Saturday, February 2, 2008

LOST Episode 4.1 - In Depth Analysis

"The Begining of the End"

CHARLIE: "They need you, Hugo."

This episode was very clearly a Hurley-centric episode and as such it makes us wonder what exactly is real throughout the whole thing.

I expect Hurley to play one of the biggest parts in the upcoming season, and here is why. He has always been one of my favorite characters but it seems with each recent episode where he is overcoming his fears and his paranoia about being cursed he is taking charge more.

The Hurley who crashed on this island and ate all day is very different from the Hurley we saw in the season 3 finale running people over with a van. He has been forced to take a look at himself and to realize that hiding in imaginary worlds with imaginary friends will not allow him to survive on this island. He even banished his life long imaginary friend "Dave" from him. However now we see that the Island seems to have chosen Hurley for something greater than he realizes but due to his past he thinks he's going crazy again.

When Hurley stumbled upon Jacob's cabin and it looked like someone was home, I about freaked. I never expected him to look through the window and see Jack's dead father sitting in Jacob's chair, and for a few seconds I thought Jacob was being revealed but then the real Jacob stepped in front of Christian Shephard at the window.

Hurley was the one who took charge and made everyone leave the beach to go warn Jack and the others. He was also the lynch pin to get everyone who chose locke to not side with Jack because Hurley spoke up and followed Charlie's warning. And lastly Hurley seems to be the first of the "Oceanic 6" to be bothered by whatever they are hiding enough to make him want to go back.

The Mental Institution

Hurley had himself locked up to hide from his "delusions" because he thought the meds would keep them in check but Charlie kept coming back warning Hurley that he had to go back that "they need him". I firmly believe that the island or whatever powers it contains are calling for Hurley to come back and help "them". The only reason I think this is that another patient saw Charlie and pointed him out to Hurley, now this could be because that patient is also in Hurley's head but that would make for a weak storyline.

The unnamed people that Hurley needs to help bother me because I can't figure it out. If it is meant to be Claire and Aaron as Hurley promised to take care of them than Desmonds vision of Claire leaving the island to saftey did not come true and Charlie died for nothing.

But if it refers to other survivors who chose to stay behind or were left behind than what exactly happened to make Hurley switch back to Jack's side and leave Locke and why couldn't the rest get out. Whatever it is that happened our "Oceanic 6" have some sort of a pact to not tell anyone about it.

Somebody doesn't seem to buy whatever story we are going to see them tell the authorities when they get home though because this guy comes asking whether they are still alive...

Take a look at the blackboard behind him remind you of anyplace? Either way Hurley sticks to whatever pact they have going on. Yet when Jack comes knocking then Hurley shows serious strain and he starts to crack just a little, just like Jack eventually does. They are both showing that they are guilty of something and I suspect they made a deal to get off the island when things go really bad in the next few episodes.

Ok last thing as for my guess on the Oceanic 6 and who they are. I realized that not all of our survivors were from the plane so it might be that more than 6 get off the island but clearly not everyone. I think that beyond Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sun, Sayid, and Jin are the people who get off the island but only time will tell.

Ok guys that's all for now. The comment section is yours so have at it! :)



Anonymous said...

Hey, this is awesome. I didn't think about hurley promising to take care of claire and aaron. Is it them the guy was looking for when he came to talk to hurley? Maybe he's from ?Dharma and wants to study them since claire had aaron on the island. Or was that guy even real? did anyone else see him, i can't remember.

Anonymous said...

you are so f*ing awesome. my fiance' noticed that it looked like Jack's dad in the chair in the cabin, but we weren't able to find any still shots of it to make sure. i had come up with a bunch of ideas about Jacob needing a fleshly body and John Locke brought him Jack's dad. and that's how, eventually, Jack and Claire find out they're siblings.

i didn't notice Jacob's eye peaking through the window. i just saw Locke stand up in front of the window.

Anonymous said...

Oh, one other thing...Kate may not be considered as one of the "Oceanic 6". Obviously, if she were rescued, she'd immediately be placed under arrest. So maybe the 6 doesn't include her...

Anonymous said...

I didn't think of Kate and her outstanding crimes. But she was free when she came to see Jack. ??? This is just bringing on more questions.

Anonymous said...

Who is in the coffin that Jack visits. Ben? He said it is neither friend or family.

Anonymous said...

So my guess is, the "hostiles" were descendants of the shipwreck of the slave ship. Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

great commentary! jules turned me on to your site - and i love it. i have many questions . . . no answers . . . but look forward to reading more of your commentary.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me on which episode did Claire have the baby? I have all 3 seasons on DVD.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Kate will be arrested because of what they've been through. I think they'll just drop it.

Anonymous said...

i think it's ben in the coffin.