense. Well not all but some.
"Herarat Aviation & Mittlose Bioscience"
We open up the show after a quick boxing match with Sayid and Jack on a juliet flashback circling around how she got to the island. Juliet and her sister Rachel driving up to a building in a car. The song 'Downtown' by Petula Clark is playing on the car radio. The car pulls up to a secured gate. A security officer walks over to Juliet's window]
Juliet: Hi! I'm Juliet Burke. I'm with Mittlose Bioscience.
Guard: I'll let Mr. Alpert know you're here.
Juliet: Thank you.
[Juliet rolls up her window]
Rachel: I think they're taking this whole 'Corporate Secrecy' thing a little too seriously.
Juliet: I'm never going to fit in with these people.
Richard Alpert: Ah, you managed to find us!
Juliet: I didn't even know they had an airport out here!
Richard Alpert: Oh, I know. It surprises everyone.
First off how could anyone not know they had an airport in their nieghborhood? Unless of course the airport isn't real. The Airport in question is called Herarat Aviation and just so you all know it's fake despite the producers of LOST making up websites and using existing items this one is fake and is only in the show.
Specualtion on what Herarat Aviation has run rampant on various forums with three main thoughts leading the way.
1.) "Her a Rat" - Many people have used this to show that Juliet is a mole and is out to do some irreversible harm to the survivors on the beach. I'm not so sure.
2.) Ararat - As in the Mountain where noah's ark landed which many believe is proven by the Black Rock pirate ship in the middle of the island.
3.) My personal favorite that when you mix up the letters you get Earhart as in Amelia Earhart the famous female pilot who vanished on a flight many years ago. Since season one people have suggested that the two skeletal remains found in the caves were Earhart and her navigator there is very little to prove this but it would be a nice little easter egg if it were true.
The Whole Earhart thing is kind of cool. I went online browsing around and it seems they think they found Amelia Earharts body a while back. I found it on a few sites but Wikipedia seems to have it laid out pretty well under their Possible Fates section. It's not Gauranteed of course but they found a plexiglass window and an aluminum plate the same size used on her airplane near some remains of a woman who according to analysis was a caucasion female. Really interesting stuff.
"Cloak and Dagger"
In full view of Juliet, Richard pulls out a packet of a powdery substance and pours it into the glass of juice. Ethan wraps a manual inflation blood pressure monitor around Juliet's left arm as Richard brings the drink over to Juliet]
Juliet: What is that?
Richard Alpert: That is orange juice...with a considerable amount of tranquilizer mixed in.
Juliet: You want me to drink it?
Richard Alpert: Oh, yes! You're going to want to be asleep for the trip, Dr. Burke.
Ethan: [Smiling and agreeing with Richard] It can be kind of intense.
Alpert and Juliet then have a nice discussion about how she's not ok wih letting two people she hardly knows drug her before she boards a plane and Alpert explains that since she has been ok with everything else up to that point then why should this one little thing stop her?
He explains that she is going somewhere special where she will see things she has never before seen and that she already knows that in her heart and that's why she's going to be ok with this too. He's very convincing because Juliet chugs the orange juice and promptly passes out.
So Juliet wakes up on a Submarine just outside of otherville at the dock. She is strapped down and Ethan says it was for her own protection so she didn't fall out of the bunk. She crawls out of the sub and is greeted by Ben. Ok so how did she get to the island?
1.) They took a plane somewhere loaded her into the sub and set sail for the island. This could cause some problems since they would have had to keep her sedated for a few days at least. Plus she would have noticed the loss of time when she woke up.
2.) She never took a plane they just put her in a car and drove her to the sub which somehow either made great time or is really close to Portland Oregon which we know isn't true.
3.) They took her to the island by some other means and put her in the Sub to make her think that is how she arrived at the island. Maybe the sub doesn't even work it might be just a prop.
As much Ben hates it he owes Jack his life and once he makes a promise he does seem like he'd carry it through, because like he said if he didn't he would appear weak in the eyes of his people. He may have taken them into the sub and made them drink some more orange juice to knock them out and then "sent" them home however it was going to happen. Now the question is unless he can "send" them home from inside the sub why would he send them into a sub that doesn't work? It would have instantly been discovered by his people that he was lying about the sub being real.
I think that the sub does work but that it only goes to some sort of underwater lab or something where they warp people in and out. This way everyone sees the sub leave and believes they took the sub home when in reality the sub goes down they go into the underwater station where they leave from. Also they said they had an underwater beacon maybe the beacon allows them to line up correctly with the station without it they can't or they may hit the station and then nobody goes home ever again. Ok it far fetched but it's a thought.
"Medical Emergencies"
We had a nice flowing continuity of medical issues during this show. I'm going to break them down individually since each one in itself raises many questions.
Claire: Claire wakes up sick and despite Charlie's endeavors to help her she just gets sicker. No one knows what is wrong but assumes it's the flu. I'm sure if Rousseau had been there she would have freaked about the mystical island sickness that she swears infected her people before she killed them.
Jack rushes to Claire's aid and tries to figure out what's wrong surprisingly Juliet is the one who saves the day but first she has to reveal a secret to some of the survivors. Claire is sick because of something Juliet did to her. She claims that because the pregnant women on the island all die, Ethan was sent to watch her pregnancy progress but he got freaked because Hurley found out he wasn't on the plane and kidnapped Claire to help "save" her baby. Juliet was the doctor who created the serum they were injecting into Claire in the medical hatch and now without the serum her body is going through withdrawls that may kill her. Juliet happens to know where a stash of medicine is and runs off to get it which they then use to heal claire.
The Others Women: The women who get pregnant on the island all die and Juliet was brought in to solve the problem. She has no success and one woman after another dies of this disease. We never see any babies so it's safe to assume they die too. Juliet frustrated and spent gives up and wants to go home claiming that the problem happens at conception so there is nothing she can do.
Ben then pulls out a whopper of a surprise and declares her sister Rachel has Cancer again and will be dead before she'll give birth. Juliet can stay and finish her work on the island or go spend the next 2 months with her sister as she dies. The ctach is this if she stays Ben promises that "Jacob" will cure her sister's cancer and if she leaves he won't. Defeated by her love for her sister and the hope that she'll live Juliet stays.
Ben: We see also that Juliet is the one to discover Ben's tumor. This happens after he promises that Rachel will be cured of cancer it is interesting to see that ben jumps to conclussions
Juliet: Your problem is a large tumor surrounding your L-4 vertebrae.
[Ben studies the x-ray and appears shocked]
Juliet: You're surprised.
Ben: Well, you just told me that I have cancer, Juliet, of course I'm surprised.
Juliet: No, I told you that you have a tumor.
[Ben walks to his kitchen and Juliet follows him]
Juliet: Why are you scared?
Ben: I'm not scared.
Juliet: Why are you scared, Ben? You said no one on this island ever had cancer. You told me that.
Ben: I know what I told you, Juliet.
Juliet: You told me you could fix it! You said that! You said that you cured my sister! You lied to me!
Ben: [Defensive] No I did not lie to you.
Juliet: If you can cure cancer, Ben, then why do you have it?
Ben: I don't know.
Did Ben get cancer because he had it taken away from Rachel and it had to go somewhere? Or did Jacob give it to Ben for making promises in Jacob's name without permission? Or was it just coincidence?
Rachel: We see later that rachel supposedly had cancer again and that she did indeed live and had a boy she named Julian. It makes me wonder if she ever had cancer again to begin with. Mittlose has been confirmed by the producers to be an anagram for "Lost Time.
What if the "Lost Time" that we've all talked about is actually possible outcomes of life but not 100%. I'll give an example to help me explain. Juliet's sister had Cancer what if one of the possible outcomes "The Others" can "see" is her getting cancer and dying. Maybe they didn't cure her cancer maybe they stopped her from ever getting it.Sawyer is another example what if in a different version timeline Sawyer got caught killing the guy in Australia? That might be another option for the "Lost Time" thought. Any one of those timelines could have happened but since it didn't the time was lost.
Final Tidbits:
- Patchy is responsible for all the research done on our survivors.
- Juliet knew about Sawyer and the man he shot the night before he left Australia. He shot the man alone in a pouring rain on a dark night. No one could have seen him.
- Juliet knew about Sayid's torture but the couple in the restaraunt in France something very few people could have known about also.
- If the baby problem happens at conception what does that mean for Sun? If Jin is the father she got pregnant on the island if the other guy is she got pregnant off the island. If Jin is the father she'll be happy it's his but sad because she and the baby could die. If it's the other guy's then she and the baby will live but Jin will know it's not his and that could cause trouble. It will be interesting to see.
- If they had an implant in Claire to make her sick does that mean Sawyer has an implant also? We saw them doing something to his chest when he was captured.
- I was surprised to see Juliet with Goodwin but I never believed she and Ben had a thing. They have to much animosity between them. However, I do believe Ben would have liked to have something between them. Especially in this episode he seemed to be trying to show her that he was a good guy. "
- Lastly I think that Jack desperatley wants Juliet to really be on his side. He is generally a peacemaker always trying to save everyone. The idea that it is Us versus Them really seems to bother him. So he wants to make sure Juliet knows she doesn't have to be "One of Them" she has the power to make a choice to be "One of Us". I think he is smart enough to know there is an option for a double cross but I think he's dumb enough to trust her enough so she can double cross him if that makes sense. It will be interesting to see what happens when she is supposed to meet up with Ben again. Ok that's it for now. Enjoy.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
LOST Episode 3.15 Thoughts
This Episode struck an interesting note in my thoughts. It wasn't at all what I expected. Like last review I'll just work my way through the episode from start to finish and hopefully not get to sidetracked along the way.
"Locke's Tearful Goodbye": Locke showing up right off the bat and looking like he got beat with a bat caught my attention right away. He was leaving and wanted to say goodbye to Kate. Now as far as I could tell Locke and Kate were not best friends forever so why would he care enough to go explain himself even in the slightest to her?
Did his visit have something to do with the fact that he has always just liked Kate as a person? and he felt he had to tell her he tried to help her? Or did his intervention with the others have something to do with her and Juliet being tossed out into the jungle together?
My first thought was what if Kate is being tested to see what she will do when she clearly has the upper hand on one of the others. Juliet agrees to the test gets knocked out or fakes it leaves the knife in plain site and The Others just sit back and wait. What if Kate passes this test and The Others agree with Locke that Kate is a good person just pushed to far in the past by her step-father? Will they come for her next? Maybe in his own twisted way Locke sees that the way to save the losties is to show The Others they are wrong. He may not want to leave the island but that doesn't mean he can't try to save everyone the only way we know for sure would work, Move the Sub, swim back, blow up the dock, convince the others he's on their side, and then slowly but surely "rescue" the losties and send them all home at once.
That was my first idea and while it might be cool idea wasn't what seems to have happened because we find out very quickly that Juliet is lying and Kate catches her in her lie more on that later.
"SMOKEY": He's back in this episode and with a vengeance we have never seen before. The look in Juliet's eyes when the smokey roar was first heard was priceless. She may have been lying about never having seen it before but she wasn't lying about being scared of it.
I'm not sure why but it doesn't seem like smokey can get between trees or over fences for that matter but we see him do something we've never seen before he starts flashing the girls like a photographer with a deadline. Maybe he didn't just kill them on the spot because the flashes allowed him to gather info on the dynamic duo's identity that had to be processed. Either way the girls get away after a cat fight in the mud and rain. Only to have Smokey coming back again but this time they are pinned against the sonic fence of death.
Kate refuses to cross the fence line until Juliet removes the cuffs and crosses it herself. Somehow she knew the fence was off or assumed it was. She quickly convinces Kate to join her on the inside of the fence and she turns it on (which by the way the code was 1623, two of the numbers) I laughed a little at that because Smokey can fly but surprisingly the Sonic Fence of Death brought Smokey up short. He couldn't get them and he didn't seem to happy about it. After a few moans, roars, and odd animal sounds all garbled together smokey flies away accepting the fact he's been thwarted twice today.
"The Fence": Ok so Juliet knew the fence was off does that mean she turned it off herself? Or that she was working with "The Others" not necessarily.
I think she may have taken a gamble on the fence because Kate told her that she saw all of the Others pack up and leave. So she figured that if they we're dragged out into the jungle they would have had to cross the fence at some point which means it was turned off.
If Juliet is playing Kate and she is actually the one responsible for dragging them into the jungle then she is a very gutsy lady. She let Kate keep the knife which since we know Kate can be a cold blooded killer Juliet took a chance Kate might stab her to get revenge for the rock breaking work and the beat down in the pool hall.
On the other hand it might show just how much The Others do know about our Losties because she may have known Kate wouldn't harm her which indicates intense Psychological analysis.
Either way we know Juliet lied about smokey so the chances are good she knew about the fence too. Last thought on the fence Juliet said "We don't know what it is but we know it doesn't like our fences" Does that mean that "The Others" are in the dark about something on the island? or is she lying again?
"The Mighty Heroes Return": As Kate and Juliet arrive back at the barracks to rescue Jack, Sayid, and Locke; Juliet kindly tells Kate "You get Jack, I'll get Sayid" WHAT?!? Who is getting Locke? No one. Juliet knew the others were leaving and she knew Locke went with them. So why did she get left behind? Was it by choice? or Is she on a top secret mission from Ben?
Anyway Kate rushes off to find Jack and finds him still out cold on the floor. He wakes up on cue and Kate tearfully apologizes for ruining his chance of escape in her selfish desire to save him. We know from the backstory that this is a huge step for Kate, she never even apologized to her mom for what she did (also done to "save" her mom btw) yet here she is actually learning her lesson. I think it made it all that more powerful yet when she's done Jack shrugs it off and asks about Juliet, what a slap to the face. I doubt it was intentional but still way to knock kate out.
Kate skillfully doesn't show her pain and leads Jack outside to meet up with Sayid and Juliet. Sayid sides with Kate about juliet not coming with them but Jack steps up like some sort of prince charming and gives his spiel about how she got left behind too. Sayid reluctantly agrees and they start the trek home to the beach.
OTHER POINTS: The flash back with Kate and Cassidy meeting up and the whole girl power thing was a little to much for me. Yet the writers pulled it off well making it flow nicely into Kate getting the cold shoulder from her mom.
We learned that Sawyer is indeed a daddy and that Cassidy wasn't conning him. We also learn it was Kate who suggested to Cassidy that she turn Sawyer in to the police which we know she did.
Where did Juliet earn a black belt degree? She was this timid little researcher when we first see her in flashbacks now she's dodging pool sticks, flipping people over, and fighting in the jungle. Aslo how did her arm get dislocated the other three times?
Sayid said he searched all of the houses and everyone was gone. I bet he didn't find the underground area where Locke and Cooper were kept, which more than likely is how The Others "simply vanished". I'm surprised Sayid wouldn't have thought about this since on the electrical wires map it seemed to clearly show tunnels in and out of the barracks.
Anyway that's all I have for this episode. Enjoy.
This Episode struck an interesting note in my thoughts. It wasn't at all what I expected. Like last review I'll just work my way through the episode from start to finish and hopefully not get to sidetracked along the way.
"Locke's Tearful Goodbye": Locke showing up right off the bat and looking like he got beat with a bat caught my attention right away. He was leaving and wanted to say goodbye to Kate. Now as far as I could tell Locke and Kate were not best friends forever so why would he care enough to go explain himself even in the slightest to her?
Did his visit have something to do with the fact that he has always just liked Kate as a person? and he felt he had to tell her he tried to help her? Or did his intervention with the others have something to do with her and Juliet being tossed out into the jungle together?
My first thought was what if Kate is being tested to see what she will do when she clearly has the upper hand on one of the others. Juliet agrees to the test gets knocked out or fakes it leaves the knife in plain site and The Others just sit back and wait. What if Kate passes this test and The Others agree with Locke that Kate is a good person just pushed to far in the past by her step-father? Will they come for her next? Maybe in his own twisted way Locke sees that the way to save the losties is to show The Others they are wrong. He may not want to leave the island but that doesn't mean he can't try to save everyone the only way we know for sure would work, Move the Sub, swim back, blow up the dock, convince the others he's on their side, and then slowly but surely "rescue" the losties and send them all home at once.
That was my first idea and while it might be cool idea wasn't what seems to have happened because we find out very quickly that Juliet is lying and Kate catches her in her lie more on that later.
"SMOKEY": He's back in this episode and with a vengeance we have never seen before. The look in Juliet's eyes when the smokey roar was first heard was priceless. She may have been lying about never having seen it before but she wasn't lying about being scared of it.
I'm not sure why but it doesn't seem like smokey can get between trees or over fences for that matter but we see him do something we've never seen before he starts flashing the girls like a photographer with a deadline. Maybe he didn't just kill them on the spot because the flashes allowed him to gather info on the dynamic duo's identity that had to be processed. Either way the girls get away after a cat fight in the mud and rain. Only to have Smokey coming back again but this time they are pinned against the sonic fence of death.
Kate refuses to cross the fence line until Juliet removes the cuffs and crosses it herself. Somehow she knew the fence was off or assumed it was. She quickly convinces Kate to join her on the inside of the fence and she turns it on (which by the way the code was 1623, two of the numbers) I laughed a little at that because Smokey can fly but surprisingly the Sonic Fence of Death brought Smokey up short. He couldn't get them and he didn't seem to happy about it. After a few moans, roars, and odd animal sounds all garbled together smokey flies away accepting the fact he's been thwarted twice today.
"The Fence": Ok so Juliet knew the fence was off does that mean she turned it off herself? Or that she was working with "The Others" not necessarily.
I think she may have taken a gamble on the fence because Kate told her that she saw all of the Others pack up and leave. So she figured that if they we're dragged out into the jungle they would have had to cross the fence at some point which means it was turned off.
If Juliet is playing Kate and she is actually the one responsible for dragging them into the jungle then she is a very gutsy lady. She let Kate keep the knife which since we know Kate can be a cold blooded killer Juliet took a chance Kate might stab her to get revenge for the rock breaking work and the beat down in the pool hall.
On the other hand it might show just how much The Others do know about our Losties because she may have known Kate wouldn't harm her which indicates intense Psychological analysis.
Either way we know Juliet lied about smokey so the chances are good she knew about the fence too. Last thought on the fence Juliet said "We don't know what it is but we know it doesn't like our fences" Does that mean that "The Others" are in the dark about something on the island? or is she lying again?
"The Mighty Heroes Return": As Kate and Juliet arrive back at the barracks to rescue Jack, Sayid, and Locke; Juliet kindly tells Kate "You get Jack, I'll get Sayid" WHAT?!? Who is getting Locke? No one. Juliet knew the others were leaving and she knew Locke went with them. So why did she get left behind? Was it by choice? or Is she on a top secret mission from Ben?
Anyway Kate rushes off to find Jack and finds him still out cold on the floor. He wakes up on cue and Kate tearfully apologizes for ruining his chance of escape in her selfish desire to save him. We know from the backstory that this is a huge step for Kate, she never even apologized to her mom for what she did (also done to "save" her mom btw) yet here she is actually learning her lesson. I think it made it all that more powerful yet when she's done Jack shrugs it off and asks about Juliet, what a slap to the face. I doubt it was intentional but still way to knock kate out.
Kate skillfully doesn't show her pain and leads Jack outside to meet up with Sayid and Juliet. Sayid sides with Kate about juliet not coming with them but Jack steps up like some sort of prince charming and gives his spiel about how she got left behind too. Sayid reluctantly agrees and they start the trek home to the beach.
OTHER POINTS: The flash back with Kate and Cassidy meeting up and the whole girl power thing was a little to much for me. Yet the writers pulled it off well making it flow nicely into Kate getting the cold shoulder from her mom.
We learned that Sawyer is indeed a daddy and that Cassidy wasn't conning him. We also learn it was Kate who suggested to Cassidy that she turn Sawyer in to the police which we know she did.
Where did Juliet earn a black belt degree? She was this timid little researcher when we first see her in flashbacks now she's dodging pool sticks, flipping people over, and fighting in the jungle. Aslo how did her arm get dislocated the other three times?
Sayid said he searched all of the houses and everyone was gone. I bet he didn't find the underground area where Locke and Cooper were kept, which more than likely is how The Others "simply vanished". I'm surprised Sayid wouldn't have thought about this since on the electrical wires map it seemed to clearly show tunnels in and out of the barracks.
Anyway that's all I have for this episode. Enjoy.
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