Tuesday, April 24, 2007

LOST Episode 3.16 Thoughts

"One of Us"

Ok so "One of Us" was clearly one of the best episodes of the season if not the whole show. It really did keep us in suspense. Everytime I thought I could calm down a little something else went down. I have started to formulate an idea about all of those things. Hopefully I'll be able to explain all of my theories so that the thought flows and they make sense. Well not all but some.

"Herarat Aviation & Mittlose Bioscience"

We open up the show after a quick boxing match with Sayid and Jack on a juliet flashback circling around how she got to the island. Juliet and her sister Rachel driving up to a building in a car. The song 'Downtown' by Petula Clark is playing on the car radio. The car pulls up to a secured gate. A security officer walks over to Juliet's window]

Juliet: Hi! I'm Juliet Burke. I'm with Mittlose Bioscience.
Guard: I'll let Mr. Alpert know you're here.
Juliet: Thank you.

[Juliet rolls up her window]

Rachel: I think they're taking this whole 'Corporate Secrecy' thing a little too seriously.
Juliet: I'm never going to fit in with these people.

Richard Alpert: Ah, you managed to find us!
Juliet: I didn't even know they had an airport out here!
Richard Alpert: Oh, I know. It surprises everyone.

First off how could anyone not know they had an airport in their nieghborhood? Unless of course the airport isn't real. The Airport in question is called Herarat Aviation and just so you all know it's fake despite the producers of LOST making up websites and using existing items this one is fake and is only in the show.

Specualtion on what Herarat Aviation has run rampant on various forums with three main thoughts leading the way.

1.) "Her a Rat" - Many people have used this to show that Juliet is a mole and is out to do some irreversible harm to the survivors on the beach. I'm not so sure.

2.) Ararat - As in the Mountain where noah's ark landed which many believe is proven by the Black Rock pirate ship in the middle of the island.

3.) My personal favorite that when you mix up the letters you get Earhart as in Amelia Earhart the famous female pilot who vanished on a flight many years ago. Since season one people have suggested that the two skeletal remains found in the caves were Earhart and her navigator there is very little to prove this but it would be a nice little easter egg if it were true.

The Whole Earhart thing is kind of cool. I went online browsing around and it seems they think they found Amelia Earharts body a while back. I found it on a few sites but Wikipedia seems to have it laid out pretty well under their Possible Fates section. It's not Gauranteed of course but they found a plexiglass window and an aluminum plate the same size used on her airplane near some remains of a woman who according to analysis was a caucasion female. Really interesting stuff.

"Cloak and Dagger"

In full view of Juliet, Richard pulls out a packet of a powdery substance and pours it into the glass of juice. Ethan wraps a manual inflation blood pressure monitor around Juliet's left arm as Richard brings the drink over to Juliet]

Juliet: What is that?
Richard Alpert: That is orange juice...with a considerable amount of tranquilizer mixed in.
Juliet: You want me to drink it?
Richard Alpert: Oh, yes! You're going to want to be asleep for the trip, Dr. Burke.
Ethan: [Smiling and agreeing with Richard] It can be kind of intense.

Alpert and Juliet then have a nice discussion about how she's not ok wih letting two people she hardly knows drug her before she boards a plane and Alpert explains that since she has been ok with everything else up to that point then why should this one little thing stop her?

He explains that she is going somewhere special where she will see things she has never before seen and that she already knows that in her heart and that's why she's going to be ok with this too. He's very convincing because Juliet chugs the orange juice and promptly passes out.

So Juliet wakes up on a Submarine just outside of otherville at the dock. She is strapped down and Ethan says it was for her own protection so she didn't fall out of the bunk. She crawls out of the sub and is greeted by Ben. Ok so how did she get to the island?

1.) They took a plane somewhere loaded her into the sub and set sail for the island. This could cause some problems since they would have had to keep her sedated for a few days at least. Plus she would have noticed the loss of time when she woke up.

2.) She never took a plane they just put her in a car and drove her to the sub which somehow either made great time or is really close to Portland Oregon which we know isn't true.

3.) They took her to the island by some other means and put her in the Sub to make her think that is how she arrived at the island. Maybe the sub doesn't even work it might be just a prop.

As much Ben hates it he owes Jack his life and once he makes a promise he does seem like he'd carry it through, because like he said if he didn't he would appear weak in the eyes of his people. He may have taken them into the sub and made them drink some more orange juice to knock them out and then "sent" them home however it was going to happen. Now the question is unless he can "send" them home from inside the sub why would he send them into a sub that doesn't work? It would have instantly been discovered by his people that he was lying about the sub being real.

I think that the sub does work but that it only goes to some sort of underwater lab or something where they warp people in and out. This way everyone sees the sub leave and believes they took the sub home when in reality the sub goes down they go into the underwater station where they leave from. Also they said they had an underwater beacon maybe the beacon allows them to line up correctly with the station without it they can't or they may hit the station and then nobody goes home ever again. Ok it far fetched but it's a thought.

"Medical Emergencies"

We had a nice flowing continuity of medical issues during this show. I'm going to break them down individually since each one in itself raises many questions.

Claire: Claire wakes up sick and despite Charlie's endeavors to help her she just gets sicker. No one knows what is wrong but assumes it's the flu. I'm sure if Rousseau had been there she would have freaked about the mystical island sickness that she swears infected her people before she killed them.

Jack rushes to Claire's aid and tries to figure out what's wrong surprisingly Juliet is the one who saves the day but first she has to reveal a secret to some of the survivors. Claire is sick because of something Juliet did to her. She claims that because the pregnant women on the island all die, Ethan was sent to watch her pregnancy progress but he got freaked because Hurley found out he wasn't on the plane and kidnapped Claire to help "save" her baby. Juliet was the doctor who created the serum they were injecting into Claire in the medical hatch and now without the serum her body is going through withdrawls that may kill her. Juliet happens to know where a stash of medicine is and runs off to get it which they then use to heal claire.

The Others Women: The women who get pregnant on the island all die and Juliet was brought in to solve the problem. She has no success and one woman after another dies of this disease. We never see any babies so it's safe to assume they die too. Juliet frustrated and spent gives up and wants to go home claiming that the problem happens at conception so there is nothing she can do.

Ben then pulls out a whopper of a surprise and declares her sister Rachel has Cancer again and will be dead before she'll give birth. Juliet can stay and finish her work on the island or go spend the next 2 months with her sister as she dies. The ctach is this if she stays Ben promises that "Jacob" will cure her sister's cancer and if she leaves he won't. Defeated by her love for her sister and the hope that she'll live Juliet stays.

Ben: We see also that Juliet is the one to discover Ben's tumor. This happens after he promises that Rachel will be cured of cancer it is interesting to see that ben jumps to conclussions

Juliet: Your problem is a large tumor surrounding your L-4 vertebrae.

[Ben studies the x-ray and appears shocked]
Juliet: You're surprised.
Ben: Well, you just told me that I have cancer, Juliet, of course I'm surprised.
Juliet: No, I told you that you have a tumor.

[Ben walks to his kitchen and Juliet follows him]
Juliet: Why are you scared?
Ben: I'm not scared.
Juliet: Why are you scared, Ben? You said no one on this island ever had cancer. You told me that.
Ben: I know what I told you, Juliet.
Juliet: You told me you could fix it! You said that! You said that you cured my sister! You lied to me!
Ben: [Defensive] No I did not lie to you.
Juliet: If you can cure cancer, Ben, then why do you have it?
Ben: I don't know.

Did Ben get cancer because he had it taken away from Rachel and it had to go somewhere? Or did Jacob give it to Ben for making promises in Jacob's name without permission? Or was it just coincidence?

Rachel: We see later that rachel supposedly had cancer again and that she did indeed live and had a boy she named Julian. It makes me wonder if she ever had cancer again to begin with. Mittlose has been confirmed by the producers to be an anagram for "Lost Time.

What if the "Lost Time" that we've all talked about is actually possible outcomes of life but not 100%. I'll give an example to help me explain. Juliet's sister had Cancer what if one of the possible outcomes "The Others" can "see" is her getting cancer and dying. Maybe they didn't cure her cancer maybe they stopped her from ever getting it.Sawyer is another example what if in a different version timeline Sawyer got caught killing the guy in Australia? That might be another option for the "Lost Time" thought. Any one of those timelines could have happened but since it didn't the time was lost.

Final Tidbits:

- Patchy is responsible for all the research done on our survivors.

- Juliet knew about Sawyer and the man he shot the night before he left Australia. He shot the man alone in a pouring rain on a dark night. No one could have seen him.

- Juliet knew about Sayid's torture but the couple in the restaraunt in France something very few people could have known about also.

- If the baby problem happens at conception what does that mean for Sun? If Jin is the father she got pregnant on the island if the other guy is she got pregnant off the island. If Jin is the father she'll be happy it's his but sad because she and the baby could die. If it's the other guy's then she and the baby will live but Jin will know it's not his and that could cause trouble. It will be interesting to see.

- If they had an implant in Claire to make her sick does that mean Sawyer has an implant also? We saw them doing something to his chest when he was captured.

- I was surprised to see Juliet with Goodwin but I never believed she and Ben had a thing. They have to much animosity between them. However, I do believe Ben would have liked to have something between them. Especially in this episode he seemed to be trying to show her that he was a good guy. "

- Lastly I think that Jack desperatley wants Juliet to really be on his side. He is generally a peacemaker always trying to save everyone. The idea that it is Us versus Them really seems to bother him. So he wants to make sure Juliet knows she doesn't have to be "One of Them" she has the power to make a choice to be "One of Us". I think he is smart enough to know there is an option for a double cross but I think he's dumb enough to trust her enough so she can double cross him if that makes sense. It will be interesting to see what happens when she is supposed to meet up with Ben again. Ok that's it for now. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

I didn't even think about the submarine ride to the island, good thinking. Of course it's thousands of miles away, so that would have to be a lot of sedative. I've very intrigued about the submarine, and I hope they go into it a little more about where it is, if it really is the way to travel to and from the island, if it blew up, etc.
Was Rousseau pregnant on the island?? I forget. If so, then it's ironic that she, the mother, would kill everyone off because they were sick, when she's the one who is supposed to be sick. Also, if Claire had an implant, is the mothers on the island sickness still true? And what does Sun's getting pregnant on or off the island have to do with it? Claire was already pregnant when she got to the island. Did Juliet talk about this?

Jason said...

Rousseau was pregnant on the island and gave birth a short time after they crashed. She killed everyone who got sick to stop the sickness from spreading off the island. The mother's sickness is real but whether it had infected claire or sun is a question we don't know the awnser to.