Saturday, April 28, 2007

LOST Episode 3.18 Thoughts


Hi everybody I've been thinking and I'm going to start posting every Saturday from now on so that there is a scheduled time.

Ok now to the task at hand, D.O.C. when I first started checking into the title I came across alot of ideas about what D.O.C. stands for. Here are just a few

Death of Charlie
Drug of Choice
Date of Conception
Date of Crash
and since we know the producers like to mess with us assuming it could have been backwards
Cause of Death

We can safely assume that it stands for Date of Conception since the whole show revolved around Sun and her unborn baby and Juliet, who is a fertility doctor.


I have never seen a group of people so small have so many secrets as the various groups on this island have. Our survivors constantly seem to battle with their inner secrets and doubts. The way I see it Sun has a decision to make and that is whether she should tell Jin or not that she possibly has only a couple months to live.

What are the benefits of telling him she's going to die? I'm not really sure there are any but if anyone has some ideas on this please post them I'm very curious.

I also wonder if Juliet is telling the truth about the D.O.C. or not. We know that she will do anything to get off the island and home to her sister, so what if she lied about the date of conception? If Sun got pregnant off the island and Juliet lied to her so she'd be convincing if anyone is watching then Juliet could conceivably tricked Ben into thinking she cured the disease when Sun gives birth and doesn't die. She may have just bought her ticket home.

Does that mean that they have another way off the island? What could it be if the sub blew up?

Hurley certainly seemed to have been acting oddly lately too. Why did he set off the flare? Hurley's not that dumb to know what it would do and if he didn't know then why did he have his arm raised and the gun pointed up? Does anyone else think he may have done it on purpose?

Then Hurley blabs about the satellite phone to Patchy and almost gets it stolen from them good thinking Jin getting it back. However the really big secret is whether or not Hurley is going to tell anyone what Naomi said about the plane having been found with everyone dead. Now we know that the island tested Hurley once into thinking he was crazy again when he believed it was all a dream that he had to wake up from by jumping off a cliff. What if Hurley is being tested again by being told everyone died by the island? For all we know Naomi never said anything or heck maybe Hurley is just crazy and imagining it.

"To Be Or Not To Be"

Let's chat for a bit about the chance that they did actually find plane wreckage and they believe it was the flight 815, what happens next?

No one is coming for our friends except for Penny for Desmond so where does that leave them?
Are they going to have to make nice with "The Others"? I have a hard time believing they'll ever be able to get over all the crap they've done to each other to learn to help each other.

After thinking about it I just keep hitting a wall on this thought. Assuming our survivors are the real flight 815 who would have had the resources ready to go to fake a crash site? How could they even have faked one if they claim to find the crash in the ocean then people are going to want to identify their family members to make sure it's them and if everyone is on the island how can they do that? Cloning? Twins? Maybe our people aren't even the real people. Maybe they were put into a testing area and brainwashed to believe they had outside lives. Maybe that is why so many people have connecting flashbacks.

I personally lean towards the idea that has been mentioned all over the Internet that there is something funky with time flow on the island. Not sure how that would happen though. Ideas?

"Patchy Lives"

Well one thing I do understand about this last episode is this. Patchy is alive and seriously kickin' he almost beat the crap out of Jin but I guess Jin's time as Muscle for the mob came in handy. Patchy came running at top speed after Hurley set the flare off was he expecting the chopper? Naomi spoke a few languages as they worked on getting the branch out of her.

English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese? Wow, really multilingual Hurley was right, when he translated her whispering:"Me estoy muriendo" is Spanish for "I am dying"

"Aiutame sto morendo" is Italian for "Help me I'm dying"
The Chinese part was Mandarin and is something like "Chu Le Shen Mo Shi" which means "Where am I?"
..To Mikhail she said "Eu não estou ". This is Portuguese for "I am not alone"

Why was she testing all those languages? was she looking for one that only Patchy knew?

I doubt she's an "Other" because Penny is the only person who could have given her that picture of her and Desmond but it's still sketchy.

The most interesting thing out of the whole show is we now know why so many people survived the plane crash and why Patchy survived the fence. He explained that things are different on this island and people heal much faster. Juliet mentioned the same thing about healing and Jin no longer being infertile. More than likely Patchy was not dead as many of us have agreed since he appeared to be breathing slowly when they left. What probably happened is he was dying but after he got through the other side of the field the effects from the fence stopped hurting him so he was dying slowly and was probably unconscious. The island's healing probably kept him alive until it healed him completely. Which means he probably wasn't hurt as bad as some of our other people we've seen die, like Boone and Eko.

The possibilities for something like that are endless. Imagine being able to heal almost any injury as long as the person can stay alive long enough. It's truly amazing.

"Love and Honor"

We finally found out how it was that Jin got recruited into the mafia side of the business. It turns out it was Sun who caused her dad to make him into a hitman. Sun had such Love for Jin that she couldn't bring herself to hurt him by shaming him with that info about his mother. Yet in the end his new job almost destroyed their relationship.

I found myself thoroughly touched by Jin's dads absolute refusal to shame his son and steal his happiness but even more so by the love that he had for Sun on first site. I wonder how he would have felt about what Jin did to pay off the debt.

The funny thing about Sun admitting to knowing what her father does for a living is she seemed to be very against the whole idea but later when she pays off Jin's mom she threatens her like her father would have. it was chilling even to see that side of her.

"Odds and Ends"

- Juliet is leaving a tape recording of her findings does that mean Ben has someone pick it up regularly? I enjoyed her personal comment about hating Ben, I do believe she hates him and that she just wants to go home. I'm still not sure which side she's on though

- People are starting to wonder what happened to Jack and if they can trust him. Kate thinks we still can.

- There is at least on secret tunnel in the medical hatch I bet there are more in other hatches too. Maybe even in all of them.

- Desmond is a man of his word and let Patchy go I hope that isn't a mistake.

- Lastly Naomi said she isn't alone, what does that mean? Were there other who parachuted out of the chopper? or does she mean more are coming?

Thanks for your time guys please leave your ideas and comments below. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but do you remember when Desmond & Penny took that picture? Only one picture was given & Desmond had it. So how did Naomi get a copy? With Jack asking those questions to Sun, he could be in on it with Juliet or just being the curious doctor. Hard to tell. So do you think Kate will end up pregnant next 'cause you know she slept with Sawyer. I think that Juliet has impregnanted Sun & Kate. I loved when Juliet said, "I hate you." I laughed & laughed.

Anonymous said...

About the picture , the picture Naomi has is different than the first pic. In the first pic Penny wears a white shirt. In the second pic she wears a black shirt.
I think that is a forshadowing that if Penny gets to the island it will not be good for Desmond.

Anonymous said...

The "I'm not alone comment makes me wonder if there were others who parachuted out of the chopper. What if Naomi told Mikhail that because he was her "doctor" and was just worried about her friends. It will be interesting to see what she tells the survivors next week.

Anonymous said...

Watching Jin reminded me that he did do some tough dirty work for Mr. Paik.
It doesn't seem to be Jin's nature, but he had to pay off Sun's debt!
(I was so glad to see that Sun met Jin's father...he seemed to be a really "good" person!)
Speaking of good vs bad...Desmond seemed to do the "good" thing and honored his word to let Patchy go.
Charlie wanted to kill him (reminded me of a scene in Saving Private Ryan when they let a prisoner go and he went on to get them all killed).

Jason said...

Hi guys Jason here.

Mandy you are right there was only one picture now I'm not sure if we have two pictures because Desmond messed up the timeline or if Penny simply made him a copy somewhere along the way. Remember what we saw in his "Flash back" wasn't how him and penny broke up to begin with. They stayed together a bit longer so he did have access to the picture.

Sandee great catch on the photo changing from a white shirt to a black shirt. That would be very sneaky awesome foreshadowing. Unless Desmond actually did time travel and he changed something so her shirt color changed. Either way cool catch.

Anonymous said...

HI Jason

Actually I can't take credit for catching the thing with the shirt.

I read and there were a lot of posts about the picture and the changed shirt.

Also people think there were three pictures . Desmond had one, parachute lady had one and one was on the nightstand when Penny picked up the phone in the season 2 finale.

Anonymous said...

Ok so now I wonder if Sayid is going to be able to fix the Sat Phone. You'd think there would be a charger or an outlet or something in otherville or one of the stations. I loved Hurley trying to call home to his mom, if she thinks he's dead he would have given her a heart attack.

Anonymous said...

Hurley would have given his mom a heart attack?

I guess that's not funny...but that would be so in line with everything that happens to Hurley.