Thursday, May 29, 2008

Season 4 - Finale - Instant Thoughts

There's No Place Like Home Part 2 & 3 -

Ok so I have to say that this episode was spectacularly done. From start to finish it was jam packed full of action and info that filled in a lot of holes and yet, as always, just gave us so many more questions.

The big reveals are as follows.

1.) The man in the coffin at the end of season 3 is no other than Jeremy Bentham. The name we all vainly tried to pull from the newspaper clipping that we saw so briefly in Jack's hand. Jeremy Bentham was also claimed as the man who was neither friend or family by Jack and who no one not even Kate would go to see. The big question answered though is who is Jeremy Bentham? He is John Locke. Now if we left Locke on the Island then how did he get to the real world?

2.) All of our survivors seem to be seeing "Dead" people, Hurley has admitted to seeing Charlie and Eko, I assume he has seen his girl Libby. Kate saw Claire and Jack saw his dad. I wonder who Sun, and Sayid have been seeing. Either way all of the visions have told them they have to go back but Claire told Kate not to bring Aaron back. However she did not tell Kate to not come back. So I'm guessing that Claire and Christian shephard disagree on what is required for whatever is coming. Does this mean Claire is dead?

3.) The Orchid Video stated that it was built adjacent to "Negatively Charged Space" which allows them to do tests on Time and Space. When Ben went into that "Space" the wheel he turned was not made by Dharma. I am quite sure of this since Dahrma would have made it more durable than wood. The most interesting thing is that there is no great big powerful machine that Ben used to warp off the Island he simply walked into the Negative Space and got spit out in the Desert where it must be "Positively Charged Space" or whatever the opposite is of Negative Space. I guess it's a worm hole of sorts. Did Locke follow Ben off Island the same way?

4.) Sawyer has finished his transformation into a decent guy he not only went after Claire at great risk to himself a couple weeks ago, He willing jumped from the chopper in an attempt to save everyone else. I predict that he will become the Leader of the remaining 815er's and that he will become more like Jack than he ever thought possible. Also if you recall the old Sawyer, he would have pushed Hurley from the chopper in season 1.

5.) I seriously hope that Jin jumped off the boat or survived in the water after the explosion on the boat. Since Daniel Faraday and his boat full of extras got left behind when the Island moved he could easily have picked up Jin afterwards. I hope I hope. Plus Daniel loves Charlotte so he'll be back for sure.

6.) In the epic Chess Game between Ben and Widmore they seem to be gathering our Oceanic 6 to them whether intentionally or not. It seems Sun will side with Widmore to get revenge on Ben for killing Keamy. I believe this since Locke visited people after he left the Island I wonder if he told Sun what happened in the Orchid. Ben seems to have gathered Sayid, Hurley, Jack and possibly Kate to his team so far. I wonder if Desmond and Walt will be required to go back to the Island too.

7.) Lastly an interesting twist, Charlotte was on the Island before and somehow Miles knew about it. Could she possibly be Annie? Ben's childhood friend/love? Or could she even possibly be Ben's true daughter with Annie and he is unaware of her existence?

I'm tired from all of this thinking but I leave the comment section to you guys. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on your thoughts :)
1. I actually wasn't very surprised by Locke's appearance off island. Ben always moved on and off, so there's no reason to believe that Locke wouldn't be able to as well. Yeah, he blew up the submarine, but all they really needed was any ship or life raft and to know the correct coordinates of the exit now that the island has been moved.
2. Kate saw Claire in a dream. All the other dead people that were seen off the island were waking apparitions/visions/hallucinations. It's possible Claire isn't actually dead. Walt appeared to people while still alive and we haven't seen Claire's death.
3. Ben told Locke that whoever moves the island can never come back. He made it sound like someone moved the island before and he replaced that leader. Possibly Widmore? And that's why he's so anxious to get back?
4. I love the character that Sawyer has become. I can't wait to see how next season plays out.
5. I totally believe that Jin is still alive. He was planning to jump off the boat, no reason why he shouldn't have made it. They very specifically did not show him dying. That leaves me with hope. I also really like what they did with Michael's death. It was very appropriate.
7. I have trouble figuring out what age Ben is supposed to be. He looks a lot older than I think he is. I don't think Charlotte is old enough to be Annie, but is too young to be her daughter. But I guess that would really depend on how old Ben actually is.