Friday, May 18, 2007

LOST Episode 3.21 - In Depth Analysis

"Greatest Hits"
Ok so all in all, while some great things happened, there wasn't to much really deep stuff that made me think for hours like last week. So as I often do I decided to break down the possible meanings of the title, I skipped my usual Google visit because I knew that I would end up with every Greatest Hits album from every 80's band ever on my screen. However I did give it some serious thought, here are a few options.

1.) A band puts out a "Greatest Hits" Album when they are washed up and want to get one last sale out of their old hits. This also allows their fans to get every decent song in one place.

2.) A "Greatest Hits" Album is produced by the music label when an Artist dies and they want to squeeze a few more pennies out of a fan base that will quickly drop off.

Obviously the second one is what happened to Charlie except as Naomi pointed out he's not dead so if he gets off the island then he'll have a nice royalty check waiting for him haha.

Anyway First off I'm thinking of breaking down Charlie list of greatest hits

The List - Breakdown

#5 "The First time I heard myself on the radio" - Ok so it was a little Cheesy that right as the DriveShaft crew was about to throw in the towel they heard themselves on the radio. However that flashback contained a little secret I'll bring up later.

#4 "Dad teaching me to swim at Butlins" - I honestly thought that Charlie's dad was going to let him sink under the water and just prove once again that every survivor has daddy issues but I can honestly say I was surprised that it turned out that Charlie's dad was a loving father.
#3 "The Christmas Liam gave me the ring" - The irony of Liam giving Charlie the ring was not lost on me and I'm sure you all were thinking about how Liam is the one who got his life together and settled down with a wife and a kid, while Charlie ran his life slowly into the ground. I wonder why Charlie didn't give him the ring back. However, it was so tender to know that Charlie left the ring with Aaron, I just hope Claire finds it.

#2 "Woman outside Covent Gardens calls me a Hero" - Ok so here is the little secret I mentioned earlier. Not only do we see Charlie save Sayid's childhood friend and love Nadia, but it looks like the guy mugging her is Charlie's band mate. What do you think, is it him?

#1 "The night I met you" - Now who didn't see that coming?

"The Ambush"

Ok so I have a confession I'm not entirely sure I trust Jack and Juliet. I hope they are telling the truth and are trying to save the Losties but that comment Jack made about how Juliet told him The Others plan and how he didn't tell anybody else was because he hadn't decided what to do about it yet. What made him think that he was the person best suited to the choice? Plus after he made his choice how did he finds Rousseau?

I loved the plan that they came up with and how they decided to adjust it to the early arrival of The Others Military. The three shooters they chose really shocked me though I have a feeling that someone is going to die next week. The problem is I don't know who I want to die out of the three if someone HAS to die.

Sayid - I doubt that he'll be the one to die since we haven't finished out his story line about Nadia but we do know that she is alive and well so I guess they could say it's been wrapped up for us even if not for him. Plus if Sayid were to die our LOSTies would have a very hard time since he's the only one who seems to ask the difficult questions

Jin - I would hate to see Jin die since he just found out about his baby being healthy. Could you imagine how much it would suck if he died and then Sun somehow didn't die during pregnancy. It would suck even more if they both kick it.

Bernard - While I really like Bernard's character and I loved his development back when he was trekking across the Island. It makes sense that since both him and Rose have been gone for most of the season they have become expendable.

I suppose there is always the option that someone will come to the rescue and die while saving them though I find that much less likely.

"The Looking Glass"
I'm glad they finally got around to showing us the underwater Dharma station. This newest hatch is called The Looking Glass, which is a Alice and Wonderland reference. For easier reference I'm going to call it the RABBIT station. This station as shown on the map has room for the sub to dock and load/unload. This is the big mystery of this episode, did Juliet tell the truth? Does she honestly believe the station is flooded or did she just sacrifice Charlie?

Back on the episode review I did about Juliet's arrival on the island I mentioned that maybe the Sub never leaves the island, that maybe it just travels back and forth to the underwater station which somehow has the power to send people home via some sort of teleport or something. If that is true than that means that the RABBIT is staffed by Ben's minions. If they do belong to Ben's group they might have been stuck down there cut off from all contact with The Others since Locke went on his Blow up everything that could get them off the Island tour.
The other option is that somehow the RABBIT is still staffed by the last remaining Dharmaites. This idea raises a few problems though that make it less likely. If they have been stuck down there since the purge where do they get their food? Maybe they have a minisub hidden somewhere to get up onto the island to get supplies.

Regardless of who is staffing the RABBIT they were sure on gaurd, I'm suprised they didn't just shoot Charlie when they saw him. I wonder if Desmond held back some info from Charlie and that's why he dives down to rescue him in the preview instead of assuming he drown.

"Desmond's Vision"
Ok so I don't think Desmond quite told Charlie the truth since obviously the RABBIT isn't flooded. I wonder if he meant to convey that Charlie drown trying to get back out of the station. The other option I see is that maybe the switch that Charlie flipped in Desmond's vision floods the RABBIT so that it shorts out and the jamming frequency stops. Which then causes Charlie to drown.

Some people have asked why they didn't just cut the Cable or blow it up to cut off power to the RABBIT. Well on closer examination of the map it shows that the Cable is actually an Anchor to keep the station tethered to the island.

"Odds and Ends"

- The symbolism that strcuk me with Ben handing the gun back to Alex showed that if Locke actually is dead that his blood is on her hands since she gave Locke the gun that Ben used to shoot him.

- Naomi sure seems to have healed quickly I guess Patchy was telling the truth about it only taking a day or two. She also seems to be getting integrated into the group very quickly.

- As I mentioned before in my instant thoughts I think Hurley is aware that Charlie was saying goodbye for good. I hope that I'm right and Charlie doesn't die afterall.

- Richard Alpert sure seemed upset that Ben was moving ahead of schedule to take the Losties. I believe that he is definitely on the let's get rid off Ben team. Along the same lines The Others were all very suprised that Locke did not come back with Ben.

- I thought for a few minutes there that the shoe floating up and away was going to be the last shot of the episode after we watched Charlie drown. I'm really glad he lived.
Alrighty friends. The comments section is open for your thoughts and ideas. Feel free to run wild. Next week is the Season Finale see you then.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I never thought of the mugger being somoene Charlie knew, it really kinda looks like him. Something I noticed was that there was just women in the Rabbit station, maybe it's because Ben wanted to protect them from the crazy fertility issues on the island, and also to reserve the men for seizure of Losties and other intruders on the island. I hope Desmond does go after Charlie because if he goes back thinking he's drowned but then the transmission is still going, there's not a lot of good that came from that trip out to the Rabbit station.
Hey, do you think the gutted rabbit that Alex was working on was symbolic of the Rabbit station's secret of still being functional being revealed and thwarted?
Can't wait til the finale. I kinda wish no one had to die, but I guess it's to be expected with dynomite and gun fights that some blood is spilled.

Anonymous said...

In the preview for the finale it does look like Desmond joins in the fight at the Looking Glass hatch. Did he bring a gun out to sea with him? I can't remember. Does anyone else think it looks like he's at the hatch too?

Anonymous said...

dude this was an awesome post. maybe your best one ever

Anonymous said...

if charlie survives and gets back to the island he doesn't have those rockin shoes anymore

Anonymous said...

I didn't see the LOST special the othe r night, what did I miss?

Jason said...

Well, Just to hit on some points you folks mentioned.

I think the rabbit that Alex was gutting was supposed to be symbolic of the success of them shutting down the the station. OR t may have just been athat white Rabbit ben has been carrying around maybe Alex killed it in the hope that Locke would return and Ben wouldn't.

Desmond does join the fight in the station next week I didn't see him having a gun but I guess it's possible he had one stashed somewhere.

As for the LOST - Answers Episode they aired on thursday I didn't really get that much out of it. It was more a recap episode but this time not narrarated just hosted by the producers. The only thing that I really recall is them saying that Desmond not pushing the button is in fact the 100% truth of why the plane crashed.


Anonymous said...

I want to see that map again that Locke saw on the door in the hatch, the one with all the other hatches, you know which one I mean? B/C I wonder what else we haven't seen yet and where they are on the island. I can't wait for the finale. It's two days away, yeah!

Jason said...

I will put up a post with pictures of various "Maps" tonight to help you guys see where things are on the island. I'll do the blast door map, The barracks map, the Rabbit Station is posted below. I'll also try and find a copy of Rousseaus maps that she drew of the island that Sayid stole when she captured him way back in the series. Anything else you guys want to see? Post it up here and I'll gather what I can.
