Wednesday, May 9, 2007

LOST Episode 3.20 Instant Thoughts!

"The Man Behind the Curtain" - Instant Thoughts

Ok wow I clearly believed the whole time that Ben was the one pulling the strings but obviously there is something more "Off the map" going on here.

Here is a screen shot of the mysterious Jacob. Who was only shown very quickly in flashes between Ben and Locke so fast that I actually thought I imagined it.

Now my thoughts are spinning so if anyone has any ideas no matter how wacky please please post a comment because I'm not sure what this all means.

- Is Jacob real invisible? a ghost? Or is he like Walt appearing where he is not actually supposed to be?

- Ben said he was one of the few who saw that they needed to get along with the hostiles. I wonder if anyone else survived the purge and joined Alpert (who seemed to be the leader).

- I noticed that when Ben cried for help Tom and Alpert did nothing to stop Locke from beating Mikhail. They must be tired of Ben wasting there time like Alpert said last week.

Ok so anyway that is all I can really put into words right at this minute. I'm going to need to take some time and sort this out so shoot your thoughts my way and maybe together we can figure this whole thing out.



Anonymous said...

Jacob kind of looks like Bens dad from the profile view. But seems to have features of umm whats his name. okay just drew a blank on his name. I'll get back to you on that one.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see that there was someone else in there. That's cool. I wish they had gone into more detail about why Jacob is all the mysteries of the island. What do you think?

Her Bad Mother said...

Alpert - Richard?

Interesting how he didn't age, hmm?

Anonymous said...

There is something going on about people appearing where they aren't suppposed to be, like Walt, Ben's mom, and Jack's dad. Maybe this mysterious Jacob is the epitome of that sort of "magic" and he's the one doing it to people. Ben's mom told Ben it wasn't time to go with her, and it looks like he had to go back to grow up with his dad before he could join the Hostiles after everyone at Dharma died. And why is Ben the leader when Richard was there way before him?

Anonymous said...

I think Jacob looks like Locke with hair

Anonymous said...

I think it is Jack's father - whether dead or alive - the profile looks like him

Anonymous said...

What if it's Locke twin? Have you guys heard that theory about the book "The Bad Twin"? It is purposed that either some or all of the survivors were drawn to the island because of a twin connection. I'm not sure about all of them but I could see one of them having that. It would also explain Locke connection to the island because he's related to Jacob.