Saturday, March 22, 2008

LOST Episode 4.8 - Full Analysis

Meet Kevin Johnson

Sayid: "Why are you here Michael?"

Michael: "I'm here to die."

Ok I have heard from a lot of people that they were disappointed in this episode and that they felt it was to slow and nothing but a space filler to move the season along but I really liked it.

Let's get a couple small points out of the way first and then we'll move on to Michale's story.

Walt -

Walt is safe at home with his Grandmother he's not running around the Island on his own and Michael isn't coming back to the Island to find him again either. It turns out that Walt now wants nothing to do with his Dad because Michael told him that he killed Ana-Lucia and Libby to get him back.

This actually helps solve a problem the producers might have had in explaining Walt's growth spurts, from this point on I bet that Walt will only be pictured in flashforwards where he will be the correct height for a boy his real age.

Knowing that he has been in New York this whole time proves that the Island is making Walt appear on the Island and that he's not doing it himself. He could never have known that Locke had been shot and was in a hole at just the right time to help him. The Island has a mission for Locke and he seems to be failing at it since he isn't getting any help and Ben is clearly running things through Locke now. This doesn't mean Walt isn't special somehow. I expect that Walt will somehow be the one to lead Jack back to the Island in the final season.

The Temple - Ben is evil. I don't know how though but I honestly believe that he cares about Alex. Somehow he has convinced himself that he should have her as his daughter no matter what and that is why he sent her, Karl, and Rousseau to the Temple. Where they can be safe with the rest of The Others. I couldn't really understand at first though Why would Rousseau and Karl and even Alex trust Ben to not double cross them?

It makes sense that Alex would have some residual trust towards him since he did raise her even though he kidnapped her at 6 weeks old. I will point out that she knows he's bad and even asked him if the people on the boat were worse than him, He said yes they were.

Obviously the plan didn't go so well since Karl is clearly dead, shot through the heart. Rousseau we can't be sure yet. The big question is now who shot them?

At first I thought that it had to be The Others. They would have had to known that Ben wanted Karl dead from previous episodes where he told them to shot on sight and Rousseau obviously not being one of them wouldn't have been trusted at the "Sanctuary". However now I have a different idea.

It obviously had to be the frieghters who shot them and here is why. Frank recently took the chopper on a "Mission" since he left we haven't seen a couple of our friends Keany and Omar. They were convienently missing from the show tonight. I think they took a little ride to the Island. Keamy clearly has no intentions of this being a rescue mission as we saw when he laughed at Michael. Afterall what rescuer would really need Automatic weapons? The bad thing is after Karl and Rousseau got shot by a sniper rifle Alex stood up and gave herself away by yelling about being Ben's daughter. My guess is that Ben gives himself up to save her and him and the Oceanic 6 are forcibly removed from the Island without going back for the rest of the 815ers.

The Faked Wreckage -

Ok so the timeline for Michael to leave the Island and get back to New York is pretty tight. We know this...

Sept 22 2004 flight 815 vanishes between Sydney and LA.

November 16th-ish 2004 Michael and Walt leave the Island. They arrive back in New York 2 months after Plane goes missing.

Early-mid December fake plane wreckage is found

By 24 december the Freighter is at the Island

As you can see it's a pretty tight timeline and somehow Michael was in the hospital for a bit. I'm having a hard time reconciling all the events to make them really work.

Now courtesy of Tom we have this info he says Widmore bought a used plane and dug up 324 dead bodies from a cemetary in Thailand.

All in all I think Michael got lied to. The bodies they showed on the TV of the pilot and others were clearly caucasian and not Asian. So the bodies came from somewhere but I'm not sure where yet.

Michael's Story - The story we got from Michael is a two part story. The off Island story where he keeps trying to kill himself and the on boat story where he works for Ben.

Death wish - According to our friend Tom the Island is not going to allow Michael to die until he finishes the work he has set before him. It does appear he is right, somehow Michael drove his car going 70+ miles per hour headlong into a steel shipping crate and survived. We have seen people live when they should have died before specifically Mikhail he got killed like three times before I'm pretty sure he died.

Then to top it off and really make Michael believe in what Tom was saying we see that the gun that Michael bought and shot at Tom in the alley not go off when he pulls the trigger on himself.

Despite the gun being full of bullets it doesn't go off. Now I am not going to say that the Island could have actually stopped his bullet from blowing his brains out. I think thought that Tom gave him a gun that had the firing pin removed but looked like the one he had. I'm surprised that Michael didn't think about it though. He shot the gun a few times in the alley but when he checked it in his house after it failed to kill him it was full of bullets. He never even thought about it.

The Boat - Tom gave Michael the job of killing everyone on board the boat and Ben told him to destroy the radio and the engines so they would be stuck and unable to call for help. As I mentioned before I still have yet to see Michael actually hurt anybody on the boat but somehow each and every one of them seems to slowly be going crazy. I'm not sure how michael could cause that.

Captain Gault certainly has his hands full in keeping everyone alive. Why would anyone want to go out on the little raft after knowing what happened to Minkowski and how him and his friend both went nuts out there?

I'm still trying decide if we should trust the Captain yet. When Sayid threw Michael into his quarters and gave Michael's secret identity away I kept expecting him to kill Michael I'm not sure why.

All I know is he certainly didn't seem surprised to find out Michael ahd been on 815 and that he was the saboteur.Could he have known about Michael? Frank said he had the flight manifest memorized backwards and forward could they also have pictures of the passengers incase they meet them?

Random Thoughts -

Tom Gay or Not? - Now I know it doesn't really matter whether Tom is gay or not in the overall storyline but Just to clarify we can't be sure Tom is Gay. All we saw was him get kissed on the cheek by a guy. The CHEEK not the lips they weren't holding hands or anything. There are many culutres were close friends saw goodbye with a kiss just like that guy did when he left the room.Here is my main reason for thinking he's not gay.

Tom doesn't get to the mainland much so it's highly doubtful that this other guy is just hanging around waiting for his next visit. Plus I doubt that he's just some random guy that Tom picked up because he told him all about Michael and their confrontation in the Alley. Which to me means that he has business dealings with Tom since we all know the Others don't give out any info unless they have too. We have all speculated how far reaching Ben's power is off the Island so it only stands to reason that they would have to have Business contacts who stay off Island permanently to facilitate whatever needs might arise like getting/making Michael fake passport. Tom didn't print that at home. The other guy was named Arturo and he had an Italian accent which is a culture where they kiss and it is accepted. Just a thought. We might see Arturo again.

Looney Tunes - The note that popped up when Michael tried to blow himself up reminded me of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. What does the note mean though? Is it not time to use the bomb or is it "Not Yet" time for Michael to die?

The Shining - When Minkowski came to tell Michael "Walt" was on the radio he asked if Michael had been going crazy like in The Shining. We have seen people going crazy and there is a fire axe on deck I hope no one goes THAT crazy and starts hacking people up.

Ok friends that's all. Have fun posting your thoughts and comments. I'll check here over the next month until LOST starts up again. If there is any pictures you want maybe I can find them just ask. :)

Comment away!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

LOST Episode 4.8 - Instant Thoughts

"Meet Kevin Johnson"

Ok I have so many questions from this Episode as I'm sure you all do too.

1.) What is Libby? Is it Libby's Ghost or a projection from the Island? She appeared to Michael a couple times at very key moments. Maybe she is simply in his head and he's going crazy.

2.) Michael said he was there to Kill himself why hasn't he been successful yet? He drove a car going 75 miles per hour into a metal cargo container that should have killed him. Plus when he tried to use the gun and the bomb neither worked. Could the Island be keeping him alive or maybe even Walt using his "special powers" to protect his dad even though they are estranged?

3.) Michael's job is to kill everyone on the boat and never allow them to reach the Island. Could the close proximity to Michael be why people are going nuts and not the Island itself? I haven't seen him kill anyone on the boat himself yet. Though he has done a great job of stopping the boat.

4.) What could have driven Sayid to work for Ben so soon after he destroys Michael's secret cover on the boat for the mere fact that Michael if working for Ben? Sayid is not a man prone to dramatic changes of opinion, maybe he gets Michael killed and then realize he was wrong about Ben and decides tot ake his spot as Ben's secret assassin.

5.) Poor Crazy Karl and Rousseau both got shot trying to save Alex could this have been a plan by Ben to get her back? He had to have known that anyone approaching the Temple would have been shot on sight.

All in all a great episode I'm excited to hear what you all have to say.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

LOST Episode 4.7 - Full Analysis


Well I know that in my initial reaction I was very much against how the writers messed with us, but I've been thinking and I they really couldn't have done it any better than they did. Despite this I have had a very hard time writing this review and breaking down the episode. So here goes...

Sun's Story -

Sun's irrational behavior on the Island was kind of a surprise to me. They chose to stay with Jack and the group who want to be rescued because of Sun being pregnant and also because of Locke being a murderer. Then out of nowhere she up and tries to runaway to Locke's Camp.

Juliet did the only thing she could possibly have done to stop her from leaving and that was to take away her support by stopping Jin. It was a definite foreshadowing for the episode as we know that Sun lost her support from Jin when he supposedly dies. The on Island story beyond Juliet telling Jin that sun cheated was kind of weak except for one point that deals with Jin that I'll discuss later.

Now a few points about her off Island storyline.

1.) When sun called the hospital she said she thought there might be something wrong with her baby. Why would a woman who is 9 months pregnant think that her going into labor was a problem? The only possibility is that she wasn't 9 months pregnant and she thought that whatever happened to the pregnant women on the island had finally caught up to her. The odd thing is that she never mentioned anything to her doctor about there being a possibility that something had gone wrong.

2.) Sun refused to remove her wedding ring. We haven't seen it yet but I think that after her and Jin have the whole affair thing dicussed she promised to never remove it again and to be faithful to him. She stuck to that like she expected him to be there at the hospital and we even saw a guy standing outside her room who she thought was him even though we know it wasn't.

3.) I loved the fact that Hurley showed up to go to the grave with her. The Oceanic 6 must keep in contact, no matter where they are, after they get rescued.

Jin's Story -

Even though this episode was mainly about Sun and her baby Ji-Yeon, I actually got more of Jin's side of the story.

Throughout the whole LOST story we have seen each and every one of our main survivors have to come to terms with who they were before the crash. Sun already faced this when she told Jin she was going to leave him and had learned english to escape him. Jin kind of faced this his past when he and Michael had it out over the watches and then became friends. However, Jin never had to face what his actions before the Island had almost caused him to lose. Sun cheated on Jin and while it wasn't right no matter how you look at it, Jin realized that his actions had destroyed the love they had and made it so she felt she could leave him.

Despite Sun's deception Jin stepped up here and promised Sun that he loved her and would never leave her and that he would protect her and the baby no matter what.

The question that I think we all have is how far did Jin have to go to get Sun off the Island?

The off Island story doesn't really have any impact on the overall storyline, it's only purpose was to trick us into thinking Jin was rushing to Sun's side. The truth came out when he got to the hospital trying to win favor with some high ranking official for Sun's dad. Then we finally have a time frame for it when he leaves the hospital.

They were married for a couple years before the crash and it certainly looks like Jin's priorities have changed he now wants a kid which is nice to see.

Jin's Fate -

Ok now the big question I think everyone has is what happened to Jin? Did he die? Is he on the Island? Here is what we have...
This picture is a double gravemarker made for amarried couples on the one side we have Sun's birth date of March 20th, 1980 with no death date yet, obviously. On the other we have Jin's birth date of Nov 27th 1974 and then his death date of Sept 22nd 2004.

The date of Jin's death is the day of the crash! Now at first I thought that Jin was one of the 2 bodies Jack brought back from the Island with the "Oceanic 6" but now I have a different theory, tell me what you think.

Theory - If the plane crashed on Sept 22 2004 as his death on the tombstone stated then how could he be one of the 2 people who survived the crash but died a few days later on this deserted Island Jack mentioned in the courtroom. His death date would have been a couple days later. That is not a grave stone but a memorial stone, I imagine all of the people on the plane had similar ones all over the world and all the dates read the same Sept 22, 2004

Ok I don't honestly believe Jin is dead at all. The way I see it there are two options

1.) Either Jin is still on the Island, which would explain the memorial stone or...

2.) I think the writers are messing with us and he did make it off the Island. What if he is simply in hiding from Sun's father because if he comes back home then he'd get forced into working for Mr Piak or maybe even killed.

Sun and Hurley never mentioned that he was dead. Sun said she missed him and Hurley said that Ji-Yeon looks like Jin but how he said it made me think Jin was alive not dead.

The Freightor -

Our boys Sayid and Desmond finally got some contact from the mystery person who has been helping them out. I'm not convinced it's Michael though.

First they got a note warning them about the Captain.

However when they finally meet Captain Gault he seems to be very forthright with them. He explains that he has a flight data recorder or a black box from the fake Flight 815
He also explains that since obviously flight 815 hit an Island then the other crash had to be staged. The question he posed is where did the 324 bodies on the fake plane come from and who has the power to do it? He dances around saying it was Ben who staged the fake plane and while he certainly had the money and secret connections to do it I don't think he did.

I think this is where the trust issue comes in I think Charles Widmore faked the crash because he wanted to be the one to find the Island and not have someone else accidentally do it. My question is why does Captain Gault have the Black box if it was faked? It can't help them find the Island and it would only have faulty info on it, but what if it's not from 815 but another flight that maybe recognized the Island from overhead but kept right on flying past?

The crew of the boat are quickly running out of people, to my count they have lost Naomi, Minkowski, Naomi's Pilot when her chopper crashed, Brandon who rowed the boat out with Minkowski, and now Regina.
Regina when we first saw her was reading a book upside down. Was she dealing with time-shift issues like George?

I don't understand why no one tried to save her though but when she jumped they showed us all of the crew onboard and gave us a sneak peek of somebody. Look who is in the hoodie.

It's Michael. He has taken on the role of Janitor on the boat under the name of Kevin Johnson.

How could he even be on this boat? Unless they picked him up in the middle of the ocean which if they did where is Walt? Also now that they know there is a saboteur on the boat why wouldn't they suspect Michael of being that person?

The only way they could trust him is if he was part of the crew from the time it left the dock however many months ago, which is immpossible since he was on the Island. The only option I can see is that when he and Walt left the Island they got kicked around in Time and maybe even got seperated. Michael is coming back to not only redeem himself by saving his friends but to find Walt again.

Ok now for a few fun things.

- Sun went to turn the TV off before she left for the hospital. Look what was playing on the screen.
It's our friend from the Island Nikki starring in the Episode of Expose' that Hurley so badly wanted to see. Where they revealed the big bad guy of that show. I wonder if he paid for it to air when he got home.

- The guy at the toy store offered Jin a dragon instead of a panda because it was the year of the Dragon. That flashback could only have taken place in the year 2000.

- In one of the scenes where Regina jumped overboard somebody had used a fireaxe and jammed it in one of the walls of the ship. It looks like someone went crazy with an aze before being stopped. I wonder if that was the person making the thumping we heard.

Ok guys and Gals that's all for tonight enjoy. The comment section is open.

- Jason

Thursday, March 13, 2008

LOST Episode 4.7 - Instant Thoughts

Not cool. This episode seriously just messed with us.

All of Jin's off Island story was flashbacks not the flashforwards we were seeing with Sun.

Jin however is definitley included in at least the 8 that Jack mentioned in court because we know they brought home 2 bodies. Whether Jin dies on the ship or on the Island there is no way to tell but I think he died after they got back home.

I'm hoping he died standing up to Sun's father and protecting her at home and not on Island.

I loved the fact that Hurley came to see her after all was said and done. I'd expect that out of all of the survivors he'd be the one to help comfort her. This is also Hurley's first flashforward we can actually place in time since we know generally how long Sun was pregnant.

Did it seem to anyone else that Daniel might be having a moral war with himself about them not being there to help the survivors? He doesn't strike me as a corporate thug type yet he seems to understand that his mission comes first no matter how much that sucks.

The spy is revealed finally to be Michael like many of us guessed it was I can't figure out how he got on the baot and seems to have lost walt.

The Captain while he definitley told the truth has to be holding something back

I liked the episode but I'm still really confused. So many questions. Help me out what are your thoughts?


Saturday, March 8, 2008

LOST Episode 4.6 - In Depth Analysis

"The Other Woman"

The way I see it we have three ways to interpret the title of this episode.

1.) Juliet was obviously the other woman in both her relationship with Goodwin and with Jack.

2.) The woman Harper who we were introduced too played a big part in making the conflict of this episode happen and she is an "Other" so she could be The "Other" Woman.

3.) Juliet is refered to a few times as looking like some other woman who isn't named yet. It could be Annie, Ben's childhood friend, or it could be his mom, Juliet and her looked similar. Either way whoever she is as I stated before I think Ben could be having a hard time seperating the identies of Juliet and whoever this other woman is. So he might actually think Juliet is the other (mystery) woman.

Let's break these three options down further since they will cover everything else we saw during this episode.

Juliet and Goodwin - Juliet met Goodwin when he burned himself on some chemicals which later we learned could be used to kill everyone on the island. They instantly hit it off and had a love affair but, something about this whole thing seemed wrong. When Juliet is confronted by Harper about her and Goodwin it didn't seem like Harper was all that upset really. She was worried about Goodwin's well being which was a valid concern but she didn't get mad at Juliet at all.

This got me thinking why wouldn't she be mad? Then I realized that Goodwin andd Harper have different last names and call each other by them. That isn't very loving either, now is it? So I came up with a very very odd theory....

What if all of the couples of the others were paired up by someone else because of some genetic makeup they both have, or could produce? What if these couples were paired because they had a better chance of producing children like walt who are special? or because if they were paired they couldn't produce children with certain problems? This could explain why Harper and Goodwin had little affection for each other while some of the Others fell for their partner.

"The Other "Other" Woman"

Harper really did a lot to make this a very crazy episode. Where to start?

She is a therapist. I wondered why she was talking to Juliet so regularly and then it hit me maybe Ben and the others are aware of the possible time slip that Desmond is experiencing and they hold therapy sessions for all new "members" so they can make sure they are not affected by it.

Either way somehow she knew just where to find Juliet at exactly the right time in the woods to relay a "message from ben". I have a hard time believing that she could just up and vanish into thin air so I am beginning to wonder if it was really her in the jungle. Could the Island have been appearing to Juliet and lying to her to make her kill the freighters so they couldn't finish whatever mission they have here?

Ben's Mystery Woman - Ben finally shows some of his true colors. He is a jealous, possesive man. He has claimed Juliet as his and he will stop at nothing to have her for his own. I think that this is one reason he left his people and went to the radio tower himself. He could just as easily have sent his "armies" to go stop Jack and the other survivors.
I seriously doubt that Ben is in love with Juliet since he was all over her from the second she arrived on the Island. I'm still betting that he is clinically insane and honestly believes that she is someone else. My guess is he saw her off Island while searching for someone to help with the fertility issues and thought she was this mystery woman. Knowing Ben he instantly had to have her and sent Alpert to get her no matter what. Even killing her ex-husband so she could come to the island. Either way he has even told Juliet that he has done everything for her, to her, to keep her on this Island.

Could it be that Ben is actually making it so the woman can't give birth on Island so she had to stay?

Ben and Locke - Ben showing Locke that video of Widmore was impressive but I hope it wasn't enough to make Locke believe that Ben is honestly on his side. That red file Ben gave Locke about Widmore must have some dang good info in it because I can't see Locke giving Ben freedom for anything other than gold. I still think that Ben is setting Locke up though and here is why, if Ben really left the Barracks forever as it seems the others planned why didn't he take the one piece of "Evidence" he had against widmore? I think he left it there on purpose, I'm not sure what purpose yet.
Tidbits -

- If Charlotte and Daniel were really stopping Ben from releasing the gas why does Ben look so relaxed at the end of this episode? He certainly isn't fearing a gas cloud is going to kill him. I think that they were doing something else when the system malfunctioned so while they were stopping the gas from being released when Juliet got there, they were up to something else before. The tanks were overpressurized and they didn't do it on their own.
- Hurley : "I'm just Lucky I guess". It certainly seems like he believes that he has kicked his bad luck for good. I'm really happy to see he has confidence in himself again.

- Charlotte is one of the most cold-blooded people on this island. She had no problem beating kate senseless and leaving her face down in a river.

- The Tempest is an elcetrical station that powered the Island. I guess that the cable Sayid found on the beach in season one came from here. Also it seems Rousseau tapped into the power here for her hideouts. If she knew about this place why has it never been mentioned? Our survivors could have used some electricity. Also they did some sort of chemical mixing here as seen by Goodwin's nasty arm burn.
- The Jack and Juliet kiss lacked some serious chemistry. It was very uncomfortable.
- Lastly here is the map that Charlotte had of the Island.

Ok guys I hope enjoyed this. The comment section is yours. Thanks.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

LOST Episode 4.6 - Instant Thoughts

"The Other Woman"

I really liked this episode. It had everything to make a good show plus it gave us some much needed background info to fill in a few holes we've had for a while now.

- Ben does or did have someone special, could it be Annie from his youth? Either way this mystery woman and Juliet look alot alike. It also seems Ben is having a hard time seperating his realities because he wants Juliet for himself and I don't think it's because of who she is. Probably because he thinks that she is this "Other Woman" in his mind.

- Charles Widmore is finally revealed to be the enemy of the Island much like alot of people has thought he would be for a long time now. It must really make him mad that Desmond crashes on this Island without any trouble but Widmore has to fight and spend tons of Money to try to even find it and even then he can't get to it easily.

- The pregnant mothers die because their own immune system turns on the Fetus. It must see the growing cells of a fetus as an infection and since the Island heals people it prematurely sends them into labor and tries to abort the baby. The big question now is why didn't the Island heal Ben's tumor.

- Harper is a therapist, I wonder if she meets with all new people to the Island to see if they have been affected by the wierd time issue, to see if they become unstuck like Desmond.

- Ben sent Goodwin to the tail-section because he was a rival for Juliet. I wonder why he chose Ethan to go to the fuselage, was it because he had special skills or because he crossed Ben somehow too?

Ok that's it for tonight more to come on Saturday. Have a great night and thanks for reading and commenting. :)


Sunday, March 2, 2008

LOST Episode 4.5 - In Depth Analysis

"The Constant"

Well after many delays I'm happy to say I'm up and posting again. Ok this episode was really well made. The way I see it we have four real items to discuss.

Time Division - We learned this week that the time outside the Island and the time on the Island are on the same timeline but that when coming to the Island and leaving the Island time gets all screwed up. The trip for Frank, Sayid and Desmond took about 20 minutes but according to what Sayid heard from Jack they had been gone for over a day.

The Calendar on the boat said it was the 24th of Dec 2004 and they arrived midday but if they had been gone for more than a day and left at dusk then the helicopter flew away on the 22nd of Dec 2004. So there is clearly a a very defined wall that is out of whack with regular time. It is depicted by what seemed to be a thunder storm which probably is responsible for the electrical problems the choppers have had.

The Boat and the Spy - The action on the boat was great because we found out alot of info. Ben does have someone on the boat on his side and that someone destroyed all of the communications equipment so that whoever sent that boat to the Island had no way of making sure what is going to happen to that mission.

Whoever it is though they are doing a good job of staying below the radar because while the Freighters seem to be slowly turning on each other they haven't been found yet. What I thought was interesting about meeting so many of the freighters is that Regina was not one of them. I expected her to be right on deck after that phone call from the Island about their friends. The men up top though didn't seem to know Frank was flying back either so we have a division in the crew for sure.
Minkowski was a surprise to me I was sure that after all of that build up with him on the phone he was going to be a big part of the rest of the season and maybe he still will be if the time skip keeps happening but it seems that before he died he went back into his past also because he commented that he knew how surprised Desmond was when he saw how much he had aged since 1996. It's unfortunate that he died before he could fill them in on the crews mission.

Mind Shifting - As I mentioned in my initial thoughts it seems that when these mind shifts that Desmond gets can go two ways either from the present to the past or the past to the present but not to the future yet.

The first time Desmond went back right after the hatch imploded his mind from 2004 remembered everything about the Island and he even told it to his friend Donovan. However this time his mind from 1996 came to 2004which shows that it goes both ways.

Ok now it's theory time for me. What if Penny somehow meets Daniel Farady or Desmonds firend Donovan? They both could tell her important info about the Island and "Time Travel" from what Desmond has told them. Which is probably what got her thinking about the possibility of it all being true when Desmond goes missing during the race around the world.

Either way we know that Penny seems to have put considerable time and resources into finding Desmond. We know that Penny has special info also since back in Season 2 when the Hatch imploded, her arctic science station was waiting for that electromagnetic signal to tell them where to look.

My guess is about that time Penny started sending her constant flashing light messages to that area of ocean hoping someone would answer. It was her luck that Charlie did and she finds out Desmond is alive after all those years.

Daniel and Eloise -

1996 Daniel seems to have been doing any expierements with time travel and some such and it appears he is successful with his rat Eloise. As we see she does mind shift to the future and learns to run a maze. Which convinces Desmond of the validity of things and that he's not going crazy.

Now Daniel in 1996 assumes that Desmond was sent to him to help him in the past and I believe that is the case. Somehow despite his memory problems, from what I can only assume are years of expierements with an unprotected head, he figured out that unless Desmond goes back in time and teaches 1996 Daniel about time travel that Daniel will end up stuck at some point on an Island without the info he needs to progress whatever purpose he has. Daniel Farady isn't someone I'd call dangerous but he clearly is looking out for number one as shown in his Journal, unless he helps Desmond, then Desmond dies and there is no constant for Daniel if things go wrong.

Widmore and Black Rock -
Charles Widmore has long been considered a possibility for whoever is pulling the strings. We know that Charles widmore, Penny's dad, hates Desmond and that Desmond enters Widmore's race around the world to prove himself.

We also know that he is connected to Hanso foundation, who is connected to Dharma, and now we know he has a big interest in the Hanso family and the Black Rock.
He spends a bundle of money to make sure he gets this Journal from Tovard Hanso who served aboard the Black Rock and I don't believe he wants it for it's historical value. He wants it because it holds info about where the ship disappeared. Which means to me Dharma found this journal on Island and brought it back. Widmore must know this and wants it to use it's contents to find the Island and use what Dharma failed to accomplish.

This also means that he sent the boat to the Island and it is "Not Penny's Boat". This could also be why Minkowski was told specifically not to answer that message from Penny. Her dad doesn't want her to know the Island exists especially since Desmond could be on Island. This also explains how Naomi got the picture of Des and Penny, Charles Widmore gave it to her.

Odds and Ends -

- Desmond was in the military and we know from past episodes that he ended up in military prison. It is very likely that he gets put there for going AWOL which he probably did to go see Penny. I don't think he had leave because if he did why does it seem he snuck out of camp.

- The phone call between Penny and Desmond was so very touching, I was pretty sure he was dead at the end like Minkowski but I'm glad to see he didn't and since he dodged that bullet I hope the writers leave it alone.
- Desmond eye was shown close up in this episode and it reminded me of Jacob's eye from the cabin. I'm not going to post Jacob's eye again here but take a look and tell me what you think.

Ok guys once again sorry for the delay but I hope you enjoy the blog. I'll see you all in a few days for the next one. Comment away!