Saturday, February 23, 2008

LOST Episode 4.4 - In Depth Analysis

As I mentioned in my Initial Thoughts I felt like this Episode seemed to be somewhat lighthearted considering it deal with so much deceit and hostility between the survivors.

First off the title eggtown is a slang term used to describe a deal that when all is said and down both sides lose. I think this deals with Kate and her deal with Miles. Either way this deal came out she lost. She is no longer welcome with the people who want to stay on the Island and she now knows the entire world knows who she is and wants her arrested so she can't go home sound slike her deal turned out bad either way.
Like a few other posts of mine I think the best way to break this down will be first the off Island scenes and then the on Island ones. So here goes.

"The Trials of Kate Austin"

Now if you notice I said Trials not trial, after alot of thought I believe that it is not easy being Kate.

The most obvious one is the actual court trial that she finally has to face. Kate obviously got off I sland and recieved the same settlement from Oceanic that Jack, Hurley, and Sayid all did. She used her money to buy a decent sized house, hire what appears to be a fulltime nanny, and to buy her fancy car we saw at the end of season 3 when she met Jack at the airport. She probably also paid for a decent lawyer to defend her.

Our girl Kate has been busy over the past few years she was on the run, the list of charges against her contained everything except for kidnapping it seems. The only way she was going to win was if that Jury liked her for her because everything else seemed to be sealed up tight. Her lawyer was smart and knew that he had to do two things one was make her seem like a good person in a bad situation and the other was stop the prosecutors and their witness.

- Jack to the rescue - Jack just can't stop trying to fix everything. He sat on that stand under oath and almost every word out of his mouth was a lie. Here is a list of his lies.

1.) We crashed in the ocean and floated/swam to an island

2.) Only 8 people survived the crash

3.) He doesn't love Kate anymore

My best guess is that whatever happens to the rest of the 48 people it appears that 8 of our survivors actually do get off the Island but somewhere between them reaching the freightor and getting back to civilization 2 of them get killed or die by accident. My updated list of the "Oceanic 8" is as follows

Jack, Hurley, Kate, Sayid, Sin, Jun and our two unlucky survivors are Claire and Sawyer. I choose Claire because she has no story left and Kate is raising Aaron as her own which I assume means she's dead. It could mean she was left behind but to what purpose? I chose Sawyer for almost the same reasons everything he had been running from has been dealt with and overcome as far as I can remember even him providing for his daughter with Cassidy. Plus that would finally clear up the love triangle with Jack, kate and Sawyer.

The second Trial that Kate has to face which was the deciding factor was facing her mom after all the years apart. Her mom is very sick and still hanging on to life. She decided that she didn't want to testify and it was all very touching but we learned a very important fact from her. She has been sick for 4 years judging by how long before the crash she was sick which wasn't to long and on how long Kate was on the run I think we can estimate that Kate's flashforward trial takes place roughly 2-3 years after the crash this makes sense when you look at the legal system and how long they can draw out the appeals process.

The last trial I think Kate is facing is raising Aaron on her own. Looking at how Kate responds to Aaron and how he called her mommy it certainly does not seem that she is just keeping him until Claire can get back to them. She has taken Aaron to be her own son and she clearly is raising him to be hers and loves him like he is her own.
One last point with Kate and Jack off Island he clearly feels guilty about something regarding Aaron. If Claire is indeed dead that means that somewhere along the way Jack finally finds out that they are related and he is staying away from Aaron because he feels guilty for letting her die. If she's alive and trapped somewhere he is probably staying away because he left her behind and doesn't want to tell her son. Either way it clearly plays a part in his future breakdown.
"New Otherton"
Now back on the Island I think I finally figured out why Kate stayed behind with Sawyer. Not only did she want to grill Miles about what he knew but she felt like she owed it to herself to see if Sawyer had changed enough on the Island to want to be with her more than to do what he had always down and just survive.
Now while he might truly love Kate he can't seem to bring himself to just say it. He has grown quite a bit in his time on the Island but he hasn't allowed anyone to get as close to him as he has Kate and even then he still keeps her at bay.

One question has finally been cleared up assuming Kate didn't lie to Sawyer she's not pregnant. I think that while Sawyer came off as a big jerk when he was happy she wasn't, I think it might also be that he was honestly happy that if they didn't leave the Island she wouldn't die during pregnancy. Unfortunatley he doesn't express himself well.

"The New Deal"

Miles is an interesting guy it is clear from his flashback that he is money driven and while he seemed to be talking to Ben outright about wanting money to keep quiet a comment from our friend Homeslice in the comments section has made me take a deeper look at it. "When the "popup" episode was on last night, and they were showing the scene with Sayid, Desmond, etc. leaving the island in the helicopter, there were some popups that said something about Ben telling Walt and Michael when they left the island to stay on course bearing 325. It seems as though Walt and Michael got off the island, and presumably followed course bearing 325 to do so.We were talking about how pretty lame the "encounter" between Ben and Miles was on the new episode last night and how it seemed so basic for Miles to extort Ben with the demand of 3.2 million dollars, and, like Ben said to him, why didn't he ask for 3 million, even, or 3.1 or whatever. Well, remember that Miles also said that he wanted it in 5 days. "325".We think that Miles and Ben were talking in code because Kate was there and she had denied Miles' request for some privacy. We think that Miles was telling Ben that he was not the only one who knew how to get on and off the island, Miles did, too - follow course bearing 325. That is why he said to Ben something like "Don't treat me like them, I'm not stupid." He was telling Ben, I know how to get on and off the island, and so do the people I work for, and it's only a matter of time before we get you."

I think that she hit on something here but it did need one small adjustment. Miles actually gave Ben 2 days to get the money and Ben asked for more time, a week to be exact. I think that Ben may have asked for the additional 5 days as a way of telling Miles he got the secret message. Miles isn't stupid he knows that with him and Ben both tied up there is no way they could make a money transfer so it has to be a secret code. I wonder how Locke will handle it.

"Dictator Locke"

He doesn't seem to be doing very well lately does he? He lost his temper with Ben despite his best efforts and looked like a fool in front of Sawyer because of Kate's plan. Plus when he couldn't find the Cabin people definitely noticed it.

I can see his actions leading up to another split in our survivors, people who don't want to follow Locke but don't trust the rescue team either. It will be very interesting to see what happens.

Locke is not taking control of the situation he is solely reacting to what happens a perfect example is Miles. Locke in trying to look like he is in control went a little to far, if anyone else sees he stuck a gernade in Miles mouth then it's going to get really bad for him really fast.

Even though Locke has no problem killing for the safety of the Island I don't believe that the gernade is live. Locke is a quick study and he is learning rom Ben that the more people you can control through tricks and mind games the more you can make go your way. Unfortunatley where Ben makes people think it is their own ideas, Locke enforces his own.

Odds and Ends -

Hurley watched the movie Xanadu. From what I understand Xanadu is a metaphor for wealth -- and it was in Ben's house that it was played and Miles is demanding wealth from Ben.society

Xanadu can also refer to a utopian society. The others and whoever agrees with Locke all seem to want to build one.

Mind Games - Daniel and Charlotte were playing an interesting game of cards on the beach.

I'm not sure what it means but I have two ideas.

1.) Daniel was referred to as a headcase by Naomi and in Confirmed Dead he was shown with a caretaker. Maybe Daniel has short term memory loss and him and Charlotte were checking to see if the Islands powers were helping him yet.

2.) He could have been doing a sort of Psychic test. Where he was telling Charlotte what cards they were without looking at them.

Either way it bothered him that he only got two out of three.

Team Rescue - It seems that we have a division in the people on the freightor. Our rescuers have a secret phone line that Regina answers but not Minkowski. I think this is the same line Daniel called when doing his payload time test with Regina and Frank told him to hang up if Minkowski got on the phone.

I'm not going to get into the chopper not being at the boat since next week is all about that group but I will say I think they are fighting against the flow of time to get back to the boat which probably removed them from time or they would have run out of fuel already.

Anyway more next week but until then post your comments and your craziest thoughts too! Happy LOSTing.



Anonymous said...

What is the name of Claire's baby daddy? It's not John Lantham, is it? I was just talking to a friend about episode 1 where Jack went to the funeral of a guy who had a teenage son. That would be someone that Jack would be effected by the death of, and Kate would not want to go to the funeral of.

Just a thought?

Anonymous said...

Oh good thought Tiradora. Wonder where we could find that info.

Anonymous said...

"Now while he might truly love Kate he can't seem to bring himself to just say it. He has grown quite a bit in his time on the Island but he hasn't allowed anyone to get as close to him as he has Kate and even then he still keeps her at bay."

Um ... there is a lot about "Eggtown" I find hard to buy. One, I doubt very much that Kate was interested in settling down with Sawyer and a baby. This is a woman, who just a few hours earlier, couldn't get herself to hold Aaron. And then she was going to be outraged over Sawyer not wanting a kid? You didn't find that odd?

And two, I had a problem with Aaron. Now that I know that Kate's custody of Aaron is based upon a lie, by problem with this has grown tenfold.

As for that trial . . . it was a travesty. Even for television. I can see Dick Wolf - producer of "LAW AND ORDER" - upchucking over what had passed as a trial in this episode, all so that the producers can have a reason for Kate to evade prison.

And I don't care how many "trials" she endure, I will never consider her or anyone else (including Sawyer) as redeemed as long as she refuses to take responsibility for Wayne's murder.