Thursday, March 13, 2008

LOST Episode 4.7 - Instant Thoughts

Not cool. This episode seriously just messed with us.

All of Jin's off Island story was flashbacks not the flashforwards we were seeing with Sun.

Jin however is definitley included in at least the 8 that Jack mentioned in court because we know they brought home 2 bodies. Whether Jin dies on the ship or on the Island there is no way to tell but I think he died after they got back home.

I'm hoping he died standing up to Sun's father and protecting her at home and not on Island.

I loved the fact that Hurley came to see her after all was said and done. I'd expect that out of all of the survivors he'd be the one to help comfort her. This is also Hurley's first flashforward we can actually place in time since we know generally how long Sun was pregnant.

Did it seem to anyone else that Daniel might be having a moral war with himself about them not being there to help the survivors? He doesn't strike me as a corporate thug type yet he seems to understand that his mission comes first no matter how much that sucks.

The spy is revealed finally to be Michael like many of us guessed it was I can't figure out how he got on the baot and seems to have lost walt.

The Captain while he definitley told the truth has to be holding something back

I liked the episode but I'm still really confused. So many questions. Help me out what are your thoughts?



Anonymous said...

We don't know for sure that Jin is dead, maybe it was just a memorial stone and he's still on the island. Either way it stinks they have to be apart. Okay so the Oceanic Six are Jack, Kate, Hurley, Aaron, Sayid, and Sun, right?

Anonymous said...

I think I read somewhere that Aaron wasn't considered one of the "Oceanic 6" since he didn't have a plane ticket. So that only gives us 5 people. Did they say that all 6 had been revealed?

Anonymous said...

My husband said & I do remember that too on the previews it said tonight we'll find out who that last survivor was. So I'm guessing they did include Aaron. So if Sun was 2 months in that episode. Juliette said she had 3 weeks to get off the island. Does that mean in the next few episodes we'll get to see them actually leave??!! I agree with what Patty said about Jin. Did anyone get a good shot of his tombstone to see exactly what it said. The date of death has to be on there. If it says Sept. 22, 2004 or whatever the plane crash date is then we know that it's a memorial stone. Right? Why do you think Jack tells the lady at the pharmacy to call his dad & Sun tells the doctor to call her husband & he says he'll try to reach him if they (phar. lady & dr.) know they're dead? Ok, so now is Claire the 2nd person that dies? Desmond saw her by the helicopter.