Wednesday, May 2, 2007

LOST Episode 3.19 Thoughts

"The Brig"

Ok so to be honest when I heard the name of this episode was The Brig I instantly thought of Star Trek however since we have yet to see any forcefields I was pretty sure I was wrong on that account so I kept looking.

A brig is one of two things usually.

1.) A brig is a two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on both masts.
2.) A jail or prison on board a U.S. Navy or Coast Guard vessel or any other ship where rule breakers are put to keep them under control or to punish them.

So it was a good guess we were going to see the Black Rock again.

This episode didn't seem to have any big reveals at first but after thinking about it some I believe that we got lots of subtle information.

Locke: This Episode was very clearly Locke Centric and I really enjoyed that we bounced back and forth between the present time and to what happened to Locke since we saw him last eight days ago. For one thing we now know how Locke got his hand hurt, I always just chalked it up to the beat down he got after blowing up the sub but I was wrong on that. I forgot his hand wasn't wrapped in bandages before he saw his dad and it was when he said goodbye to kate. Locke's Father bit his hand, not really sure why since most people would like being ungagged.

Locke and "The Others" packed up and left othersville pretty quickly but I think Ben had been planning something like this for a while. We see them at some campground but this one has ancient pillars which were very reminiscent of the statue with four toes.

I'm pretty sure that we are going to find out who built these things very soon. Locke was told they were going to a very old place wasn't he? Well what could be much old than Romanesque statues on an invisible island?

We saw that Locke was put in a lose-lose situation by Ben with "The Others", We have seen multiple times that murder is frowned upon by "The Others" yet we see Ben tell Locke he has to kill his dad and very unconvincingly tells Locke that Locke mentally brought Cooper to the island so he could kill him and be free.

Locke almost does it to but at the last minute is able to control himself and loses face with the people who seem to want to follow him. He gets left behind when they move on and Ben says don't come back unless you're carrying your fathers dead body.

I never believed for a minute that Locke would be the one to actually kill him, he is to connected to the island to allow himself to be conned that way but as Alpert pointed out because Ben shamed him in front of everyone he has no choice but to kill cooper or in alperts suggestion, have someone else do it, like sawyer.

Alpert: Can we trust Richard Alpert? Up until now he has been shown as one of Ben's most trusted people. He was the one who has been sent to recruit Juliet. He was the one sent to film Juliet's sister to show she was still alive. Alpert was the one who was sent to bring the man from Tallahasee to where Ben could show Locke that Cooper was on the island, also he was prsent when Locke actually saw cooper in otherville.
Yet here we see Richard Alpert as a revelutionary, for the "greater cause" he goes behind Bens back and tells Locke that Ben has been wasting their time, and that there are greater things than fertility problems. He even sneaks Sawyers file to Locke and says you have no choice but to have Cooper killed if you want to complete your "Journey" Remember back to the scene with Juliet and the book club where she stands up to criticism that Ben wouldn't choose the book "Carrie"? She says that there is still free will on the island, maybe Alpert is part of that camp, maybe he represents a group that longs for a simpler time of peace, prosperity, and spirituality. I could see Locke being the man to lead them in that endeavor.

However we can't overlook the option that since he is Ben's right hand man that he was sent to convince Locke to kill his father. Ben is a master manipulator so it's very hard to see the woods from the trees.

BEN: I have never trusted Ben and yet I believe many things that he says, is that odd? He is a master at sprinkling his lies with just enough truth that you would have a hard time calling him a liar even though we all know he is. I believe that he wants Locke to be seen by "The Others" as a failure, he wants him to be discredited but I'm not sure to what purpose.

Back when Ben was captured by Rousseau and given to Jack and Sayid who held him prisoner in the hatch Ben stated that he came to get Locke. I assumed that he saw Locke as one of the "good ones" but that since ethan had failed in finishing his list and kidnapping people they were going to try a direct approach and just simply invite Locke to join them. Yet Ben ran away without Locke after destroying his belief that the button did anything. I think it makes sense to me now.

Ben claimed to never push the button and that the numbers just reset themselves which we know is a lie because we saw the hatch implode later when they didn't get pushed. I believe that Ben did not come to get locke but that he came to "get" locke, as in "I'm gonna get you". Ben wants Locke out of the picture he sees Locke as a threat to his power but when he was in the hatch he didn't want it to implode and kill him too so he pushed the buttons and lied about it. To Ben's surprise I'm sure, Locke lived so he had to come up with a new plan to "get" him. I'm sure that Locke's survival of the hatch blewing up only added to the belief of the rebel others that Locke is special.

Well Ben got his wish when Locke came strolling out of the jungle to make all his dreams come true. Ben got to stop Jack and Juliet from leaving the island, his since been able to walk again, and most of all has Locke under his thumb. He spun such a lie about how Locke's emotions were holding him back that "The Others" lost faith and turned away from him yet I believe if Locke had killed cooper then Ben would have shook his head sadly and said "I can't believe you did it John. You are still a prisoner to your emotions. I wish you could have controled them because you would have been the man we thought you were."

Sawyer: I'm happy that Sawyer finally got to confront his inner demons but sad that he lost all the ground he had made in character development when he killed Cooper. I hope that he'll be able to move forward now though, it would be great to see him becaome a full fledged member of society and even better if he stopped conning people and became happy for once.

Sawyer asked all of the right questions for once and got alot more info than we probably ever hoped to recieve from Cooper. We have now heard from two seperate people that they found flight 815 on the bottom of the ocean with no survivors. Anthony Cooper honestly believed they were all dead and in hell so I think he spoke more candidly to sawyer than he otherwise would have. I just wonder how much info Sawyer will pass along to the rest of the Losties.

Naomi: She seems to be recovering already so I guess Patchy told the truth. We learned that she was in a helicopter that took off from a freighter eighty nautical miles away, so close yet so far. Naomi says they were given a set of coordinates in the middle of the ocean by Penny and that her team came only because they were getting paid not because they believed they'd find anything. She flew over and over the area of the ocean and saw nothing then one day the island was just there. Her instruments spun out of control like compasses on the island are supposed to do and her chopper failed so she had to bail out.

I'm not really sure what that means though. Is the island really invisible? I always assumed that when the hatch imploded and the sky turned purple that the electromagnetic bubble burst so the world could find them now. Maybe the island just somehow reset itself so that the button is no longer needed and the island can just release the energy all by itself. It would certainly go a long way to explaining what happened to the chopper. Naomi can be a little antagonistic with her statement about not saving Sayid. Kudos to her for giving him the phone to repair though.
To bad it still didn't get a signal. Sayid seemed to think there was interference of some sort most likely it's that electronic invisible bubble. Naomi also told them that they found the plane off the coast of Bali four miles deep in the ocean so it wasn't able to be recovered but that footage was show using a remote camera and that they did a body count that way. As you can see on this map though Bali is not really along the most direct flight path so why would that make sense to people?

Jack and Juliet: Jack is clearly in cahoots with Juliet I still think he's on the side of our survivors and that him and Juliet are pulling a con on Ben. However since Saywer now has the tape recorder then their plan could be in serious trouble.

Kate is the only one who knows that Jack is holding back some serious information. More than likely he doesn't want the rest of the Losties to know because he knows that someone is watching them and they have to appear natural. Afterall if Juliet only left the tape the night before then someone must be assigned to watch the maternity hatch to relay all messages as soon as they happen.

I hope that Sawyer doesn't get Jack lynched.

Odds and Ends:

- What was Rousseau doing in the Black Rock? Has she finally decided to go after her daughter and wants to take as many of her enemies out as she can with dynamite? I did find it interesting that neither Locke nor Rousseau questioned what the other was doing.
- Locke's father was tied up to the pole/smokestack with his arms spread like he was on a cross. This is symbolic of him being a sacrifice so that locke can be saved much like Jesus is viewed as a sacrifice to save the world to christians.

- Locke carried his father's dead body on his back. This also is symbolic in multiple ways.
1.) We all carry the burdens of our lives on our back/shoulders. It is not something we can simply get rid of the fears and doubts we have though we may try to "kill" them will always remain a part of us, though they may not have the same full power over us.
2.) The phrase the straw that broke the camels back comes to mind when watching locke carry his father's body.
3.) Along the religious lines Christ was forced to carry his own cross on his back to where he was crucified for at least part of the way. Someone else was recruited to help him carry his burden much like Sawyer was recruited to help John overcome his own burden.
- Desmond believes that if it gets out that Naomi is on the island that someone will try to kill her or something which will effectively stop them from being rescued. Is that just him being overly cautious or does he know something?

- Sawyer's file was at least partly in french does that mean he travelled the world conning people? It's amazing how much like Cooper he became while trying to find him and kill him. I hope he can overcome it.

- Anthony Cooper had many names Alan Seward, Anthony Cooper, Ted MacLaren, Tom Sawyer, Louis Jackson. He also believes that he died in a car accident and that he was in hell. Most likely the accident was staged much like the bus hitting juliets ex husband. The paramedic was probably working for "The Others" the drugged him up and took him to the island.

Ok that's all for now let the comments, I know you've been thinking about for days, loose.

-Jason :)

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