Saturday, March 8, 2008

LOST Episode 4.6 - In Depth Analysis

"The Other Woman"

The way I see it we have three ways to interpret the title of this episode.

1.) Juliet was obviously the other woman in both her relationship with Goodwin and with Jack.

2.) The woman Harper who we were introduced too played a big part in making the conflict of this episode happen and she is an "Other" so she could be The "Other" Woman.

3.) Juliet is refered to a few times as looking like some other woman who isn't named yet. It could be Annie, Ben's childhood friend, or it could be his mom, Juliet and her looked similar. Either way whoever she is as I stated before I think Ben could be having a hard time seperating the identies of Juliet and whoever this other woman is. So he might actually think Juliet is the other (mystery) woman.

Let's break these three options down further since they will cover everything else we saw during this episode.

Juliet and Goodwin - Juliet met Goodwin when he burned himself on some chemicals which later we learned could be used to kill everyone on the island. They instantly hit it off and had a love affair but, something about this whole thing seemed wrong. When Juliet is confronted by Harper about her and Goodwin it didn't seem like Harper was all that upset really. She was worried about Goodwin's well being which was a valid concern but she didn't get mad at Juliet at all.

This got me thinking why wouldn't she be mad? Then I realized that Goodwin andd Harper have different last names and call each other by them. That isn't very loving either, now is it? So I came up with a very very odd theory....

What if all of the couples of the others were paired up by someone else because of some genetic makeup they both have, or could produce? What if these couples were paired because they had a better chance of producing children like walt who are special? or because if they were paired they couldn't produce children with certain problems? This could explain why Harper and Goodwin had little affection for each other while some of the Others fell for their partner.

"The Other "Other" Woman"

Harper really did a lot to make this a very crazy episode. Where to start?

She is a therapist. I wondered why she was talking to Juliet so regularly and then it hit me maybe Ben and the others are aware of the possible time slip that Desmond is experiencing and they hold therapy sessions for all new "members" so they can make sure they are not affected by it.

Either way somehow she knew just where to find Juliet at exactly the right time in the woods to relay a "message from ben". I have a hard time believing that she could just up and vanish into thin air so I am beginning to wonder if it was really her in the jungle. Could the Island have been appearing to Juliet and lying to her to make her kill the freighters so they couldn't finish whatever mission they have here?

Ben's Mystery Woman - Ben finally shows some of his true colors. He is a jealous, possesive man. He has claimed Juliet as his and he will stop at nothing to have her for his own. I think that this is one reason he left his people and went to the radio tower himself. He could just as easily have sent his "armies" to go stop Jack and the other survivors.
I seriously doubt that Ben is in love with Juliet since he was all over her from the second she arrived on the Island. I'm still betting that he is clinically insane and honestly believes that she is someone else. My guess is he saw her off Island while searching for someone to help with the fertility issues and thought she was this mystery woman. Knowing Ben he instantly had to have her and sent Alpert to get her no matter what. Even killing her ex-husband so she could come to the island. Either way he has even told Juliet that he has done everything for her, to her, to keep her on this Island.

Could it be that Ben is actually making it so the woman can't give birth on Island so she had to stay?

Ben and Locke - Ben showing Locke that video of Widmore was impressive but I hope it wasn't enough to make Locke believe that Ben is honestly on his side. That red file Ben gave Locke about Widmore must have some dang good info in it because I can't see Locke giving Ben freedom for anything other than gold. I still think that Ben is setting Locke up though and here is why, if Ben really left the Barracks forever as it seems the others planned why didn't he take the one piece of "Evidence" he had against widmore? I think he left it there on purpose, I'm not sure what purpose yet.
Tidbits -

- If Charlotte and Daniel were really stopping Ben from releasing the gas why does Ben look so relaxed at the end of this episode? He certainly isn't fearing a gas cloud is going to kill him. I think that they were doing something else when the system malfunctioned so while they were stopping the gas from being released when Juliet got there, they were up to something else before. The tanks were overpressurized and they didn't do it on their own.
- Hurley : "I'm just Lucky I guess". It certainly seems like he believes that he has kicked his bad luck for good. I'm really happy to see he has confidence in himself again.

- Charlotte is one of the most cold-blooded people on this island. She had no problem beating kate senseless and leaving her face down in a river.

- The Tempest is an elcetrical station that powered the Island. I guess that the cable Sayid found on the beach in season one came from here. Also it seems Rousseau tapped into the power here for her hideouts. If she knew about this place why has it never been mentioned? Our survivors could have used some electricity. Also they did some sort of chemical mixing here as seen by Goodwin's nasty arm burn.
- The Jack and Juliet kiss lacked some serious chemistry. It was very uncomfortable.
- Lastly here is the map that Charlotte had of the Island.

Ok guys I hope enjoyed this. The comment section is yours. Thanks.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

None of Jack's on-screen kisses seemed to have any chemistry. In Juliet's case, I think she had her own answer in Episode 4.10.