Thursday, March 6, 2008

LOST Episode 4.6 - Instant Thoughts

"The Other Woman"

I really liked this episode. It had everything to make a good show plus it gave us some much needed background info to fill in a few holes we've had for a while now.

- Ben does or did have someone special, could it be Annie from his youth? Either way this mystery woman and Juliet look alot alike. It also seems Ben is having a hard time seperating his realities because he wants Juliet for himself and I don't think it's because of who she is. Probably because he thinks that she is this "Other Woman" in his mind.

- Charles Widmore is finally revealed to be the enemy of the Island much like alot of people has thought he would be for a long time now. It must really make him mad that Desmond crashes on this Island without any trouble but Widmore has to fight and spend tons of Money to try to even find it and even then he can't get to it easily.

- The pregnant mothers die because their own immune system turns on the Fetus. It must see the growing cells of a fetus as an infection and since the Island heals people it prematurely sends them into labor and tries to abort the baby. The big question now is why didn't the Island heal Ben's tumor.

- Harper is a therapist, I wonder if she meets with all new people to the Island to see if they have been affected by the wierd time issue, to see if they become unstuck like Desmond.

- Ben sent Goodwin to the tail-section because he was a rival for Juliet. I wonder why he chose Ethan to go to the fuselage, was it because he had special skills or because he crossed Ben somehow too?

Ok that's it for tonight more to come on Saturday. Have a great night and thanks for reading and commenting. :)



Anonymous said...

I liked this episode too. I think Juliet is a great character in this show and I wish she could get off the island to her sister and her nephew. But now we have new creepiness from Ben! He was sort of the bad guy at the beginning but he was still a little amiable. But now he's just getting crazier and crazier. I wonder what he's going to do now that he's free, because he didn't have to be free to get things done, right?

Brian and Anne said...

A friend of mine said that she thinks Michael is Ben's contact on the boat... I hope so!

Now that John has let Ben out, it seems to me like he's just giving him his same job back, just with different people to lead. John doesn't appear to have a plan, but Ben always does....if John's not careful he will singlehandedly be the one to reinstate Ben into power.